Old Navy fires three employees for "racially profiling" a Black man


I found this story interesting because there is absolutely no evidence this Black guy was racially profiled. He just felt like he was being racially profiled. As result, three employees lost their job. Now he's partnering with the NAACP to sue Old Navy for discrimination. And to top it all of, he thinks he's fighting a civil rights battle because someone dared to question if he owned the jacket he was wearing.

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Hopefully they go out of business in the stock market crash, stinking rats.

welcome to capitalism

I think you mean to say, welcome to multiculturalism and brainwashing. I couldn't find a single comment from a normie on Twitter who did not out right support this guy.

The funny thing is, he did steal the jacket

Why would you steal?
Did u have a bad childhood?

to be fair, you aren't supposed to confront a costumer unless your sure they be up to something precisely because the negative pr is far more expensive then what ever think tehy might have jacked. they kind of walked right into this.

wtf is up with the duckfro

bitch ass female employees cant say "we're terribly sorry sir for this situation. heres 25% off"

i heard that in Netherlands or some shit that the police can stop you if you look ghetto as fuck and own something that it seems you can not afford.

A company i wont use.. i want my companies profiling

They asked, "Are you going to buy the jacket your wearing?" when he came to the counter with other clothes he was buying. I don't know how that situation played out since he didn't record that part. He only stated that they then checked his jacket to see if it was stolen and that they only did so because he was Black.

if it was something they sell there and he left the tags on.....

They were in the wrong for assuming the jacket was stolen. Claiming they did so because he is black is not borne out by the evidence however. He is using this to claim victimhood because he and all other blacks know that 'das raciss' is their ticket out of trouble and into money.

If he was acting like a ghetto punk no mater what color they should have checked

that's the price you pay for having niggers in your society

and wtf is wrong with assuming niggers steal?!

He practically doxxed himself, have at it Sup Forums

I love you, never change, Nippon steel.



blacks have more rights than white ppl right now; & since white ppl rly r unpredictable, they may end up losing all their rights in the end -- justifiably tho; the majority of blacks r complete psychopaths

>someone dared to question if he owned the jacket he was wearing.


Seriously, fuck this nigger, hes just trying the get money off of this.

No, he didn't

The fuck up nigger

If they're in the wrong, then isn't he actually a victim in this instance?

This is disgusting and abhorrent these uppity niggers and liberals are destroying people's lives because they their poor little feelings hurt. A grown ass man getting his panties in a wad cause a white chick rang him up differently fucking pathetic

That infograph is so fucking biased. White control the wealth, government and most businesses. Poor whites are being cucked by rich whites, not minorities.

eat a dick, faggot

So people like bill gates and mark zucker wear cheap tshirts and jeans but own like billions of dollars dont get stopped and frisked?

you can only say this shit because you CAN walk into a without being profiled. Profiling is fucking real you dummies.

NIggers all act like ghetto punks black gentlemen dont

Every time i am randomly stopped leaving walmart and asked for my receipt am i being violated? I just say no and keep walking. So could he

Neck yourself. Fuckin loser

That's because commentators on a twitter feed are not a representative sample of the population. I would have said "Employees did nothing wrong, blacks are responsible for a majority of theft cases."

Also, your assertion that this is only related to multiculturalism and not with capitalism is incorrect. Capitalism, at it's root, is vulnerable to exploitation by the minorities. This is, in fact, a by product of capitalism, in that Old Navy fears the backlash from a group of virtue-signaling try-hards and appearing to be racist, something EVERYONE is.

Why does no one ever make the connection that these kind of things happen because of the way he dresses, not his skin color? He is dressed like a gangster, people would be suspicious of anyone dressed like that, no matter the skin color.

wigger and poser dont get the same treatment and both are retard

How did they "scan" the jacket he was wearing? Did he keep the tags on? If you're wearing something with the tags on it might seem like you haven't paid for it yet.

Definitely take your meds before eating that dick too. It tightens your jaw back up so, you know they hate it when your teeth get it way.

You just solved racism, meme this into existence. At least a test study.

Yes they do.

All clothing have tags you nigger.

If some clerk pulled this shit on me I'd chimp out and start throwing shit.

Yes they do nigger. You are not oppressed.


The capitalists did this to themselves, they jumped into the bed with the social justice types and they'll pay for it


That's what companies get for encouraging black patronage


So this is him...


He plays football for UNI

>White control the wealth, government and most businesses

Jews are not white.

>Dressed like a gangster
Wearing Old Navy
Literally a hat with a reindeer on it.
WTF do you know about gangsters retarded nigger?

Haha, yes they do

(((Whites))) control the media too, huh?

Ive seen cops profile plenty of wiggers in my area, they usually treat them like junkies without even knowing for sure, it's fucked up

Never heard of Afroduck, faggot?

You should shoot those nigger cops in the face.

lmao broke ass nigga shopping at old navy

Not scannable tags. Just shit saying what the materials in it are and stuff like that. Not a barcode

This face turns white women on

Capitalism? God damn millenials are stupid.

