Claims to want to save the white race, ends up killing millions of them

Hitler killed aproximately 50 Million whites but that's not all, he also stopped 2,237,760,000 Whites from ever existing according to fertility rates of the last decades.

If it was not for Hitler, Whites - the most conservative race would hold their own countries and minorities wouldn't be able to sway elections. Just imagine how diluted African, Aboriginal and Mexican gene pools would be in White countries.

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I think you just broke Sup Forums

Hitler was awesome.

Still better in long term bc he took on the Jew, and provided inspiration to us all

>Took on the jew
Except now we cant take on the Jew because of him.

>no one is sure who his father was. 2/3 possibilities claimed talk about either jewish father or grandfather
>NSDAP was funded by mostly jewish IG Farben since Adolf took over.
>Hitler send jews to Israel before war to protect them
>Nazis caught 1 Rothshild but gave him freedom and send him to US/Israel(don't remember)
>no importan jew was killed/imprisoned by the nazis even though nazis said they were the main source of a problem
>allied with soviet slavs to btfo non soviet slavs who actually menaged to beat up soviets 20 years earlier
>named like AshkeNAZI
>bombed old european churches for no reason
>killed milions of europeans while not even one milion of jews, most of whom were just poor europeans with jewish background
>supported state of israel
>NAZIS were Red shield like every leftist movement since Rothshild-organized french revolution. Yes Rothshild means Red shield

>NSDAP was funded by mostly jewish IG Farben since Adolf took over

> During the 1920s, it had ties to the liberal German People's Party[2] and was reviled by the Nazis who accused it of being an "international capitalist Jewish company."[2] The company later became a donor to the Nazi Party in the 1930s,

Sheeiit, thanks for the redpills.

Can you prove any of this or are you talking out your arse?

die retard

These people live so sow discord they will attempt to deconstruct everything that is the trade mark of the Jew. We are saying no matter who it is every single jew is to blame. The problem is not one of a handful of conscious individuals it is of an entire race.

>Claims to want to save the white race
this literally never happened but Sup Forums is retarded enough to not know that

Killed at the very least 9 million germans by starting a war he could have never win, killed a lot of english, french, other europeans, killed millions upon millions of western russians. ThE MuH SaViOr oF WhItEs

Things would be different today if had not failed. I doubt the Jews would have nearly as much control as they do now if not for WW2. Hitler was a mistake.

Adolf Hitler Ehrenmann! Sieg Heil

Most of us wouldn't KNOW about the jew without him.


Fuck right off jew

Hitler was only fighting for Germans and German nationalism.
White wasn't even a European term back then.

An amerimutt shouldn't be educating you on this.

>hitler killed
>not (((they))) killed

Well back to plebbit kid

He could win this war. Easy. He was just too impatient and paranoid

>He was just too impatient and paranoid
This: Hitler acted the way he did because he knew he was dying, and so thought to himself "what the hell, I'll give it a shot": he knew he didn't have long to live.


Just goes to show you that Hitler was a Jewish creation, made to show the world just how evil whitey is.

>Hitler killed aproximately 50 Million whites
Some of which he personally burned at the stake.

>nigga you dumb

nazi is derived from national socialist

He blow his load early that's all

Again they are applying concept from the present to situations 70 years ago. The biggest enemy for white peoples were white peoples at the time. Non whites were never perceived as a threat like they are now.

Yes because Stalin certainly didn't genocide anyone

He didn't kill them, Churchill and (((Allied Forces))) did