If you guys are so scared about Radical Islam...

If you guys are so scared about Radical Islam, then you HAVE to show the same level of concern with Radical Christianity.

You can't do so otherwise. Terrorism is terrorism at the end of the day. Whether its a right-wing gun nut or a Radicalized Muslim

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This is low tier bait

post the frog girl nigger


Not OP, but he does have a point though

Those two loony Christian sects were by no stretch of the imagination terror groups. And even if they were, their impact is one millionth that of Islam.
Fuck off with your shit leftist memes you dumb fucking EU flag shill cunt.

a perverted manlet with a useless power along with a literal orbiter who can't use his too much or becomes literal braindead vegetable giving retarded questions to a pure qt3,14 with a balanced power and superior dance skills?

Did you...just bait yourself?

>Not OP
Can you really not get a better job?

>suddenly the FBI are heroes


Christian terrorism is not on the same scale as Islamic. And anyway, the state should be radical Christian, fags get burned, divorce is banned and so on so forth.

No he doesn't.

None of the Radical Christian groups are on par with the Radical Islamic groups because the islamic ones are far worse.

>If you guys are so scared about Radical Islam, then you HAVE to show the same level of concern with Radical Christianity.

I think post-Trump this style of argument is starting to wither. People are more comfortable with the idea that argument is in bad faith and the appropriate response is your pic related.

It's not like the left is against race-based aggression generally, it's a selective outrage. Ditto every other partisan j'accuse.

Every Western society already knows how to deal with authoritarian Christian nut jobs. It's ingrained in our social evolution the same way otters know how to swim. The only reason Islam is even a problem is because liberals are cocky and think the same strategies will pacify and marginalize right wing muslims even though they're a totally foreign entity that we have no experience with handling in large numbers and they aren't really "us" so the social pressure tactics won't work the same.

disgusting flag fuck you

What exactly are you on?
Did the branch davidian ever suicided bombed in the middle of praying muslims at the mecca? Did Westboro ever hijacked a plane to crash it into some skyscraper in Dubai?
How about You shout your whore mouth instead of false-equivalencing around?

The United Nations is the reason why your country isn't a #Shithole

Anybody else see that file name?

OK so what stops the WBC from ramming a truck into a crowd?

ah yes, i remember when christians did 9/11 and formed christian ISIS

>OK so what stops the WBC from ramming a truck into a crowd?
they fucking haven't though, have they

guy with brown ID that matches his streets is rite
UN is literally meme you are doing nothing beside sucking USA benis
this Christians BTFO

I'll bite (just in case OP is fishing for an answer he can't provide himself because someone challenged him)

1) if the only thing that Muslims did is what the Westboro Baptists do then nobody would give a fuck. Show up and wave offensive signs, and nothing more.

2) Out of the millions of Christians in the country we are literally talking about one family here. And all they do is say offensive shit.

3) Condemned? The police have to show up at WB protests to PROTECT the WB from everyone else.

4) The WB is the one time that you will see gays kissing in front of them (to troll the WB) and have hard core Christians applaud and laugh. THAT is how much people dislike the WB.

5) Doesn't come up in every conversation? Because people are smarter than you. The WB is a troll group whose income comes from suing people for 'violating' their rights. They also gain a good deal of income from donations from the very small percentage around the world who may empathize with them. Giving them attention is part of THEIR business plan. Be smarter. They are cons above all else.

Hope this helps OP. Fight the good fight.

You're a total fucktard.

Not fear, disgust.

JBP will go over this again and again and again for you:
>"xenophobics" are not motivated by fear, they're motivated by disgust

Last time I checked Westboro Baptist Church didn’t shoot up an abortion clinic or throw gays off of buildings.
So tell me how they classify as a “Christian terrorist group”?

Find the right-wing Christian gun nut perpetuated one

Where in the bible does it say it's ok to throw guys off the top of the tallest building in town, to kill people who renounce their faith, and that a woman's testimony is half that of a man?

Yes, bc the Christian terrorist groups have done live beheadings, raped their women captives, and murdered their enemies children.
Fuck off.

But they can. They have the potential to based on their radicalized and incorrect opinions

You’re projecting here super hard.


gee i wonder who i should b more concerned about..:
radical christians knocking @ my door telling me im going 2 hell if blahblahblahdfkl... vs radical muslims who suicide bomb soft targets

And what are you going to do the day you answer and those "peaceful" Christians are pointing a gun at you, demanding conversion?

>branch davidians
low effort bootlicker shilling

Not my fault you're too stupid to understand my complex points. But sure go ahead and call it "projection" - a projection of logic that you wingnuts hate so much

You first.
No really, you go first. Show me the major influential leftists that have condemned Islamic or left-wing terrorism, or have taken responsibility for the mistakes in propaganda perpetrated against white South Africans.

that wont happen; id b attacked by radical muslims b4 something like that can ever happen

While I've no love for radical christian ideologies, at least they're not as explosively volatile as certain other groups.

Can you at least point to one citation from modern times ?

Koran Literally tells you to kill unbelievers if they don't submit to Islam, verses 9:5, 9:29 for instance

Not him, but I presume the answer is that on that day he will take (or call for) action against that group. Until then, it is dishonest for you to call for a fictional 'potential' to be treated the same as an actual thing that is going on. It is especially dishonest for you to suggest that the fictional thing and the actual thing should be treated with the same weight.

The Waco siege, the war in Uganda, Norway bombing and shooting, etc.

