Approaching 5k
I bet you israel is hacking some shit
Is your meme money crashing sweetie?
You thought optimism would defeat fundamentals
If you think for a second it's not Jews you are forever lost
This isn't /biz/ you faggots.
I predicted 5k as a max months ago. But I didn't larp it so now I'm not anonymous-famous like Q. Instead I just got laughed at and called a shill.
get fucked nigger
this is what you get for fucking with the GPU prices
Hum, no sweetie, it's not crashing, it's bending. This is a new paradigm.
According to him (
So hold, dont panic and just sit it out.
>those tiny bumps
I remember sitting in a first year university lecture, and the professor pulled up a graph of those and referred to them as "wild fluctuations in value" of Bitcoin.
Look at the meme money now.
Now who's fucking with RAM prices though?
Good. Maybe video cards will drop to somewhat decent prices because of that.
Buy the dip, faggot. BTC is where it was about four months ago.
Wow, you discovered the true nature of markets. Congratulations.
this pleases me so fucking much, there is a god
That picture is the biggest joke I've ever seen.
Greedy faggots should've got out at 15k.
Tell me exactly why you think that.
well, they left out a good part of each frame. see the top 2 are digging farms. meanwhile the bottom 4 are digging graves for their starved children.
typical commie shit, leaving out the whole image.
kek yeah 7-6 now. it haven't janked enough I just buy crashes currently, the bot I'm running right now hasn't been triggered yet.
I was expected it's bearing and I think it will go down a bit more too. I wasn't going to cash out anything this run anyways, have to wait for next one and it starts to bull again.
many things have happened too which causes massive shit, it's like this with stocks too, commodities or whatever. Shit happens and sooner or later any marked will bear.
>china cracking down, banning it all out and are now tracking down those who trade offshore.
>inda banned
>south korea booom
All three big parts of the marked
Jews. It's always the jews.
It implies that in communism everything is shared equally, which is never the case. Also, taxation is not theft.
buy now
I mean that's literally the definition of communism but ok.
I hope I get some money to ride the next wave
sometimes he actually affects the marked with his horse shit, for a very short period of a time, usually like 30m-1h or so, causes a spike because I bet normies listen.
But not with this shit, he is usually shilling for some altcoin. He doesn't know what he is talking here. He so finance guy, he knows hacking and viruses I am sure, but not markeds
I see the natsoc and commies don't have any money..
Yeah that's kind of the whole point. How's BTC speculation going?
The ponzi is over, rebyata.
Ill short you x10
it was a defeated concept from the beginning. decentralized currency that (((they))) wouldn't know about and catch on to?
It had a good run user but the concept was flawed
Communism always includes nomenklatura, the new elite. The more equal ones that are as rich as biggest bankers while everyone else is either in state security apparatus or in forced labor.
>its bending
Says the guy whos going to be cutting off his penis.
Fat countries are generally capitalist.. North Korea is communist. Really makes me think.
Then that's not communism. It's that simple.
Being fat is not an accomplishment. I know everyone on Sup Forums thinks that it is, but it's not.
Seriously. I'd have gotten out at 19 for sure.
>currency without any actual value crashes
Really makes me wonder
He might be insane enough to implant himself a second dick for that. Maybe grow it from stem cells. And then eat them both.
And the definition of feminism is equality too. Doesn't mean that's what's actually being implemented.
Excess of anything is bad. The point is capitalists are not dying of hunger, typically. If communism is so good why can't it provide the simplest of human needs?
[spoiler] it's happening [/spoiler]
Communism is impossible to implement.
1 - Labor Theory of Value has been debunked
2 - Economics cannot exist without private property
Enjoy wasting your best years with this stupid ideology you could have freed yourself from simply by starting a business and testing out your theories. Or even reading a single books on Basic Economics.
That absolutely is what feminism is about.
>The point is capitalists are not dying of hunger
Uh yeah. Almost the entirety of the worlds hunger is because of capitalism.
Man, people are actually this retarded.
This dude might just be trolling, idk, but people like this do exist.
>Uh yeah. Almost the entirety of the worlds hunger is because of capitalism.
[Citation Needed]
Pretty sure an anonymous person giving away "insider info" for free is nothing but horseshit. Probably trying to manipulate the market in his favor.
2018 the financial apocolypse that will begin the fall of the Trumps just in time for midterms
I dont think you need a citation for that bud.
good luck Bangladesh
lol you are such a fucking retard.
Anyone else loading up on coins right now
Cant wait to laugh at you all when it hits 100k
You got raped by Bangladesh and your whole comeback was "You don't need a citation for that." You couldn't prove your claim.
Stop blowing hot air.
