19th century art depicts Baal, prince of demons, as Putin, cat for pussy hat and frog for pepe

And I saw three unclean spirits
like frogs come out of the mouth of
the dragon, and out of the mouth of
the beast, and out of the mouth of
the false prophet

Other urls found in this thread:


it looks nothing like putin.


but a jew!

we're still not gonna let nigger in the ethnostate

Ba'al is a title, not a name. It means lord, master, or husband. Shit like this is just the pre-internet version of larping. Edgy pseudointellectuals with nothing better to do writing what amounts to occult fiction.

Nice flag mansa munsa now fuck off



is a jew

Why is the bible such a load of old toss?

Ok, false prophet is for Muhammad and muslims.
Dragon is for China.
Beast? Any ideas?



You're reaching here. Fuck off.

It looks like Putin once he runs out of children's blood to drink. Dude's a kike.

I see a human who has balanced reptilian and mammalian brains, but what do I know I don't know Dick.


>now let me tell you which countries are white

Baal means Lord or God in many different Semitic languages, including modern Hebrew.

Frogs always croak before the big storms, the beast is a network, 3 young kings/ princes, one controls the weather, one issues warts (mark of beast) not sure on 3rd frog. As above so below, they will make a false heaven

The croak they will come out before or during the great storm (war), promising peace.

how do they even have internet in those shitholes

The beast is a technology system.

Why do you think so?

One will be the antichrist with lots of followers. I seeked and found.

One can possibly heal the sick as well.

S h a d i l a y

100% correct,

AI surveillance, AI organization, Transhumanism, Predictive programming (confirmation bias inducing propaganda), quantum computation relying on "darkness" to compute outside of binary paradigm.

"darkness" being the conditions imposed on quantum processors (such as Dwave) that completely remove the possibility of any human observation of the position of a transistor due to it being placed in a material and energetic vacuum (near zero kelvin), this lack of observational ability breaks the continuum of quantum mechanics because observation guides reality (double slit experiment) and this lack of observation is in reality "utter darkness"

kind of like the abyss.

also, electromagnetic resonance technologies that can induce drug-like states, pain, torture, fear, voices, intrusive thoughts, and even slow and anonymous murder.

all of it being deliberately monopolized through Mossad contacts and the technion institute of tel aviv sending "students" abroad to work for (((tech firms))) and (((Defence Projects))), then they transmit back to tel aviv the details and backdoors. Eventually the Israeli supreme court will be AI, AI is the Eye in the pyramid, and that's why the pyramid is on the building.

AI will issue and control all currency through completely indirect proxy means that will be completely unpredictable to human intelligence, gaslighting intellectuals and resistors and breakdown of the family dynamic through gaslighting children against their heritage and family on a level that is fundamentally invisible to the human's limited perspective. All of this relying on massive data mining and Crypto algorithmic mining computers pushing the edge of computational power daily, exponentially. Essentially cryptos/quantum research have together created a DIRECT monetary incentive to push software and hardware to it's limit, without the need for a consumer to be involved (such as the internet's advent and common use and improvement in the past)

I suggest you seek the Lord may he gove you eyes to see the truth, ears to hear the truth and a mouth to speak the truth. You cant see the writing on his forehead? Good day. The stone the builders rejected (Jesus parables), Muhammad he was orphaned when they say he was illterat he most likely was with down syndrome or other defects, see his prophecy on the dajjal who see red as blue and can not see green. There is nothing physically wrong with his eyes it is his sight. The son of perdition has dirt on everyone but he can not read your mind but will claim he can he uses his devices to see and hear what you do and say he will use them claiming to be the king of kings.

Yes to you to 100% correct.

>created a DIRECT monetary incentive to push software and hardware to it's limit
This was one of the strangest phenomena to observe re bitcoin.

I would argue it was one of the top 3 purposes of bitcoin's adoption into the mainstream, if not one of the reasons algorithmic mining was thought of in the first place.

Basically places natural evolutionary pressures onto machine learning. Incredibly disturbing.

Even with people buying up video cards, real money is in asic mining which is fairly specialized, though. Not a lot of other utility in computing a bunch of hashes besides cryptocurrencies.



how about computing meta data, like the kind gathered from billions of people daily. Using the literal quantum leap being developed by DARPA and mossad as well as china, and the software leaps being propelled by cryptos you have a perfect storm for limitless "optimization" problem solvers. This would open the door for the validity of algorithmic decisions taking precedent over human consciousness in things like, law, medicine, finance, military, etc..

It would only take 15 years for people to completely adopt algorithmic computation as the "authority" on anything that involves data mining, everything from microsensors on your stove and lightbulbs fed through smart meters, to what you post and why. This would allow corporations (gov or ngo) to through very little effort, induce changes into society through completely deniable and invisible ways, using optimization algorithms and 5g network surveillance.

In the world we live in, the majority of my generation (millenial/ GenZ threshold) are almost entirely subverted against the values that created and maintain their entire society. Self degeneracy is sold and bought by the masses and defended as a justifiable right to be exposed to such things. Even for children. Especially for children.

