This is what people think I look like and that is not OK

This is what people think I look like and that is not OK.

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Is JK Rowling /ourgirl/?

Motherfucker, have you seen the Amerimutt memes? Cry me a river. Oh and sage.

No. It's The English who are /yourgirls/






It sucked how you guys demonized us all my life in school and on tv haha. Your turn now :)

JJR Tolkien based the dwarves on the Jews. What are you trying to convey?

That legit is not that far from how Jews really look.

If they were hiring for deathcamps in holocaust 2: reality boogaloo I would literally suck a dick for a job there.

What are you talking about?!





holy shit


This' what you look like to me.

Its a joke you autist

whats the star wars equivalent of the jews? Nemodian? Taodorian? The banking clan dude? There's so much to chose from.

post jews dancing

Why do you guys shill so hard? It seems like you keep losing really badly. Fucking JIDF scum.

Jews of european descent dont look so off, some of them have blonde hair-blue eyes, eventhough they have khazar ancestry. In middle ages redhairness was considered a jewish trait.

It truly is amazing to see pictures like this now.
Growing up I would have just said "These are old ugly white guys." But now that I know how to spot them, their Jewishness sticks out like a sore thumb and it's unmistakable and you wonder how you never noticed that these people are clearly different from us.
The indoctrination that "Jews are white" truly goes deep and the people who manage to shake it off are high tier big brain geniuses.

darth sidious

heh bud. wanna get totally baked bro?


Are you saying, you don't look like it?

can you post a nose pic with timestamp?


Whatever race Watto was.

y'all are so cute

OK, I changed my mind. Gas.


These slimy yid spergs are the children of God? Fuck.

>t. Arab




People think you look like this, pic related.

>master builders
>take no shit from elves
>rich and powerful
>honorable heritage
Bretty good

If the mutt meme offends you, then you are not white.

>khazar ancestry
That's a myth

*tips yarmulke*

That's not a myth. Stop lying to yourself.

>whole race and homeland ruined by greed


Greedy af
Shit warriors
No honors
Bitching like whining girls

that the khazars converted to judaism or that a significant number of modern jews are descended from khazars?

Are you Irish?

No genetic study showed something like that

Glad we agree

>This is what people think I look like and that is not OK.
I wish more Kikes looked like this.

I just linked one faggot

el goblino judeo....

I though most Jews were Ashkenazis who immigrated to Israel from the Ukraine?

>dat “my 600 lbs life” in the corner
How many burgers do you think Jazz gobbles per day?

and this is the proper way to start a rare merchant thread

>This is what people think I look like and that is not OK.
>The Jew wants to make thought a crime.

And you wonder why no one likes you.
