What did Sup Forums think about this series?
Dog and Scissors
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It was horrible.
it was not long ago but I already forget what this show was about
If the dog had been bigger the series would have been much more memorable
Here's a synopsis
Probably the most boring anime I've ever finished
Well this just jumped to the top of my backlog, thanks
Her figure is delicious.
>a cup
A fun but utterly dumb show. I enjoyed it, but I'd never rewatch it, it would probably be boring the second time.
Unparalleled masterpiece.
How did it end?
The quintessential kuso anime
Expected the MC to knot his harem, was disappointed when he didn't.
the show is failure in absolutely all aspects
it's not even "so bad it's good" or spectacular epic fail that needs to be witnessed - the show bears zero entertainment values
Didn't all the chicks wanna fuck the dog?
No you didn't
I donĀ“t remember much.
Kinda funny at times, went to shit after they found the culprit
Yes I did.
You must be retarded then
He was such a little dog though
The ending at least was absolutely perfect.
Surprising lack of doujins.
Maki-sama was literally the only good thing about this show.
Shit taste man.
He only needed to be big where it matters.
Alright I really gotta pick this up now
Anyone read the light novel, does he ever turns back into a human?
There was something really likable and fun about it. For some reason I find myself thinking about it a lot still 4 years later, which is more than most shows. The OP and ED are still in my playlist.
Inoue Marina's dere in this scene is a miracle
>not long ago
It's been 4 years
The fact that the imouto voiced by Kana Asumi is somehow not the best character is a testament to how good Natsuno is.
Pretty silly
This, if it was a Labrador Retriever or German Shepherd, more people would give a shit. Having a story about a miniature dachshund? No one cares about the stupid wiener dog.
I think they fucked the pooch on the execution.
ED is boss. I have huge nostalgia for the show even though I can't remember anything, think I'll pick it up again.
>This was 4 years ago
What the fuck?
KLK kind of overshadowed everything that season
I feel the same way, I wonder why that is? I remember what it was about, but why is it so nostalgia worthy?
A faggot was killed by a Japanese thug and reborn as a puppy with an owner who was a hot writer girl with a scissor fetish or something.
At least it wasn't a shiba inu. Pretty sure this was when doge memes were at their height. Everything about it would be cancerous.
Pretty sure she had other fetiehes too
I fondly remember this being one of the first series I started taking screencaps of.
in the original the bars were faded around the MC's head - I had to fix it to satisfy my autism. Also calle posting 3 times in a row
She was waifu material
It's only been 4 years and you can tell there was effort to keep the file sizes down. How times change.
fuck off calle, this is the 4th time
Not really good enough to call it a reaction face gold mine, but once in a while some good ones showed up.
Last one, thank God for sorting files by date modified.
Mediocre shit that was quickly forgotten.
But if you didn't care you wouldn't be posting about it.
OP was pretty good too. The song is catchy as fuck.
How many times did she fantasize about the knot?
>instead of immediate disgust at the idea this is her reaction
Really makes you think
You just know
Don't harm doggies.
Honestly my biggest complaint about this show was that the dog is a dachshund and FUCK dachshunds.
Such a little rat dog, you would think Kirihime would prefer a German Sheppard or really any larger breed
>ITT: it's wrong to take the knot, unless it's big enough
It wouldn't even be worth it with such a small dog, you wouldn't feel anything
Don't dis dachshunds unless you want to go into the badger's burrow yourself to chase it out.
this is the 1st show that comes to mind when people ask the question about which shows are the most forgotten
Sounds like you've got some hands on experiences.
anybody knows if there's a mango for this?
or was it a direct adaptation of a LN? if so, did it finished?
It has an LN
Is this the one that had the girl who wanted to kill herself after every mistake?
but did they fug?
Almost but she decided to cover him in throwup instead