Just because something happens in a Christian country that doesn't mean that it happened because of Christians. The Waco thing, for example, was an action by the government against a religious group.

I presume since you probably aren't American (or maybe are too young) you wouldn't know that.

So do you fuckhead, yet nobody's putting you in jail, are they?

Your assertions don't even pass basic logic. You have the intelligence of a kindergartener.

>You have the intelligence of a kindergartener.

I have been operating under the assumption that he is simply trying to argue the other sides argument. Maybe presenting arguments that he has encountered that he didn't have an answer to.

But I admit I am starting to have my doubts.

Yeah I'm sick of radical Christian terrorists in Netherlands. We need to jail that racist white headed pig in our parliament.

Are they mass killing gays, jews or Christians? Do they take slave boys and girls to use as sex slaves? Do they forcibly marry little girls to adults by the thousands? How many terrorist attacks have they committed in total in the last 20 years? Do they kill hundreds of thousands of dogs because they're considered evil? Answer me you slide threads starting 1 post piece of shit apologist. sage

Utter bullshit.Not even remotely in the same category.

>implying westboro babtist does anything more than protest
>implying davidians are still around
>implying these aren’t the only two groups even remotely comparable to a terrorist group

Joseph Kony leads a terror group literally called "Gods Army". And during Waco, they shot at the ATF first

Nice argument. Wipe yourself off, you're retarded.

>If you guys are so scared about Radical Islam, then you HAVE to show the same level of concern with Radical Christianity.

Look guys a mentally retarded person!
Wow that's amazing I wonder how the world looks to him?
Do you think it can do basic shit like wiping its own ass?


Davidians did nothing wrong.


>Westboro Baptists
>0 injured, 0 killed
Oy vey, it's annudah 9/11!

Prove Joseph Kony actually is still alive first, cause ya'll tried this shit before and it fell apart pretty fast as soon as people questioned it.


>Protestant heretics

Did part 2 of Waco come out yet? Can't find it on TPB.

There is no such thing as radical Islam.
Every horrible action that Islamic terrorists do is written in their religious scripture.

PFFFT. you amercians want our assiatnce even tho your fake news always tell you about how much you owe us!! Becasue jimmy carter was such a dear friend to us we will help you.

>And during Waco, they shot at the ATF first
You should look in to that a bit more. A very strong argument can be made that they acted in reasonable self defense. The ATF seriously fucked that operation up. Really badly. As in they, as an organization, had no place attempting something like they did.

Regardless, trying to paint a defensive action (lawful or not) as the same thing as killing unarmed civilians you don't even know is not very honest.

haahahaahah!!! FIGHT ME YOU INFIDLES!!!!!


The bible does not include that part where if you kill people, you get a free ticket to heaven.

>Radical Christian: refused to bake cake for gay couple
>radical Muslim: guns down 50 gays in a nightclub
Yup. Totally the same thing.

Bait thread, shouldn't be replying, I am a faggot, but I had to make a quick point for any anons who are not yet aware. It concerns the WBC specifically.
Their family are all lawyers, they made their every penny (cent) doing law. They sue for profit.
They may be rotten people, but they know EXACTLY what they are doing. They know EXACTLY what they can and cannot get away with, and they also know exactly what their opponents can and cannot get away with.
They bait their opponents into being violent, then sue them for profit. They were outjewing the jews before the Tora was a thing.
You are now aware of the reality of (at least one) christian 'extremism'. This shitty thread may end.

Lol. A handful of pathetic kooks that absolutely nobody takes seriously doesnt stand a chance up against the power of Islam.

And here’s a hint... there’s no such thing as “radical” islam. However bad you may think Christianity was at its historical worse... islam is that bad today. Don’t believe me? Go to Iran and tell them you are a trans person of color who demands they respect your pronouns. See what happens.

Shit, just go to Dubai and kiss your girlfriend in public. Sorry, they wont be letting you post on Sup Forums from prison.

Nice filename shill

>Terrorism is terrorism at the end of the day
Yes but one is vastly more common.

>Anime_Photo_Edit_use_for_Sup Forums.png
Shit. I must be going senile. Really, Shareblue?

our sleeper cells will atack your capitals and kill millions!



you are victorious!

Yeah. I was a bit slow to pick up on it, though. Good old Shareblue.

How many people have the wbc attacked?

I am concerned about radical Christianity. There’s not nearly enough of it.

Muslims largely act on the teachings of their sacred book, which basically says make war on unbelievers. Christians largely act on the teachings of their sacred book, which basically says love your enemy as you love yourself.
>But, muh gays
Every religion has things that are taboo. Both Islam and Christianity forbid homosexuality. One won't bake a cake for ba gay couple on principles, the other tosses the gay couple off a roof. Both are acting on the teachings in their sacred book.

>hurr Im a fucking retard that doesnt understand the difference between domestic problems we are forced to deal with and importing more fucking problems than we already have

fuck of faggot

Innocent Branch Davidians were murdered by radical Clinton terrorists, you idiot.



Yeah, this is slander to call them that. SIander is one of the most heinous offences that a human being can commit in the leftist code of ethics.

So, the authorities were clearly guilty of using excessive force.

this is now a pinky thread







Wtf is westboro and davidians? Do you really think some1 outside ur redneck state ever heared about them? Just stop mentioning them already.



> Westboro

How many heads have they chopped off for Jesus again?


Ochako > Mina > Froppy > Momo > invisitits > earlobe girl
