How will Drumpfkins EVER recover?
How will Drumpfkins EVER recover?
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>segues from an earthquake to drumpfh
shes insane
Isn't that when her foundation laundered millions of donated money or something?
Can we just impeach this orange fuck already?
It was funny until the stocks crashed. I need this money in a fucking month.
It feels like the first part was written by Hillary and the 2nd about trump was forced in there by her editor/social media intern.
so Trump only likes oompa loompas, and italian sluts with fake tans?
jus chillen n cedar rapidz...
Don't blame Trump blame god for what happened in Haiti
>12 Jan 2018
Hillary Clinton stole charity money directed towards Haiti.
Recover from what?
>economy going well
>obama did it
>economy not going so well
>trump did it
Hillary Clinton is last person to be talking shit about Haiti she stole billions of dollars in a charity drive, what does that say about her
>Island niggers have 8 years to apply for citizenship but don't.
They deserve to get physically removed.
>Isn't that when her foundation laundered millions of donated money or something?
Yes and don't forget about the child sex trafficking. Google Laura Silsby.
He's been in a year now. I think it's obvious this is at least half trump. By 2 years in it will be fully on him for better or for worse.
The thing which was genuinely misleading was when he was shilling the stocks a month after he got in when it was clearly just carrying on from obama.
>*pokes bear*
How hasn't there been a full audit ordered on the Foundation yet?
we'll recover about 100x faster than those nigger infested shitholes will.
Two-tier justice system
this president economy correlation bullshit has to be the dumbest tea leave reading horseshit in politics. A worldwide system involving millions of people and hundreds of millions of dependant and independent decisions cannot be directed by one man. even an ed ntire administration.
Actions can influence sure. And in that you disingenuous twat Trumps attitude and declared intent invited investment and market confidence.
of course it's more complicated than that. Including the main influence king nigger had on the economy was printing billions of dollars in free money erry monf and passing it out to banks like flipping ones at a strip club.
I'm not going to act as if I know a lot about it, but this is too much to deny.
It would average out if it was genuinely independent over such a long period of time.
Dow Jones.
The entire economic systems health.
neck yourself you goddamn moron.
>not FRED
Infographs make me wary to begin with, and now I have little to no faith in it.
>Dow Jones
>as a representive for today's stock market
>t. Abu "Paki" Amir Al Shallab
the abolute state of a liberal mind
Imagine being this evil. She has seen Haitian babies literally tortured and eaten, and totally razed the entire country after detonation of a PNE..
Why don't you call Hilary and all the Democrats using the leaked call list of Anthony Weiner's that came out last night?
Execute her for treason
Eight year anniversary what the fuck.
More like the other way around
ohboy, that's rich. if she gave them all the money she took they could have re-built that shithole 3 times over.
Fuck off, shill.
>featuring redpill
>that non-sequitur
I know Trump made the shithole comment but that was over a month ago and has nothing to do with the sentiment of the first part of her post.
Talk about a bitter old hag.