You cannot name a better written show or a show with better characters from the past two years than Boku no Hero...

You cannot name a better written show or a show with better characters from the past two years than Boku no Hero Academia.

Elaborate bait dude.
Follows virtually every cliche in the history of anime.

Its literally shouen tropes, hardly grondbreaking writing

to be fair he said better, not more innovative

boring and generic

>better written show or a show with better characters

Hey I enjoy the show and it is certainly well deserving of its top dog status right now but come one it is one clishe after another and most of the characters get barely more then base motivation. Heck its 144 pages and two charaters introduced in chapter 3 or so are just now getting some backstory

Hibike S1, Kumiko

It's not even that bad but it's the definition of generic shonen

>its ideas have been used in the past and it uses the same tropes as previous anime
I don't understand how this in any way contradicts the fact that it's well written or that it has good characters. I'm actually quite confident I'm talking to a bunch of irrational contrarians now.
Hibike was well written but holy fuck is it boring. BnHA is engaging and portrays its themes in a much more interesting manner.

>about to lose to mind control sharingan

And people will defend this shit.

Kemono Friends

I'm not saying its bad but I don't really look forward to it especially since the current arc is bland as fuck. In honesty the whole story has became a bit meandering, feeling like the pace has dropped to a snails pace so the author can figure out what the fuck to do.
I'd rather read Toriko weekly since it was fun

this. the character designs are good and the action is good but it's a very predictable manga chock full of trope. I would say the story doesnt even get good until todoroki vs midoriya. Now we're nearing the 150 mark and im getting bored of the whole series.

Non Non Biyori Repeat

this is true friend. I think BHA is the peak of shonen manga and anime as a hole. Its sad really but I prefert it now that the sun is going to blow in 2- years

Uchoten Kazoku s2

he said show, not masterpiece

Deku a cute.

Change show to shounen and I'd be willing to have a conversation.

Eromanga Sensei

Death Parade you faggot.

Nice meme

I enjoyed all of these, death parade was like my anime of the year

>look guys I watch 4 anime a year


OP said "show".

Kenji Nagasaki's is the world's greatest turd polisher. He discards the crap, and turns the fuck-yeah up to eleven. You're doing yourself a disservice if you try to consume this before he's had a chance to fix it.

The anime neutered half the scenes, even Deku vs Todoroki was less hype than it was in the manga
At least it added more of best boy

I can't real defend it because it IS a complete cop out.

But if I had to guess why I'd say that somethings gonna happen later that will rely on those ghosts freeing him or something requiring him to use his connection to them and this was probably to make that feel less out of nowhere

Reported for baiting and falseflagging.

Himouto Umaru Chan


That's, uh, good anime. Yeah, totally...

>mind control sharingan
You mean Geass, narutard shitter?

Literally worse than Naruto.
Basically does everything Naruto created, but worse.

There's something to be said for doing something unremarkable remarkably well.

I don't understand the argument that utilizing tropes is somehow unequivocal to strong writing. Yes you can practically set your watch to when 'You say run' will start playing during any given arc. But that's as much a strength as it is any kind of weakness. The idea that something needs to be subversive or surprising in order to be good is ass backwards. And it's genuinely impressive to see a show hit the nail on the head with such precision over and over again in a genre as easy to fuck up as superhero's.

Which is really something considering that Naruto is just an HxH/YYH ripoff


He's mocking it, dipshit.

Is Boku no Hero the first third-generation Dragon Ball ripoff?

Go away, Patreak.

A good post. An underrated one, even.

Sup Forums is full leafs and Canada has shit taste in anime and manga. That's why there's no much Boku no Generic Academia piss babies here.

In all seriousness though, this manga and show sucks major ass.

Garbage. Next.

Fuck off with your meme anime. Nobody likes it.

>Bumping an obvious bait thread
>With more bait

I wonder who this could be

>utilizing tropes is somehow unequivocal to strong writing
That's not what that word means. At all.

>[battle shonen] is literally the best masterpiece ever written!!

Woah. Never heard that one before.
Especially not from Fullmetal Hunter Piece faggots. Definitely not.

>Fullmetal Hunter Piece
That sounds pretty gay.

shit character design
objectively great character design

shit art

shit action
good action

weak antagonists
god-tier antagonists

shit tier supporting cast
good tier supporting cast

shit setting
good setting

morally ambiguous story

bleach > bnha

Have you finished bleach?

Youjo Senki. I like BnHA, but it's not as good as the fans pretend it to be, and I will bet money that it will go to shit in the next hundred chapters. Just like every other long running shounen ever.

Yeah, the first season of Bleach was fantastic. Too bad about the rest.

>baiting the baiter with more bait

whoa, this is some 4D tetris right there

>Youjo Senki
Opinion discarded

going to have an ending that isn't going to shit the bed
had an ending that shit the bed
Not even a BNHAfag but bleachfags need to be put in their place.
>morally ambiguous story
The ONLY TWO things that I agree with are character design and supporting cast. There's bound to be good supporting characters when Kubo fucking pumps out new characters when he doesn't know what to do and wants to indulge in creating more characters with elaborate designs.

he's obviously baiting, bleach is shit

>>morally ambiguous story
he's right though

Aizen did nothing wrong, Yhwach was only trying to save the world from a endless cycle of death and rebirth

Better than One Punch Man: Kids edition.

Not an argument.

your taste is the only thing objectively shit.

So it is an OPM ripoff?

i watched two episodes, should i watch more of this? I don't want to if deku is just a faggot who has no powers but his mind :^)

It's pretty lame dude.
Just shonenshit, judging from like the five episodes I watched.
The girls are cute though, I want to fuck that frog family

He gets powers but doesn't stop being a faggot

The girls alone make watching worth it.

Deku is the most insufferable little simpering faggot ever. I hate him so god damned much, and if it weren't for almost every other character but him actually being interesting and likable, I would have dropped this a long time ago. It's amazing how the mangaka had everything in place for a fucking great shonen, then had to almost ruin it by making a turbo omega retard baby for the MC. At least he was smart enough to make scrotum head a minor character.

why watch a whole show for girls when you can just hop on over to that panda site and get all the girly content you could ever need?

I like non lewd cute girls sometimes. Plus their voices are nice.

Why do people think this show is so good?

Is BNHA the 'baby's first anime' of this generation?

It simple as fuck, the plot doesn't develop so you can take a break for a month and come back and enjoy. The girls are eye candy if you just like waifu posting and don't give a shit about the plot. It's the definition of average, of course it's baby's first anime/manga.

Shonen shit is boring to me

Hero Academia is laughably rote, fuck outta here.

How so

And moeshit faggotry gets your dick hard, congratulations.

Your tastes are even more lowest common denominator cancerous then shonen, which really takes some doing.

BNHA has little in common with OPM, so I don't get this comparison