Here you go neckbeards and lefty faggots

Here is something educational for all you faggots.

Other urls found in this thread:

shameless self bump because shills are shit.

You will need to start off with something smaller
30 seconds is the current attention span.

I understand what you are talking about. However, if people care about how they are getting fucked, then they will watch this.

another shamless bump after 20 min

yeah I am watching it and sharing it with people, Ill bump all good

potentially this is being slid aswell.

good deal. beauty is needed in our life nowadays.

Also you cannot bump a thread as you are the OP

yes i forgot and you are right.

tis a shame the way art has gone but all hope is not lost.

Truth can only be delayed never halted.

I hope that it comes back.

I'll bump it for you , I might even watch the vid . But an hour ? Cut it up into 15 minute vids - " Always leave them wanting more"- PT Barnum

Basic, simple, true and most importantly:

The /comfy/est philosopher alive

Some of the comments are in some other language - Is this shit in English or what OPAnon ?


The subtitles are in Portuguese for the video. That means that a lot of people only have a basic understanding of English. Watch the video and don't worry about the comments.

Smart move is to be autistic and watch it at times 2 speed. It is a good video watch it.

>watch it at times 2 speed
Good idea

Good documentary, it's really a wonder the BBC accepted it.

Garbage. Way too eurocentric and dismissive. Modern art is objectively better. Most classical music gets old real fast. Modern architecture is objectively more useful.

This shit, is just showing off.

Why do you have this opinion?

Because I'm not a close-minded old asshole who fetishes the past.

Thank you OP! Just watched whole video do you have more particularly on the architecture side? Heard modern art is jewish trying to learn more.

I watched about 15 mins but i have to go yo work now. Hood shit tho OP cant wait to finish it when i get home

Your photo is of the timeframe where people forgot about beauty. You need to see the beauty of the past. Watch the video fucker.

I wished I did. I am super interested now. This documentary gives me the feels and I will search more on my own.

Good shit.

They "forgot about beauty" in the Victorian era? What're you talking about? Anyway, have you ever even read any Charles Dickens?

The documentary is garbage, too Eurocentric and I stopped watching when he started giving empty platitudes about modern art, music, and architecture.


goddamn chikes!

You can always watch the odd PJW video, if you really want to know about architecture.

I gotta know who this streamer is, he’s so goddamn funny but I forgot his YouTube/twitch.
Thank you. Dudes got no filter lol

I gotta know who this guys youtube/stream is. I saw him months ago and he’s so goddamn funny but forgot his name.
Anyone help me out I appreciate it

Whops thought 1st message didn’t send