Yes, this is a new law. They already did that with cars because there were unemployed shitskins driving around in 60k Mercedeses. Trust a Dutchman to sleep soundly at a veritable streak of injustices against our native population, but go berserk with dubious (by that I mean legally, not that I disagree with them as lomg as they're used against coloureds) laws when somebody shows opulence. Calvinism still runs incredibly deep here.

user, my greatest respects to you

>there is absolutely no evidence this Black guy was racially profiled
Please, by all means then OP, do tell what other evidence there was for him having stolen that jacket? A simple glance at their security footage would show him walking in wearing it, which he told them to do, they subsequently did, and exonerated him.

It's really not that fucking hard to admit that he was profiled. Really. Come on now.

I’ve seen so many innocent liberal girls become racist from working in retail. The niggers always come in and steal. It’s like 90% of the people stealing are niggers. Then they wonder why why people profile them.

We live in such a clown world where you aren’t allowed to notice the obvious. Also there had to be more to the story for them to fire three girls for this. There’s no way you can prove it was racial profiling for normal lost prevention stuff

I thought black men were supposed to be all manly and shit but then every time you turn around they're acting like absolute faggots.

WAAHHH they waz mean to me at old navy WAAAHHHHH i'm cryin brah WAAAHHHHH dis shit aint cool brah WAAAAHHHH

I've been profiled before because i've got neck and hand tatoos (even though i'm pretty well off but I still wear walmart plain tees and it's not like I take my porsche in the store with me) and you know what I do. I just joke around and if they're pricks about it I don't go back to shop there. Pretty simple.

could have been but who cares?

I don't think your reply makes much sense in regards to this infographic. The system of wealth is controlled by the market. Governmental positions in the United States are chosen democratically. And business are run by individuals. There's nothing stopping anyone from having a stake in any of those categories besides their own ambition.

The same thing could be said about the organizations on the infographic, there's nothing stopping a group of white people doing the same, besides immense social pressure not to (which I happen to agree with, why divide things further.) My only issue is when the government gives groups money when they're clearly racially biased. There's no need for that. A church or coalition can raise their own funds and give themselves ample social power for change, without handouts from the government, but we go ahead and do it anyways.

Systematic oppression is one of the biggest memes in the world right now. You think there's a magical unseen and unheard force keeping you down? How about instead of trying to find out, and aim for self-actualization and improvement, you just play the victim card, lie low, and gradually create the system with your peers.

your a retard

Nothing, yellow monkey. There is nothing wrong with that. Stay golden you cheeky bastard.

That's the absolute state of Muttland. Not surprised.

so now we're taking political opinions from the arian race? fucking germans. can you fuck off? within in 100 years you started 2 world wars. fuck off

dude? a swastchika? cunt

Ahaha I'm actually a US student studying abroad, forgot to change my flag m8

>the chad honk vs the virgin coo

I like swastika and can do nothing about it.


Yeah, that about sums up what I expected. YOU'RE as stupid as any nigger you could claim to hate.
>Dat backpedaling

you all seem to be ignorant racists, no wonder Sup Forums is considered to be a total shit hole for basement wanking losers. "ohhh niggers this niggers that"
you children. you know that its the left that practises identity politics, and so do you all. fucing leftists

If dindus didn't steal anything they can get their greasy hands on, maybe human beings wouldn't automatically assume they're stealing. For all we know this pavement ape did steal the jacket but lied about it like the faggot he is.

I've never seen an item in a store that didn't have a barcode other than most produce

i dont caim to hate any "nigger" I'm not an identity politician. racist waste. and yes that was back-pedalling and i wrote it just to see if i could get someone to reply to me. this is my first time on Sup Forums and i must say this area of the internet is embarrassing

Ooga booga

>If some clerk pulled this shit on me I'd chimp out and start throwing shit
typical nigger behavior

this site is full of faggots and should be burnt

>this is my first time on Sup Forums
Lurk for at least 18 years before posting

I don't know if you have them up in leafland, but the nogs down here tend to keep the price tag on their clothing...not sure why..gloating I suppose?

People like Bill Gates aren't niggers

nice one, very clever sir. you prove yourself to be a moron

Join me Hindus, let's target Ikea in operation Rob the coffers it's time for us to take the money before the Muslims get it

I've seen a nog wearing a hat that was still in the bag from the store

After reading this story the employees were idiotic. You don’t die on the hill of a stolen blue jacket with no tags or sensor. That probably still looks worn. You just confront him and if he takes it off ok. If not you just check the camera and call the cops. I don’t get employees that are so worried about theft like it comes out of their pocket

fuciing hell has this site been around for 18 years? have you guys been using it for 18 years?!?! fucking losers. anyway. I'm off outside to play football with a half black team. have fun in this gross little world of yours. please kill yourselves

PS america is a country of fat rednecks and in canada every man also has a pussy. e

Good riddance achmed

>walk into store with something they sell there

niggers are actually this stupid

Fuck off faggot. If you don't hate niggers, you don't belong here.

Why? I will never understand.

I don't see anything wrong with profiling...if you're not doing anything wrong its kind of funny. I boxed in highschool...broke my nose about 4-5 times...I have a huge beard and every time I walk into a paki gas station i always get the death stare and asked if I am a jew...then we have a good laugh and all is well.