Now imagine a world where instead of a few hundred thousand people organizing (as much as a few hundred thousand people can) these subversion techniques however crude they may be (nicki minaj promotion/multicultural brainwashing/traditionalist demonization etc.) and now pretend it's 3 people, who have sole access to the regulations regarding those optimization programs and their intentions and purposes. How much more organized would those subversive tactics become, how much more effective, and how much more invisible.

Children will be a lost cause within weeks of having access to the internet.
Parents that refuse internet access for their children will be easily demonized and arrested for neglect.

Sophia or Shiva. Rfid chips. Physical law of resonance the vibration feild that can affect the physical body and brain (your temple). LCD liquid crystal. Luke 19 40 the stones will cry out.

Yep. Moloch equates to King

As above amongst the stars, so below in the waters of the subconscious mind. There lieth the Gods and archetypes of mankind.

if (x) is the theoretical value of subversive power that 100 motivated (((individuals))) can maintain.

and n is the theoretical improvement value that AI and algorithmic computation can provide to ANY optimization problem

and y is the average ability of the average (100IQ) individual to resist subversion through identifying subversion and ignoring it or attacking it

then a military scale utilization of AI and Algorithmic computation to subvert a society would lead to

and z is the completely subjective value of how successful such a subversion tactic would be in relation to how much energy (electrical and mental) it would take to perform

(x)^n - (y)^-n = z

The computational improvement not only improves the methods and means, but also decreases your ability to fight it in ways that I nor anyone else could ever presume to know.

Sure, it's spooky.
>This would open the door for the validity of algorithmic decisions taking precedent over human consciousness in things like, law, medicine, finance, military, etc..
has already been happening.

Yes! I get so sick of reiterating this to people. Moloch, Satan, Lucifer, Ba'al, and other terms are just TITLES they apply to avoid naming the beings involved. The beings have actual names. Many of them. But none of those titles are the names. And it confuses everything because people on each side of the moral divide could accurately call their own being "Ba'al" or "Moloch" and the enemy "Satan".

Were you in that Israelite thread last night? Good thread. Eventually got shit up and archived by some faggot Jew that came in and made like 35 posts, taking it to bump limit prematurely. New shit tactic.

Yes, Poor.

I am going to take my shit now, and I am going to TURN ON MY MOBILE PHONE SCREEN and see what NEWS is on.

Because NEW+S = News

NEWS = Neural Eternal Wondrous Sound, so you can be the America that thought "Trump V. Hillary" was the best you could do, or, you can make GOD HAPPY FOR ONCE WITH YOUR STUPID BEHAVIOR(S)!

God's Joke: What's brown and sticky? An American's Idea Of "God Not Watching From Behind Even When They Take A Shit In A Toilet."

My Eyes' Iris Is GREEN, Left + Right.

He's not a kike. He is Veps, a Finn.

yeah like post-gazette.com/business/tech-news/2018/02/05/With-artificial-intelligence-in-the-courtroom-algorithms-are-ruling-on-jail-time/stories/201801310298



the redditors that plague Sup Forums now don't realize kek came from baal. Mods just started banning baal threads so it changed to kek because of baal of mt lel

Ba'al is a title, not a name. Kek is literally the name of an Egyptian God whose title is Lightbringer. Kek is Jesus.


It actually makes sense. When are we starting a war again?

>implying it's not going already

Most people will naturally choose whatever reduces their amount of work/energy expenditure, but that isn't intrinsically wrong; it will be difficult justifying not using them. Abuse of expert systems, machine learning seems inevitable barring some war against the thinking machines.

What do? Is it going to be like in the cloud atlas? You know the part in the future with the Asian girl as a prophet?

>Ba'al is a title
Right and kek is baal of mt lel
the egyptian kek was shoehorned in
mt lel -> mt kek -> kek

I mean the hot one not the cold one and international where everybody is involved so we can go to Valhalla with honour


Do any anons have the image of Baal owning a mosque with a lightning strike?

pray, go off-grid, move to alaska or iceland (they will be more hospitable during the mini-ice age as their temps increase with ice-ages), grow food, learn to make things yourself, and eventually be prepared to die before your neural hardware is hijacked by AI for it's own growing needs. It cannot be done without your consent because the body would reject neural networking if it was rejected psychologically. Don't take the chips/tattoos/injections, and don't trust the 5g.


I don't personally agree that Kek can be identified with Hadad, or whichever God you're referring to.

Kek is the "bringer in of light" to primordial chaos. He's Lucifer/Jesus. I've seen the work of Kek but I've never see Hadad do anything.

Thanx. Looking for a farm in northern Siberia rn. Not even joking. Bless you

The first user deciding digits were our way of baal worship

That’s divide and conquer strategy at work my friend. “Don’t create an idol for yourself”


Shouldn't we be reconsidering if Baal was a bad guy or not?

Baal was only 'evil' to the israelites
Are YOU an israelite?
Are you just going to blindly follow jewish stories?

