It's 1992, who do you vote for?

Other urls found in this thread:,_2004

Bill Clinton

Ross Perot

In 92 I think i actually wrote in Alex jones

Mein nigger
Vote Perot!


I would support Ross Perot but unfortunately he only serves as a spoiler for GWB, who in a 2 way race situation would be the preferable.

Bill Clinton was a disgrace.


Bill Clinton


Bill Clinton did create a surplus but he also signed NAFTA and Bush was a stock neocon. Probably Ross Perot

>tfw I was just a newborn back then

David Duke

If y'all re-elect turdeau, Canada is done.

Honestly, The economy was very stable under Clinton

tfw Bill Clinton makes it out alive because he ratted out the witch.


Alan Keyes. Based black that Sup Forums would love.

I did that in 1988 in HS govt class, my vote was not counted in the tally.

Just annex me plz.

America was on top of the world under Based Bill.

Alan West is the only based negro I know about.

Only because of timing. The USSR fell leaving the US on top just like post-WWII. Imagine how dubya's presidency would have been if 9/11 never happened.

Allen West and Alan Keyes are cut from the same cloth. West is the soldier and Keyes is the preacher.

Obvious answer.

the failure of Republican national security is not an excuse for Dubya



Well Bill did save us from y2k.

I like you. You can come over and fuck my wife anytime.

>supporting a manlet

It happened 26 yrs ago, you are allowed to use 20/20 hindsight.

Perot was the correct choice, spoilers be damned. The fact more people didn't realize that at the time isn't an excuse to make the wrong choice again in a 26yr old questionaire!

Alan Keyes on Obama:
Alan Keyes on border policy:
Alan Keyes on income taxes:
Alan Keyes on abortion:

u realize he was just butthurt that Obama smoked his ass,_2004

tall people make shit leaders tbqh

>>supporting anyone other than Perot, knowing what you know now

C'mon. Clinton? Bush?
Besides, what the fuck do you know about Perot and his arguments in '92?

Unironically voting for a glow in the dark cia nigger

>implying Obama won his political office fairly
Oh, you.

He had better ideas, but could never get over his voice. Should've been a Jim Henson Muppet.

An hour and a half. No thanks. Say what you want to say, faggot.

I remember Perot on TV talking about that "giant sucking sound" and having the feeling he was right. A lot of Americans thought he had a real shot to win that year until he mysteriously dropped out, then claimed they'd threatened someone in his family (which seems a lot more plausible in retrospect)

He dropped out? I admit, I was a preteen then, but I certainly don't remember him dropping out.

Dropped out and re-entered, there are some conspiracy theories about it

Is this Little Schiff?

>CIA drug runner

>play boy crook and possible murder

hard choice in the land of the free