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I can spot you from a mile away Ivan

What is this burrshit

Switzerland (people in it at least, not the nation) and Portugal ought to be blue, what's that above poland? former Germany? not a baltic state

belongs to Russia. Used to be Königsberg and Prussia, now called Kaliningrad

I can't believe this fucking shithole was actually relevant once and had such a huge impact in modern Europe. Unbelievable.

>historical impact
>relevant cultural heritage

Is that some of the famous american education at work?

are you bloody retarded
Switzerland deserves nothing more than red

For the uninformed,

>22% unemployment rate
>Minimum Wage < 3 Euros/h
>Country ran by retards for the past century
> Every political party is far left or far right
>Political parties pretending they're not far right/Far left
>Highest working hours per week
>Highest working years until retirement
>Least efficiently working country in Europe
>Most arrogant population ever.
>Church has major impact over government decisions
>Church doesn't pay taxes
>Christian Talibans basically everywhere influencing government decisions
>Shitty education
>Shitty healthcare
>Mandatory Military service
>Literally no laws for modern times. (Which is great as far as piracy is concerned)
> Literally a bullshit country.

YET, thousands march because they don't want the Republic of Macedonia rename to "Macedonia". That's our biggest fucking problem. Another fucking country renaming. Yes. That's the shit right there. Fuck this shithole.

>Prussia belongs to Russia
For now...

You have to be a major faggot degenerate to complain about the Church and to call its clerics "Christian Taliban"? Are you a "humanist taliban" because you want to impose humanist thought onto Greeks, normalize and enforce the acceptation of homos, trannies and other degenerates onto Greeks?

All Greeks need to do is reduce their government by 90%, lowers all taxes and reduce the income tax to 10%, reduce the VAT to 5%, reduce business tax to 10%, cut all tariffs (granted the countries reciprocate) and privatise pretty much everything. Get rid of public schools and healthcare.

Russia offered to sell it back after the dissolution of the Soviet Union but they didnt want it. No amount of naziboo larping will change how spineless and worthless the nu-germans are.

Prussia doesn't exist anymore and never will

Your opinion is fucking WORTHLESS

Portugal and the Netherlands need to be blue. They were pioneers in colonialism and trade.

Also, Russia should be green at best. What on earth has Russia done to impact European heritage to the same extent as the UK, France or Germany?


>no impact
Heard about Tsars and soviet union ?
I second you on Portugal and Netherlands though.

Are you kidding me?
Turkey created empire and had strong influence on European culture cunt

Just take it south man. We won't be mad.

They didn't influence Europe that much, if you compare to blue countries. In a North African / East Asian map, they'd be deep blue though.

Russia should be blue, Russia has been the bane of many empires and countries through history (including mine)
Russia has had massive influence over the history of Europe and Euroasia.

>12 countries with above average historical impact
>5 countries with average historical impact
>36 countries with below average historical impact

ya makes sense retard


Shut up. Greece is powerful and mighty. Greece is also filled with walking gods and goddesses.

>Fall of Constantinople leads to Renaissance.

>Controlling Silk road forces Europeans to discover new trade routes and continents.

Turkey should be blue.

>Netherlands need to be blue
>Russia should be green at best


t. Minimum level of history knowledge

The Irish make whisky, ought to be blue

Turkey should be blue because of the Ottoman empire and Iraq and Syria should be green because of the an said and umayyad caliphates. Poland should be green because of the commonwealth and WW2

why is Sweden yellow but Denmark is green?

All these fuken roaches crawling out of the woodworks.

Because he is an idiot.

>ukraine and belarus


Ottoman empire did not have universal impact. It was used as leverage in the internal politics of Europe. Otherwise it was completely left behind after 1492, and went into gradual retreat after the siege of Vienna.

Poland should be blue, if not green at least
If it wasnt for the winged hussars, europe would be reading the Quran every morning

Sorry user, but that country is long gone

Without Prussia, Germany doesn't exist. It would be as if Carthage was destroyed but the Romans pretended as if they still existed.

Yes! Belarus should be blue!

>If it wasnt for the winged hussars, europe would be reading the Quran every morning

hello Gzregorz, how do you like England?

>had strong influence on European culture
Only as much as the Mongol Empire. They were invaders that needed to be defeated.
150 years of Turkish occupation only gave us this mosque that is now a church and a few minor buildings that are still standing.
The Ottomans were only taking and not adding to European culture.