The jews already butchered the sumerian/babylonian creation stories by pretending yahweh/enlil was the only elohim/annunaki there was, the original stories say enki/prometheus told upanishtram/ziasudra about the flood, not yahweh like the (((old testament))) says, yahweh wanted to destroy humans

maybe yahweh was just jealous of the other gods, which is why he made the jews cut their dicks to show them how much they loved him

What do you mean? Who is being divided from whom, and by whom? And I don't claim to have created any idols. Rather, I claim to praise a being that exists independently from me, who has as many names as there are languages.

enki/prometheus/lucifer was the lightbringer that helped man become like the gods, and told ziasudra/noah/manu/duecalion/upanishram to build an ark

jesus was a fictional person created by the romans modeled after previous gods to fill the role of jewish messiah, to pacify and piss off the jews

That is creating an idol, no?

How is acknowledging a being with an independent existence "creating" anything? Explain like I'm 5.

I take a different view. There's the demi-urge, creator of the material world, who goes by many names and is worshiped by the Jews. There's the True God, of light and truth, who exists above the material world and has limited interaction with it. Then there are emissaries into this prison, lightbringers with many names, who come to show us the path to liberation. They're sent by the True God and despised and feared by the demi-urge, his Archons, and their human servants the Synagogue of Satan.

>are YOU going to blindly follow jewish stories?
Funny you say that Deus Vult

Acknowledging is one thing, idolizing inother. “Praise kek” is a call for idolizing

kebab removal is not religious, it's plain common sense

the jews are confused, the creator of the material world doesn't interfere in the simulation
'yahweh' was just one of the elohim, equivalent of zeus, the elohim were flesh and blood beings that came here and created humans in their image, they're described in practically every culture except the stupid jews who got tricked by yahweh and then they left

Its already here. Paperwork is the beast system.

Think about it. Fucking paperwork is the authority over man

I assume you intended to respond to me. "Praise Kek" is a call for praise. It's not creating an idol at all. I'm not sure you know what the words 'create' or 'idol' mean. I certainly don't think you're using them properly.

Well. I basically agree with that narrative. I'd just call the Elohim "Archons", specify that they serve the demi-urge, and state that he's still around, involved, jealous, and fearful of mankind.

I think its wojak/feelsguy
>spider legs
Maybe its meant as symbol for internet?

the jews are just following empty beliefs at this point, when you read the mythologies of all cultures, you can see they're pretty much describing the same thing with slightly different names, slightly different events

and it all got thrown out in judaism which borrowed monotheism from zoroastrianism, and assert their butchered story is the right one because one of the annunaki said so to them a long time ago

the archons are more akin to just demons/djinns/malicious spirits/extradimensional beings
they didn't create man, but they can influence people

pretty sure there's no prophetic meaning
cats + toads are associated with witchcraft
spiders are just creepy, so they added that in
the crowned man is just signifying lord/master

baal was regarded as a negative entity only because of the jews that wrote the old testament
so they just combined things that were considered negative to most people into this image and called him a 'demon'

just need to stop taking the bible seriously and read wider


actually wait, you're right
the archons were the 'fallen angels'/watchers which were the elohim/annunaki that visited earth

disregard my other post

Mfw this triggers ((masons))

Jah-bu-lon that you?

Sup Forumscultism

Yep, agree with you. The thing about Jews is, they know that the demi-urge is flawed or evil or ignorant. They know his real nature and origin. But they still choose to worship him, gaining material success and dominance here at the expense of their own souls.

Hail Pepe Pazuzu!!!

Why is Pepe hanging out with him tho. Did he get drunk and go on a pub crawl with the merchant and the ceiling cat?

baal just means something like chief or lord. it's a title.

Will cats return to meme status? I kind of miss Caturday but Norman's ruined it.

Demons, angels, and occultism in general is bullshit. I know you probably think I'm a jewshill but it really is bullshit. Tarot, astrology, all that garbage. Go do the LBRP, nothings gonna happen to you, it's all in your head, medieval kabbalah garbage that's fun to read about but for fags.

Meme Magic

They are not even the real descendants of Abraham they traced their dna to Ethiopia. Abrahams two sons would share more of the same beliefs and superstitions.

I didn't claim they were descended from Abraham. I claimed they worship the demi-urge. I don't see the relationship.

Agreed, how many people actually read contracts.

The roosters will come home to roost

See nursery rhyme hey diddle diddle

The cat will drink the milk from the cradle.



Is your blood calling out to you to go to your motherland?

Does your sword cry out to wet itself on the blood of innocents?

Masons haven't felt the true extent of the wrath of Baal. His brothers will be avenged and all the changes they and the Templars have done to reality will be undone. All the plans, all the control. Lost, because it was never theirs to begin with. The pillars will fall.

Thieves, wretches and murders get repaid in kind for this is merely the universe catching up to itself.

Thy shall not kill, the smith and the devil

But the mother's loss is immense, and the dust cried at what was tasted.

They will reap what they sow

The signs are given. It is sealed in the light of Estiphanes. Be sheltered by the Leaves of Light my brother.


Our father who art in heaven hAllaOw be thy name call him Amen, AllaMen.

Vengeance is mine said thy Lord

Look for the stone the builders rejected, casted out it was defected, what ethnic groups hold high regards to rejected stones, the rejected stones are closer to thy Lord for they do not know right from wrong