FUTURE NASA astronaut and rocket scientist Trayvon Martin was killed on this DAY

FUTURE NASA astronaut and rocket scientist Trayvon Martin was killed on this DAY.

When will white people apologize?

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taken too soon by the notorious KKK grand-wizard George "Neo-Nazi" Zimmerman

Fuck that nigger would have been older than I am rn (21)
He was fucking 17 when he got shot not a child by any means expect maybe in Europe
Anyways thank goodness they put that nigger down who knows who'd he would have killed by now.

R.I.P. niglet

would, not should

Thought exercise: if George Zimmerman hadn't shot Trayvon, Trayvon would be prosecuted for aggravated assault

Can’t flim flam the zim zam

Hed be 23 and in jail for comirting a crime. They failled in raising him, his life was forfeit anyway.

Nah he wouldn't have gone into space, we haven't needed to send chimps up for decades.
That's precisely why the death penalty is the best solution for murderers. Criminals that kill people will eventually get out and kill again or kill people in jail, by executing them you save many future lives of others the criminal would have killed.

Never, it's not like I have anything to do with this, ask the guy who killed him.

It's a shame. He would be half-way through medical school by now.

shiiiiieeeet has been it so long already

Trayvon Martin
6 years without committing a crime

>"When will white people apologize"
>he was killed by a beaner

10/10 you legit triggered me for a sec there before I came to my senses.

This. GG trayvon

He was only good for one thing, working the sewers benath langley glowing in the dark..


I wonder how many lives this wannabe thug would have ruined if he was allowed to continue on the path he was.

Im glad hes dead

Why isnt there a movie about this?


AK to the niglets chest would be great to watch that animal die

we should celebrate, he's been crime free for 6 years now

Zimmerman did nothing wrong.

but user, they don't use humans for medical experiments in med school

too bad he was not stomped

have some respect, user


(((Michael Skolnik)))

Wow, a Jew trying to undermine majority white police forces and promoting race baiting anti-white propaganda from an anecdotal case to stir up racial divide. Who would have known?!

I'm sorry...

That it took as long to kill him as it did and that it had to be done by a beaner instead of a white cop

>the zimmerman trial was 5 years ago

time flies

I will say this though... To any of you who have small kids, and most of you will eventually, they are really sweet until theyre about 13 or 14 then shit goes way down hill due to hormones and shit.

Keep your kids close during that age through about 22. Teach them that being "cool" and "tough" DO NOT MATTER. They will live through that very dangerous time in life. Ive been there. Made it through successfully with a few scrapes to prove it. Hide your kids at that age at least as best you can.


was thinking about watching the trial again today actually lmao

Fuck dat shieeet nigga, wypepo gotta be exterminated fo killin' dis future billionaire astronaut computer scientist martian renaissance nigga.

the black face got me

A fucking kel-tec? Thats what he used? Fucking gross.

you know, poor little innocent traytray, the kid that didn't do nothing wrong
poor little trayboon was stalked and murdered by that evil white nazi supremacist in Florida

No guarantee that Trayvon would have lived to his 23rd birthday. He was a known drug dealer and engaged in other illicit activities such as illegally obtaining a handgun. If Zimmerman didn't smoke him , maybe somebody else would have. Or St Trayvon himself would have killed someone else.

I have no sympathies for the dude, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

I'm Hindu so I'm a neutral party in this but shouldn't the spics apologize to the nignogs? Or is this another white man is responsible for everything thread because I do agree with that fuck the white man he racist not very intelligent either.

We should write and direct the movie, maybe if we sold out a little and made some money we get a little bit more respect. We could rewrite the story instead of a spic maybe we use a Jew

Implying nasa is still flying people to space n sheitt

Wasn't it proven that he assulted the neighborhood watch guy

yeah, it was one of the most open and shut cases florida had that year but they had to drag it out because he was Obamas son

Good Riddance


You say that because of your insecurities as you feel threatened by that child I bet.

Uhm no sweetie, didn't you catch the killer's last name? 100% ameriKKKan

>trayboon gets shot
>police arrive and interview the Zim
>they talk to him a bunch
>DA doesn't press charges, story combine with Zimzam's injuries seems legit
>nig lies matter and other white guilt tards wont leave it alone and try to pressure everyone into charging Zimmerman
>find some new DA to convince to go forward with the case
>many months later the DA charges him
>trial wastes a lot of time and money
>Zim found not guilty
>Zimzam can't be flimflammed
>get the fun he used to shoot trayboon with back
>life goes on, for us at least, fuck trayboon


You forgot about MSNBC editing the 911 tapes, and editing the blood of the back of Zimmerman's head

yeah, i left out some stuff because it was getting TL;DR
also the media making Zimmerman look more and more white

what's your point?

How many niggers have you killed with your firearm? Exactly.

> Killed in self defense by a nonwhite
> "This is white people's fault"

>not having an inexpensive throw away gun for shooting nigs
>having to give the cops your nice gun which will be finger fucked by god knows who and sit in some dusty evidence locker for who knows how long

Stupid violent niggers! Why can't they be civilized like us and openly post pics of gore, rape, mutilation, torture, loli bondage, etc., a public message board? It's not like anyone would have a folder full of this detestable shit. The savages!



Why are they still going on about this one nigger

haven't you been listening?
he a gud boi, he aint dun nuffin

Because this is the one that started the trend of BLM tards defending criminals being killed for their aggressive behavior.

I noticed how many news outlets in the Netherlands (and I assume in the rest of Europe) covered this story intensely, including the whole 'little black boy shot by mean adult white man' narrative, but rarely, if at all, showed photos or footage of Zimmerman himself. I think it's because Dutchmen would think he's German by his name, but would immediately know he's a spic as soon as they saw him, ruining the narrative.

could have been 23 but decided he would rather be a nigger instead


The best bit about all this, is they made a Metizo a "white" just to fit their narrative.

Latino vs. Black race ware when??

Get rekt nigger.

No shit, you are just now piecing this together?
Media manipulation.....kek

been simmering for a while

Glorious. A reconquista I can get behind.
Say what you will, the beaner can make nice food. The Black? Other than sports I can think of nothing.

It was during that time I realized our journalists were no better than the shit that passes for journalists in the US.


Sorry we didn't get to him sooner

the book about trayvon is the only good thing to come out of that animal's life

George Zimmerman was Latino Jew wasn't he?

Lol holland bro discovering their media is worst than in North Korea.... welcome to reality, user.

This was 6 years ago. Since then I have cancelled my cable subscription and thrown out my TV, but thanks for your concern


Holy Shit, That poor doggo.
Niggers truly must die

>posting a picture of a nigger that was shot in self-defense after assaulting a man for 45 seconds is the same as assaulting a man for 45 seconds