Gainax are producing a series of 3 films based off the works of Leiji Matsumoto with the first being The Zero Century Emeraldas released in 2020.
Hiroyuki Yamaga directing, Sadamoto character designs.
Gainax are producing a series of 3 films based off the works of Leiji Matsumoto with the first being The Zero Century Emeraldas released in 2020.
Hiroyuki Yamaga directing, Sadamoto character designs.
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You can't kill manime. You just can't.
Gainax has been better than ever since the last of the talentless hacks left to form their own studios.
Further two films:
The Zero Century Herlock in 2023
The Zero Century Maetel in 2026
Will Gainax ever become great again?
Didn't Anno/Khara ask Gainax to pay a huge amount of money? Can they really afford to go into such projects?
I can't even remember the last Gainax show I enjoyed; Dantalian maybe?
Emeraldas' design looks forever cool. I like skin suit version, too.
>released in 2020.
Will Gainax even survive until then?
Fuck yes I love Matsumoto I always waited for another remake or sequel or whatever to his other works. New Yamato was great.
>The Zero Century Maetel in 2026
I can't believe I will see my very first childhood waifu in HD.
where the fuck is my PSG S2
>mfw I will be 32 by the time Maetel will be released
I wonder if I'll even still enjoy anime by the time 2026 rolls around.
Fuck this, I'll be 40, and Captain Harlock/Mugen Kido SSX was probably the first anime I ever saw, at around 5 or 7.
Don't tell me, I am already a wizard.
People really need to invent some eternal youth pill or some shit. Becoming a vampire would be fine too.
I think if you don't start disliking anime 10 years after you started liking them you will never stop. It's just one of these eternal hobbies like games for many people. The only ones I know who dropped anime at some point were casual fags who only started watching them because of a current hype to begin with or retards that still like them but refuse to watch them because their friends or family could deem it as "childish".
>movie 3 in 2026
I hope japan still exists by then.
>Played vidya since i was 3 years old
>Watched anime since i was 4
>22 now
Just recently i lost interest in games, sold my pc 5 months ago.
Sup Forumsnons i´m scared. Am i gonna lose interest in anime as well in another 6 months? what am i gonna with my life then?
>sold my pc 5 months ago
I could understand games but how do you even live without a PC?
Its pretty easy. You can do most things that you need to do with a tablet or phone.
You'll go to Sup Forums and Sup Forums then have a family.
It'll be the same as every other anime and be entirely funded by much larger companies with gains being the work for hire.
>You can do most things that you need to do with a tablet or phone.
Yeah, in incredibly slow, inconvenient, and convoluted ways. I don't know, I think you are just a normalfag who only did things as escapism rather than because he liked them.
>will be nearly 40 when this finishes
Great news!
I hope they still do other stuff besides these movies, otherwise Gainax will pretty much be like a ghost for the next decade
I'm not even him. I'm just literally sat here laying in bed using a phone to type this message rather than my keyboard even though I could roll over and grab it without getting up.
Nice to see some pure Leiji stuff that's given a budgets and attention. The last time that happened was Rintaro's MadHouse Endless Odyssey OVA from 15 years ago. And before that, most of the stuff was iffy outside of Arcadia of My Youth and the Queen Millennia movie.
I wonder if that CG movie being all over Netflix put the production companies into the black.
didnt anno assassinate them
By then, either Japan will already conquer Korea (the entire peninsule) and some overseas shitholes with its new army or become a nuclear wasteland after best Korea throw a missile.
The production committee is bankrolling it, so losing their own money doesn't seem to have mattered.
Ok, seriously, *how* are they even still alive? Is Gainax like some sort of corporate Rasputin?
Why do you want a PSG2? It was a nonsense parody skit show which ended in a oke cliff-hanger. There's literally no reason to do a sequel, and if they did it would ruin the final big joke of the series.
They did a little bit of minor animation work in the last few years.
>lost interest in games
more like games lost interest in you
World's changed. It just doesn't have what you like anymore. Or more optimistically, you're just not looking very hard.
This. PS&G had a great ending all things considered. That said they seem to be digging up all sorts of old series these days, so who knows what will be decided on.
Finally, a true genius at work
They have to make up the money to pay off the lawsuit somehow.
i might be married and have kids by the time maetel comes out
Oh user....
I guess I will be dead. That at least sounds somewhat realistic.
theyre dead
Will a remake of 999 impossible?