DOW is plunging. What say you, Republicucks/Trumpettes?

DOW is plunging. What say you, Republicucks/Trumpettes?

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Kill Rothschilds family, all elite bankers and politicans.

Trump was taking credit for the stock market rising. The White House is in full damage control right now. And spreading their propaganda you idiots fall for as soon as possible:

As the deep state treason continues to be revealed, you'll be shocked as the bad guys win


The future belongs to us kike

Most of the pol I know voted for Trump to hasten the end times. Not sure why you think shilling and sliding with this shit is really good bait...



>DOW is plunging. What say you, Republicucks/Trumpettes?

all the way down, can the dow go to a negative number? that would be cool if it ended up so all the people who own stocks owe the nation money

You goyims will never win against us. Greater Israel soon.

im not an alarmist like most of the dems/kikes new to this should readjust within the week..tho if it continues to drop, then the day of the rope is upon us

Want to have a civil war?

Come on, it will be fun!


>"stock markets aren't the economy" - lefties
>"rising markets are thanks to obama not trump" - lefties
>"tayronquellius please cum in my wife so I can lick it out" - lefties

Looks like gold bugs win again

Investors are worried about Fed rate hikes because Trump is growing the economy too fast.

At least the ones that didn't sell all their gold for crypto.

It's expected to drop another 1000 points by tomorrow

I want unity

It's been expected for months now, anyone who took ten minutes on Bloomberg News could have told you this was coming.

The market getting shoved up so far, so fast was screaming CORRECTION INBOUND to any investor with more than a brainlet. And it's here.

The question will be how many foreign markets got dumb, chased along, and are now slipping into the undertow behind the Dow. This will knock over a lot of less stable financial systems while the US just shifts back down into low gear.

Rising markets WERE thanks to Obama, you shit. The Trump bubble, as another pointed out above is finally popping. This is horrible news if it continues to decline, BUT I can't lie that I'm also excited to see what excuses you far-right tards come up with now.

these faggots are selling all of their assets and trying to hide their money.

well fuck if ((they)) say it...

Thanks for posting something that at least had some thought behind it. I hope you're right.

>oh yeah tayronquellius pound my wife's pussy with the cock I wish I had hnngh

Your superior intellect is showing

Yellen was out of the Fed on Saturday. Powell took over on Monday.

Saudi Princes got arrested and had to give up huge chunks of their wealth to the King.

Saudi King may be selling off shit and preparing to buy shit that he wants.

Chicks going down somewhere.

Big changes in the world. shit had to sort out.

I say we need many more of these threads

i'd say it's a terrible time to be a kike.


it wasn't Obongo's policies.

Shale oil and banks got bailed out.

It wasn't electric cars and creating national parks.

You tell me. Its Obama's economy right?

THANKS god its still
OBAMAs economy

Haha right when shit starts hitting the fan it's no longer Trump's economy

do you even think about what you're typing out before typing it out?

>unity is our strength

Sounds good, but wait.

>diversity is our strength

There it is! That's the one you should go with!

It's a setup by the global elite is what I say.



The Rothschilds basically told him they were going to do this. Wake the fuck up.

Why do you want everything to fail? You are truly terrible people.

Can't wait to vote for him in 2020.

Nope. Previous president's economy is over after the first new budget has passed. Trump economy started two weeks ago. Doesn't look like it's shaping up to be a great one.

Seeing that that is the current state of affairs it makes me not wanna live in the US anymore. I like it here, but I really wish we could get along.

You sound happy about that. What the fuck is wrong with the left! Seriously.

Correction. Markets might be overvalued but their fundamentals are effectively the same. No major outside events like dot-com bubble/housing crisis/stagflation to cause this drop.

Just relax and ride it out.

Do you actually think it's that big of a deal? Why do you care so much about the Dow readjusting?
It's dropped 4.5% after it rose by 40% over 2017, of course it was going to readjust

You niggers really need to learn math and how economics work.

I say you're a faggot.

No no. You've got me dead wrong. I'm not happy at all about it. How could I? This affects us all.

Seems like you could be right. It's one hell of a correction though

Don't pretend you wouldn't be happy if Obama crashed the market, fucking hypocrite.

You should get the fuck out, honestly. It's going to be a bloodbath in 10-20 years and I dont want you or your girlfriend Bob getting hurt!

I understand that it is a possible market correction. I focus on the "what if" scenario if the trend continues.

Because wage/economic growth expectations were too high, raising interest rate hike expectations. Not exactly 2001 or 2008.

>It's going to be a bloodbath in 10-20 years and I dont want you or your girlfriend Bob getting hurt!


No shit. I can't help but feel that this could be due to Trump way over-hyping the state of the economy. I hope we're not fucked.


Volatility has shot up because the market is waaaayyyy overvalued and we had a really bad indicator of inflation the other day and it spooked the market.

If you want to know why everyone is so afraid of inflation taking off look to Obama and his quantitative easing. Stimulus forced Obama to spent most of his presidency trying to raise interests rates to keep inflation from going insane and he wasn't able to. We've been at historic low interest rates for well over a decade. East Asian and Europe followed our polices and did stimulus and similarly dropped interest rates to nothing. Many nations, lacking the strength of the US economy, have had to go to negative interest rates all to try to kick start their economies.