Domed temples are an Aramaic-Persian influenced and must be erased.

>Hungary is orange
>What is the Kingdom of Hungary
>What is Louis the Great who conquered the northern half of the Balkans and Naples
>What is the Polish-Hungarian Union
>What is Matthias Corvinus who conquered Vienna and had one of the biggest Renaissance palace in Europe
>What was 300 years of Hungarian-Ottoman Wars
>What is Rákóczi's war of independence, what was the 1848 Revolution
>What was Austria-Hungary
>What is 1956

>Poland should be blue, if not green at least
oh yes, those polish economic and scientific successes. Poland is a pisshole

Your history is comparable to Armenia, though much shorter, and that's only if I'm being generous.
>has played the role as an underling, vassal or buffer state

>burger education
This country was a major power for half a millennium, you fucking retard.



Scratch that, Armenia was WAY more important than Hungary. Substantially influenced both Iran and Rome. Hungary did not leave a lasting trace on the world, aside from influencing its equally irrelevant neighbors.

Hungary is about as important as Samo's Empire, now that I really think about it

>I have absolutely no fucking idea what the balance of power in Medieval Europa was like or what happened during this 1000 years and after that therefore it's better to act like this era have never even existed

>t. charles plumberowski

Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gangGucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang

>I don't understand what a buffer state is so better pretend like the Ottoman Empire and the duchy of Austria never existed

Are u kidding me
U sad Pole
The massive leap the polish economy has made in such a short moment is incredible. After being raped by communism as well.
You had great minds like Nicolaus Copernicus, you created the first national education commission in the world, and the second constitution in the world (first in europe). You were the first democratic country and then got destroyed by your jealous neighbors
Be proud of your country

Theyre uneducated swine

>Implying this country was always a buffer state
>Acting like the Hungarian raids on Europe never happened
>Proving my point that you don't know shit about Medieval Europe, so you act like it never happened

Pretty accurate.

>The Battle of Lechfield never happened, forcibly subduing Magyar steppeniggers forever
>Implying the Pannonian Basin will ever be anything other than a buffer zone, from the Roman garrisons to the Avar Marches to Hungary to the modern migrant crisis

>maximum historical impact

Now I'm not sure if you're unironically retarded, burger educated or just baiting.
Or maybe all at once

Off all the countries that deserve to complain about my underestimation of their historical importance, fucking """Hungary""" is at the bottom of that list. It's always the least deserving countries (Estonia, Hungary, Serbs) that whine the most.

This. The Swiss are bottom-feeders.
Irish have contributed much more than them, for example. Calvin was a mistake.

These are a bit strange, and make the assumption that the Irish played no role in the creation of the british empire?

Ireland, whether it likes it or not was part of Britain, and it's people helped build the Empire, as equally as any Scot.

It would be like Catalunya getting Independence, and then saying it played no part in the Spanish Empire, even thought Columbus sailed on Catalan ships.

Calvinism is extremely important to the Netherlands, Britain, Scotland, and America. The Puritans were hosted by the Swiss and Dutch, becoming more 'Calvinized.' They would go on to establish Ivy League schools, spreading the doctrine of Predestination as a form of master morality used to justify the amoral behavior of the Anglo-American elite.

Was sort of joking. But honestly, beyond Calvin, and perhaps Rousseau (reaching) Switzerland never influenced Europe. If anything, that's why they are wealthy, no crashes, simply balanced growth for centuries.

Germany and Italy, arguably Turkey (not if we're talking about Europe only) have to be blue. Or do you consider Italy and Germany were created in the 19th century ? That's silly imo. Then France was created at the end of feudalism in the late middle ages and Greece shouldn't even be yellow since it didn't exist as it is now at the time of ancient Athens.

Italy is the eternal and strongest blue, m8.

Well it was an ad hoc fabrication of cantons formerly part of the Holy Roman Empire, never a nation in the proper sense. Each valley just wanted to be left alone.

Both French kiddo

France, the UK, Germany, Italy and Greece have to be blue.

All bad ideas originate from France.

>Both French kiddo

Didn't know about Calvin!
Proves it even more. They just hid out in Switzerland. I can think of nothing else they did(the swiss).


