Star Wars: Lost Stars

Sorry about the delay, new schedule and what have you. Er, not that there was anything I could actually do about it.

Anyhow, time for Chapter 2 (finally) of Star Wars: Lost Stars: Ciena Bullying

Oh, and no imgur albums this time because I'm on Chinese hotel wifi but mostly because I'm lazy


So page 3 is uploaded but is apparently invisible. So hopefully this shows up.























And that's it.
See y'all in two weeks

thanks user :*

China doesn't block Sup Forums?

Good ol' smug Tarkin.

Thanks user, really appreciated.

Haven't been to the SW general in Sup Forums lately, but you should post it here also

A Star Wars manga? Is Disney trying to give more SW stuff to the Japanese now?


Ciena is so cute.
Thanks user.

Thank you.

Reminder that females naturally master in seconds what males take years for.

This is pretty cool, thanks user