Can i watch akagi without knowing shit about mahjong?

Can i watch akagi without knowing shit about mahjong?

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Just read up on the basics. The plays are nigh incomprehensible anyway, but he anime does a good job at selling you how pimp Akagi is.

You can but that would be like 20% of the fun you could have got.
Just read the rules and play some games online Mahjong is not rocket science.

Play the singleplayer flash game for half an hour or so until the basic nature of the game clicks. Even without knowing how the game works the first night is pretty crazy but knowing even just a bit how the game kinda functions makes Akagi's thought processes seem to be on a whole other level.

You MUST watch akagi without knowing shit about mahjonng

akagi mahjong is 99% bullshit, like if poker had a royal flush every 2 hands.

That's Mudazumo.

Well how are you supposed to enjoy a poker anime if you don't know what royal flush is?

You are right, i'll download kaiji instead because i only have like 4 hours to download something before my phone internet expires

rest in pieces old Madhouse, they knew how to make you enjoy the game you know nothing about

Until Washizu Mahjong the Akagi matches were based on replays Fukumoto did with his friends.

Most mahjong anime either devolve into yakuman spam (Mudazumo/Tetsuya) or hidden han secret shounen technique (Gintama, Saki).

Akagi seems more realistic because it's based on real games.

Mahjong is one of the best game apps to have on one's phone in my opinion. Totally worth the learning curve.

i watched it and enjoyed it anyways only knowing that mahjong was like poker, and I don't know how to play poker either.

narrator and atmosphere makes the anime

i agree because i loved One outs and i almost don't know shit about baseball

That's the only way to watch Akagi.

Baseball isn't exactly hard to follow though. It's been a while since I've seen it but for memory One Outs explains the game well enough as it goes through it anyway.


fuck lol. I need to learn how to play mahjong now

So there are all these pretty patterns, and the winning requirements and points earned are both certain patterns and the way you got tiles for them. The drama comes from trying to predict what your opponents are trying to gather by the tiles they discard so one accidentally doesn't help them. More drama is double layer of point multipliers which change seats. Even more drama if 2 team up on you, It's overall more like 2 vs 2 instead of all 4 vs each other. Hands are huge, usually 14 tiles long so it's all pretty lengthy game process full of both just as planed and uneasiness
(what I got just from reading a couple of these things so far)

>akagi mahjong is 99% bullshit
compared to saki it's tame

I love Akagi and all but I'm really tired of "manime" lovers ragging on Saki for not being a realistic depiction of a game they have no idea how to play.

no one can beat the luck

those are worse but so what?

akagi still play with magic titles

dont get me wrong I love Saki but really sometimes what people want is realism instead of bullshit rinshan kaihous out of nowhere. Though I did watch Saki before akagi and its what made me do mahjong anyways

>Washizu Mahjong
I'm triggered by this

Noob shit
Easy peasy
Oh shit
Oh fuck you lesbian man

After watching Akagi I really wanted to watch more Mahjong stuff and I sort of liked Saki but it's way too bullshit to really watch.

I like Akagi because he went into detail on why he decided to do his moves and what his opponents were thinking before he did his move. There isn't anything at all like that in Saki.

>he doesn't believe in the power of coincidence

I first watched Akagi without knowing a thing about mahjong, and I can't even begin to tell you how cool was it to rewatch/reread the beginning after about a year, when I actually learned how to play.
Mahjong is definitely fkmt's strongest point, and favourite storytelling tool. I hope you give Agaki a try regardless, maybe just watching will inspire you to learn mahjong, instead of you forcing yourself to learn it in order to better understand the series at first.

Nobody knows what Akagi is doing

>like Mahjong
>too stupid to learn Yaku

here dude

an when you get ''no multipleyer'', google yaku

It's what I have been practicing at but just some Yaku don't stick in my mind, like pretty much anything that can be made with an open hand.

of course luck, Washizu is the plot armorest, and that live action made him kawaii as fuck as well. Fucking STRONK

Uhg, that's why I never watch live action movies. Washizu looks way more like your usual cute old grandpa rather than the crazy demonic abomination he is in the manga.

Akagi was a horrible mouth-breathing edgelord so I dropped it. Probably some idolshit just like they usually do. It was a damn waste because Washizu played perfectly.

implying that washizu wasn't moe in the manga as well

it's actually one of the best Live action, .Try comparing it with the one from Saki. And Akagi acting improves with every episode
Tohai is also good

Knowing mahjong puts you at a disadvantage since Akagi mahjong is 100% bullshit.

The most important thing to know about baseball is that it's the dullest game even invented. Of course, Nips will tell you differently, but Nips are the dullest people in the world.


Yeah but his moe had a different flavor.

not really, I would say that make you realize how batshit insane Akagi is

Fukumoto's mahjong series are great for the same reasons his other series are: he depicts the psychological side of the games in such a detail that the characters feel really alive.
The Washizu match isn't that great example because it lasted literally for decades, milking whole dairies of ideas completely dry, but things like the Urabe match (notably its explanation session at the end) is stuff that becomes about thousand times more interesting if you know the game.


I agree with Knowing mahjong can really only bring you more enjoyment from a good mahjong manga. The excellent psychological aspects of Akagi are one of the reasons people who don't know mahjong can easily enjoy the anime, but knowing shows you just how audacious and whack Akagi can get while playing.

The version I watched had the description of each term anyway

honestly, with how much it was put out that washizu has godly luck, that he's a king amongst men, how revered he is by his goons, nothing can break my suspension of belief.
kokushi tenpai as his starting hand? god fucking damn it old man, alright!
he is always very moe also

No, Akagi is way more bullshit than Saki. Saki get these good hands because she's good with the kans and the other girls have some quirks too but it all goes on a game of counters and it follows the rules of mahjong. Akagi's game is just "fuck you, I win" Akagi can even predict the future. When you see how he tricked the blind man into cheating, or how he went on his elaborate ruse to make that guy deal the 2pin after losing twice and not winning that suuankou, you see he's not playing mahjong, it's all a set up from the author about this player just winning no matter what because he has infinite plot armor. Akagi is still really enjoyable though.

It would be extremely painful.