Sup Forums Did the bubble pop. Will this keep going

Sup Forums Did the bubble pop. Will this keep going

pic related

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Jews are fucked.

"The Federal Reserve May Secretly Want to Sink the Record-Breaking Stock Market"


The markets are correcting themselves, they've been overvalued for awhile now.

Holy shit this is going to be worse than 08

Bitcoin also crashed. Wtf is going on

I feel like this is a meme.

JC Penney

Idk, but I do know all those companies were on the way out thanks to amazon. They've been dying for awhile.

Don't worry about it, goy.

Not game stop! I have points from when I bought a ps3 in 2011 to still use!

>game stop
o the irony

nvidia, 56+ P/E ratio? come the fuck on

>jc penny

jesus christ gamestop, you better not I have 100s in gift card money

Unemployment will skyrocket and trump will be blamed

> No one single entity deserves is more than Gamestop.

Fuck that place and the people who work there.

What are my odds of getting a cheap PS4 in a liquidation sale?

>56% ratio
We really are fucked

Fake and gay, shills trying to push negative stock shit. Fyi kys sage

ps3 100%

Ron Paul warned us

Its a correction. Those companies were shit and being outcompeted everywhere.

nobody cares about these places except boomers



Look at the historical price of gold (which is basically bitcoin). It also crashed in 08 because people who used it as a store of wealth (meaning they had over a million dollars worth of gold) sold it off in massive quantities to ensure they could stay solvent.

Reminds me of pic and video related


trade them for steam gift cards or WoW timecards dumbass. they're basically cash.

On the bright side, pink wojaks are mooning. Will probably see normies posting them soon

Holy shit, did you idiots even check to see if this was real? OP didnt even post a link. This is fake as fuck. I know gamestop has been in trouble for years, but thats because of their business model becoming more and more unpopular. Why are you falling for bait this easily?

Your poorly-spelled fake headline is nearly as gay as you are.

Hannity predicted this.

This article is a year old stupid.

Nvidia 1180ti will cost now 450$

Yeah, we are basically back to where we were at the start of the year. We paced too fast. This level should be about the new norm give 2-3%

Fuck gamestop. I sold them like 30 games and only got like $18.

Anyone who tells you about muh correction is either a shill or an idiot. It's a lowest drop in history and it looks exactly like every bubble chart before major financial disaster. Picreleated is Dow Jones in 1929, just before Great Depression in the US kicked in. Look up charts for Nikkei in 1989 and dot.coms in 2000 are almost identical. The dynamic will continue and it will go much, much lower.

I bought bear certificates with high leverage. Did I do good Sup Forums?

What's the impact on the regular people?

>muh bubble and Nikkei crashed because of a specific event that triggered it. same with 2008
What is that trigger event now?

But they haven’t filed for bankruptcy. Op image is a shoop

No it's not. I'm not saying it isn't bad, but it's not the hardest drop in history percentage wise.

It's only the lowest drop in absolute numbers. Absolute numbers are always bigger today than in the past because stock markets rise exponentially.

2008 had much worse days.

The release of the FISA Memo. The Conspirators against America are getting desperate

Lol no.

The markets are already adjusting see for your selves.

why didn't you listen?

Peter Schiff predicted the 2008 crash on a segment on CNBC and the CNBC anchors laughed at him

He also predicts a crash everyday so that isn't impressive.


Because he understands the process of events. He can't tell you the exact time it'll happen because nobody really knows that.

Lol, yes.

They’re even willing to sink your meaningless shit hole nation.

Weren't all those companies in danger to begin with?
Is this some market molting?

Between Bitcoin and the market I lost everything.

What's the best way to become an hero anons?



It's your stock that crashed, not ours


Looks like this started in Asia.

Is trump going to fix this

This. I cant believe you spent the time to make that image and fucked up almost everything about it.

Too early to tell
I'd say lots of cheap shit and lots of people out of a job

Ops image may be fake but that doesn't stray away from the fact that the market will severely crash

>3 worthless companies are going bankrupt

who cares

Suicide bomb your local synagogue. Redeem your tainted heritage.

P.S. Dear GCHQ - This is obviously a joke post please don't lock me up with a Muzzie rapegang.

Your bait is bad, but here’s a (you) cause I’m feeling generous

sauce or fake, faggot

Lol I can't make a bomb silly

in 5 hours and 30 minutes you will see the same exact same thing happen. be prepared.

Then go shoot up a police station.

I'm legit scared

I'll be there in 30 mins

Don't forget to live stream it from your phone.

>Wtf is going on

Non jew is appointed head of federal reserve. First day he is in, jews crash the markets. Jc. Penny and gamestop and Kohls are mall stores with high rent, low profits, high shoplifting, malls are places you go to get robbed by niggers, car broken into by beaners, sell your games to a jew company for $1.20, and get gmo chinese food poisoning. A true multicultural experience.

There is nothing wrong with GMO

Me too.. I don't have anything invested in the stock market. I'm flat broke. I have a decent stockpile of prep. Tbqh I've felt uneasy for the past couple of weeks, and it's all compounding.

>pol falling for fake news as usual

>Smug anime poster
>Sup Forums btfo eternally!
Why are you even here?

Those three were mired in financial troubles well before Trump even announced he candidacy.

> spells plummet wrong
> no link

You retards realize this is a meme right?

They were all already fucked. High volume internet resellers like amazon made khols and jcpenny irrelevant, and digital downloads killed gamestop.

false, even if the principle of using Genetic Editing technology isn't inherently flawed and untested (except on the masses of population it is sold to) there is still the simple problem of the patenting of life. Also, the majority of GMO food products are edited to basically prevent them from producing the enzymes that utilize estrogenic compounds, simply because estrogenic compounds are what is incessantly sprayed on such crops (as most others as well), this allows for much more toxic xenoestrogens to enter the food supply, the water supply, and inevitably your children's bodies.

xenoestrogens are the fundamental reason behind the emasculation of the population as well as the transgender movement.

again, this point is completely independent of the fact that GMO foods have been proven through unrelated third party testing to have issues with metabolism and uptake of nutrients, as well as the fact that modern CRISPr editing using proteins injected into the makeup of the organism that are "promoters" of the editing process, these proteins are completely untested as to whether they could be accumulated in the body similar to prions, and they are completely synthetic in nature which means there have NEVER been any natural systems that have produced them, nor any except the current mono-culture farms that have seen them in action within organisms for any length of time.

So take your reductionist, non-factual, completely ignorant statement and go drink some glyphosate and atrazine.