Obama was never able to really get the economy going again. With the government faking jobs numbers, inflation and GPD it's pretty clear that the US was at or near recession for most of his presidency. But during all of that the markets went up. Every time a new round of stimulus was announced the markets would surge. Now years later we have a market that has started to take off on real economic growth and surge even higher. The result is a market hitting all time highs but with a foundation built on sand.

And don't tell me the market under Obama went up on corporate profits. Corporate profits for a decade have been built on cutting employees, cutting retail locations, and putting money in the bank instead of investing in growth.

We are set for a massive market correction. It could burst the debt bubbles. (Housing, student loan, auto loan, credit card and currency). It'll be much worse than the housing bubble if it goes.

>Not Understanding How Markets Correct: The Thread

It was impressive for it to go as long as it did, for sure.

>Serbian flag

Well argued friend. Do you think the bubble busts would occur due to panic?

Market was pumped up during Obama years because free money.
Without free money the market has to readjust.
Not voodoo.

Jesus Christ I hope you're just sliding and not really this dumb

Yeah I'll admit. That was a retarded comment.

You elect a joke candidate, you get a joke economy. I mean, it's all fun and games until everything crashes, and you realize maybe a serious adult should actually be running the country after all.


Good for me, I have tons of money to reinvest
Thanks Trump, MAGA!

Kek, then there will be a true crash.

"The Federal Reserve May Secretly Want to Sink the Record-Breaking Stock Market"


>smug 20/20 hindsight
If you actually were that certain, why didn't you short the market? Why don't you?

>We can't let this man get his hands on the nuclear codes

>it's Obama when it's good but Trump when it's bad


Now reverse what you just said, and you've got Republicucks figured out

Real holocaust when?

No faggot Obama never had 3% growth EVER before Trump.

>It's Obama when his policies and budget is still in affect but Trump when his policies and budget is now in effect.


Yeah. It's fucking disturbing Trump has his hands on the nuclear codes. They say a president can't take ownership over the economy until a year into their presidency. Well, here we are. Let's see how how this all goes

Do you think Pence will run against Trump in the Republican primary?

No one says it's Obamas economy unironically. People say it as a joke because of all the news articles that say the economy is doing well because of Obama.
They attribute the rise of the Dow to Obama even though he had no link to it in 2017.

>no link to it in 2017
>except for the fact that all his policies and his budget were still in effect


So you're saying that the Dow grew by 40% because of the budget? Don't you think that people would sell their shares in anticipation of Trump's 2018 budget?
And how do you explain the extremely fast growth of the Dow this January before the wage growth stats and new interest rates were released?

Invest in trump dildos every trump fag is buying them like crazy, y'all love the feeling of his short dick up your ass

I'm glad disaster is upon us and I will have to hunt liberals to feed my family. I stocked up on ammunition for my rifles, did you?

Didn't think so.

>takes credit for the rise of the economy than right after that literally drops 666 points

>A.I markets

>Trump appoints new Fed chairman.
>Dow crashes.

In 2008 the stock market had a crash, rather than fix the problems that lead to the crash the Govts pumped money into the banks but not fix the problem.
10 years later with the bubble getting worse, the Rothschild family starts selling off property.

>the Dow Jones correcting itself is the only economic indicator worth looking at
>fuck annual real GDP growth
>fuck unemployment
>fuck real wage growth
>fuck terms of trade
>fuck the trade account
>fuck everything look at thissssss

>markets rise for past year
>markets drop

so you gonna respond or did you realised that you're wrong?

Buy food. Buy water. Buy seeds and equipment to live self sufficiently. Gold, silver, guns, ammo, medical equipment, gasoline, batteries, matches.
I hope you guys have been preparing.

Fuck off, libs all praise Obama for the records but not this dip


>And how do you explain the extremely fast growth of the Dow this January before the wage growth stats and new interest rates were released?
>before the wage growth stats and new interest rates were released

>They attribute the rise of the Dow to Obama even though he had no link to it in 2017.

He left office in 2017

>Trump bragged about the Dow
>Obama better in all statistics

Analysis: Government set to borrow nearly $1 trillion this year, an 84 percent jump from last year

Try reading what I said again until your pea brain is able to parse it, retard.

The Fed is the reason we're in this mess to begin with

Now, here’s the job growth under Trump compared with the years since 2010, in the same February to November time period. Trump’s numbers look less impressive in context.

Trump has repeatedly boasted that the “unemployment rate is at a 17-year low,” citing the standard (U-3) unemployment rate from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which hovers around 4.4 percent in 2017. His new-found excitement for the BLS numbers represents a considerable flip-flop for Trump, who claimed the unemployment rate was “nonsense” prior to his inauguration.

In fact, Trump has called the unemployment figure “fake” as many as 19 times before he embraced the numbers as president. And, nearly a year ago, we gave Trump Four Pinocchios for claiming “the unemployment figure, as you know, is totally fiction,” during a rally in Des Moines.

Trump inherited low unemployment numbers from Obama. Since 2011, the unemployment rate has steadily declined from a high of 9.6 percent following the Great Recession. It was 4.8 percent in January, when Trump took the oath of office, and it was 4.1 percent in the December employment report. Below are the yearly averages since 2011.
