You aren't a lolicon, are you Sup Forums?

You aren't a lolicon, are you Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

Nah never not once.

haha what no way that's ridiculous.
On an unrelated note, can you imagine rubbing your cock on her cute little girl feet - as a joke!


Is that a yeah as in "Yes, I am indeed not a lolicon." or a yeah as in "Yes, I am a lolicon."
I'm not sure. English is weird, senpai.

the latter


Do you know what people say about clocks?

Nice tummy.
Not a lolicon though.

I'm not a lolicon but I do have a midriff fetish.

cock them?


No. Anyone who is must have been rejected by grown women too many times or was born a pedophile. It's a point of no return.

Why does loli verbal abuse turn me on so much?

Yes, but only if they have huge breasts.

Is this the /jp/ refugee thread?

my man

Why? something wrong with jaypesies?

I can't stand femdom so I only read the story for that one and skip most of the sex.
What a waste of good 774 loli. Well, at least she doesn't stick anything in urethras.

/jp/ is down

We're still doing the pretending-lolis-don't-have-bodies-you'd-rarely-see-on-3dpd-kids thing?

no, fuck off and die

/jp/ doesn't need to take refugee here.


those places smell through
where's warosu on that list?


Children are gross.

Yes I am and damn proud of it.

>Children are gross.

I've noticed that Sup Forums has both loli and shota threads, but Sup Forums only ever has loli threads. Why doesn't Sup Forums like little boys?

We are shotas, we are lolis.

I want to be the loli

Fuck man, I hope /jp/ doesn't die. they're the last trace of "old" Sup Forums I can think of.

little boys are only good as traps or /ss/

don't worry, our janitor is working hard time drowning that out

haha no

>damn proud of it.

Allow me to get you off you fucking disgusting trash.

Sorry it took so long, here it is:
Next on the list is:

The lengths you go to is astounding.

I dindu nothin. yet

also i only like yuri

always disgusted by dicks


I am part-time

Please don't insult me like that. I'm a toddlercon.

please don't group that tranny site in with the rest

Sure, although I prefer a different board these days.

Where's ?

You can't stop this disease very easily. Japan needs to save itself (it's beyond saving).

it's on the list


oh right, didn't notice.

B-but I'm not attracted to real children

More towako plx

Just waiting for the script.

What are you talking about, there's always a Hunter x Hunter thread up

fuck you dont leak this anywhere

>don't leak this outdated list that no one's going to read anyway
why do you care?

What if I'm attracted to all kind of woman including lolis and old hags? Fat or thin or whatever, to me it doesn't matter as long as it has a vagina

I don't even care about the vagina.

I'm not sure. Unlike trap threads people can't argue about how gay it is so maybe that's part of it.

Because it's wrong

That's right. Everyone knows shota is completely not gay.

They could just do what we do here and argue about whether or not it's pedophilia

Man the typesetting on this picture has gotten way more stylish than I remember

Obviously. If you say shotas are gay then lolis are gay as well because there really isn't any reason a heterosexual male would want to have sex with someone that can't bear his children.

delet this

I hope it keeps evolving.

Yeah, and it looks worse.

Yes, oppai loli love is a shameful secret I keep to myself in nearly all threads. I'm a broken man.

>oppai loli
My nigga

And they still can't write definitely properly.

There's like three different ones, this one's the best of them.

Not a lolicon but I am.

Is there still not a version where it says "pedophile"?

Hide the loli Sup Forums
Do you want the refugees to think bad about us?

I want to fuck flandre and make her give birth to my babies

Who /Remilla/ here

me too
what are you slashing

Both are good but Remilia is cuter.

I like flat chested girls no matter the age. Oppai loli are just disgusting.

Why is this banned in Canada

No, I like smaller bodies like but that's about as far as I'll go.

Lolicons are socially awkward man-children who are afraid of getting into mature relationships and have no direction in life.

Does this describe you Sup Forums?

Flat chests are boring

Small breasts are way cuter


Aww noo ;-; not fun...

Anyone here who has a problem with pedophilia is on the wrong website

Quite the opposite

I'm not afraid, I'm just not interested

No way. I eat cocks on an hourly basis.

>Sup Forums 2017
>socially awkward
No. I wish, but no.

I'm currently under investigation for buying a loli art book. Seized in customs and I knew what was coming. RCMP conducted a sting where an officer delivered my package to my house to get me for possession. I've read about it before and I denied the package but they are still trying to get me for importing it to Canada
Be careful Canada Bros, I'm not sure I'll even be able to move from here if I wanted to in the future.

I have a direction in life. It's not a good one.

Nah, there's nothing to play with on a flat chest and they're horribly boring. Might as well be staring at your own chest, just without the hair.

Small or medium breasts are cute, give you something to play with and the girls are embarrassed or insecure about their small size which is perfect

Oh! I can report back now ^^