I lol'd IRL

Calvinism is the only decent form of protestant christianity. The other forms are all American, English or German, and they're way worse than the French one

They're just known for chocolate, watches, banks and direct democracy. They're not a nation anyway. It's just a state but the Swiss shouldn't feel proud of being Swiss. If I were Swiss, I'd feel European first, or French if I'm a French speaking Swiss, German if I speak German etc.

German is decent , American and English ones are beyond retarded

Predestination: the only way to know if you are among the Elect is to lie, cheat, and steal. If you get away with it, you are literally elevated beyond good and evil and get a license to do whatever you want.

Combined with Calvin's Judaizing, and you get an unholy mixture of Satanic pagan Judaism that forms the underlying ethic of the current (((system))).

Cromwell LARPed as a prophet leading the Israelites as he destroyed the foundations of English civilization. American Protestantism has grim, Gothic qualities that go overboard but aren't as terrible. Lutheranism just created an empty vacuum which was filled by German Idealism and Wagnerian neopaganism, both of which have the seeds of something promising.

ever heard of empires?
Leaf came from one

How did you manage to misunderstand such a simple concept that is predestination ?

>low historical impact
Just as planned.

The problem is with you Anglo-Saxons, that you have no idea what the Orthocux Church actually is, and glorify it, because you're used to ultra cucked Christianity.

The Elect are predestined to go to Heaven by God. Earthly success is the only way to know if you are among the Elect. Hence the Protestant work ethic. Do I have to dumb it down for you some more?


if you consider that they destroyed europe every time they had some power
pic rel

German protestantism is basically american protestantism without predestination and the splitting into sects of sects of sects, radicalizing with each iteration. Which isn't surprising considering a lot of american branches of christianity originated in switzerland and Germany.

German Idealism was a fad among intellectuals and had little cultural impact, and 'Wagnerian neopaganism' is something you've literally just made up.

You are literally an Irish - British miscegenated creation.

Stupid mutt, the formation of the HRE was, among other things, the consequence of magyar raids and the counteractions against them

We invented the Americas, and ruled all of Europe including Most of Italy, Germany, The Netherlands and France.

But "average" historical impact. The fucking commonwealth education system is a joke.

>invented the americas
you stole gold from jungle niggers, gave them the flu and created the la creatura south america we have today
britain founded the real america

Tigranes of Armenia might be pissed

Not Armenian, but including ancient history changes map completely. This is why I don't think Greeks and Romans shud benefit from it either in rating

You seem a particularly dense Bodan.
We gave no one the flu, as they were are workers. Spain did not alot land to the Conquistadors, but slaves from the indegnous.

I would point out that every one of our former colonies in a functioning country. Unlinke the British empires.

It's sad.

>German Idealism was a fad among intellectuals and had little cultural impact
Hegel, the father of all modern ideologies (left-Heleianism -> Marxism, right-Hegelianism -> Fascism, neo-Kantianism + Hegelianism -> Liberal Democracy), is totally irrelevant. Or Kant, who is so irrelevant that in historiography we distinguish between pre- and post-Kantian ethics. Or Schelling, or Fichte, etc. All lasting for more than a century.

>'Wagnerian neopaganism' is something you've literally just made up
>The Reformation abolished the whole bright and consoling side of the Gothic myth — the cult of Mary, the veneration of the saints, the relics, the pilgrimages, the mass. But the myth of devildom and witchcraft remained, for it was the embodiment and cause of the inner torture, and now that torture at last rose to its supreme horror. 1 Baptism was, for Luther at least, an exorcism, the veritable sacrament of devil-banning. There grew up a large, purely Protestant literature about the Devil. 2 Out of the Gothic wealth of colour, there remained black; of its arts, music, in particular organ-music. But in the place of the mythic light-world, whose helpful nearness the faith of the common people could not, after all, forgo, there rose again out of long- buried depths an element of ancient German myth. It came so stealthily that even to-day its true significance is not yet realized. The expressions "folk-tale" and "popular custom" are inadequate: it is a true Myth that inheres in the firm belief in dwarfs, bogies, nixies, house-sprites, and sweeping clouds of the disembodied, and a true Cult that is seen in the rites, offerings, and conjurings that are still practised with a pious awe. In Germany, at any rate, the Saga took the place, unperceived, of the Mary-myth: Mary was now called Frau Holde, and where once the saints had stood, appeared the faithful Eckart. In the English people what arose was something that has long been designated "Bible-fetishism'

>Citation needed