I absolutely can prove that claim. It's just that it is so fucking evident that I don't see the reason why I would. There are only like 3 "communist: countries left. The entire third world Africa and South America are poor capitalist shitholes.
>Commy logic
A fantastic argument, where did you get that liberal arts degree again? Capitalism only causes famine for those who cannot compete. You hungry?
nice bait mate
Bought ETH at 40. Damn life sucks.
The amount of retardation on this thread is phenomenal.
>I absolutely can prove that
>doesn't prove it
Then Communism doesn't and can't exist. It's that simple.
What exactly are you looking for? Do you want a grade-school level chart explaining to you how the overwhelming majority of countries on earth have never had a communist revolution?
Isn't poor due to capitalism, it's poor due to chaos & war, as a result of the, shall we say, impulsive personality traits of the citizens.
That guy got that tip from a friend which is an insider.
He predicted it on the spot so im pretty confident
>Old commies in South America transfer over to socialism because communism is a joke
>What is socialism, reinvented communism
>Venezuela, one of the most resource-rich regions in the world devolves into a complete shithole because they cannot make the only surviving vestiges of communism work even with a resource excess
>What is a failed ideology in all adaptations
Nice try bud
> Africa and South America
They are all shitholes with neo-Marxist "progressive" governments.
What's your explanation for the Chilean Economic Miracle under Pinochet?
Also you're not accounting for the genetic IQ disparity. You should look into race realism.
> pic related is the world under "capitalism". notice how per capita GDP in, let's say, African nations has NOT declined. It is NOT in inverse relation to any other countries' prosperity.
The fact is that poverty is the natural state, some of us just happened to escape from it.
Notice how the only nation that's seen its per capita GDP fall even slightly was the Soviet Union.
>Hate facts
Keep those to yourself whypipo
>Gib Me Dat
Some proof stronger than "its just so fucking evident". That is not an argument. Just a stupid statement.
You still haven't posted any links claiming majority of the world is starving
Of course it's not. True communism is unimplementable
now I can get a GPU for a normal price
eat a fucking dick you 1080 mining faggot.
Should've sold at 11k putz.
Even if you want to blame world poverty on capitalism rather than lack of development (as if it's capitalism's fault places that have been shitholes since the dawn of man are still shitholes), capitalism still has a fair proportion of high HDI countries under its belt while communism is batting 0.
We need to return to the gold standard, down with paper money!! OOooh, digital currency!!! Buy buy buy!!!
why do people even BOTHER with "mining"
>get "farm" of gpus
>expect to recoup $100000 in GPU costs somehow with meme money
you deserve to be poor.
Yeah, you have been posting a lot.
Lmao'ing at your life
it's almost like it was a bubble or something
>it's almost like it was a bubble or something
Who else waiting for it to bottom out to buy like 100 dollars worth and let it sit for years just to see what happens?
I'm a newfag when it comes to crypto.
Why is every crypto currency crashing and burning except fucking e-coin which is UP 400%?
Q predicted this
everyone with a brain desu
normies are like cattle
Too many other people are waiting for that to happen for it to actually happen
Solar power +Asic.... readem and weep
my thoughts exactly, you're a pretty smart guy
posting OC
feel free to repost in /biz/
So basically the story of bitcoin so far goes like this.
>bitcoin starts and gains some hype among lolbertarians and others as an alternative to fiat currency and you see some people buying it.
>the price doesn't vary much on the graph from 2013-2014
>then all of a sudden something happens in 2016
>suddenly people notice another utility outside of it's intended use, using it as a trading commodity
>hype builds and people buy in and many happy early investors sell delighted they made a tidy profit
>hype snowballs as those early investors rebuy and normalfags start buying too
>price exponentially and unsustainably grows
>savvy investors can see the bubble coming but don't know when it'll pop, all people saying it's a bubble are dubbed shills by the "get rich quick" crowd
>eventually the price reaches a high enough point that the incentive for hacking/stealing from exchanges far outways the risk of getting caught
>news breaks about rampant hacking and all the normal fags start panic selling causing the bubble burst
Who knows where it goes from here but bitcoin was never supposed to be primarily a trading commodity and with wild swings like this will never see use in it's intended roll anymore.
you were told is was crashing a month ago
never listen
Not even a month ago you had coiners making fun of me for being a no coiner. The last laugh is the sweetest.
I told them their funny money of 0s and 1s is shit since it has no intrinsic value, vulnerable to Nork hacking, and increasing demand for electricty would render bitcoins worthless.
Buy gold,silver,stocks,real estate, and guns.
>The last laugh is the sweetest
It will be buddy.
biz has the best memes