
30 days to get the fuck out entirely, don't worry about any leases or agreements. Our treaty is over because you left me high and dry, kidnapped my son, drugged my grandpa and paid off my aunt...you all are fucking dead. Plus you let some fucking psycho but job act like me and rape women and children? You sick fucks are lucky I don't hang you all myself and kill you! So bring me every fucking Moot to my door and if you don't I will come find you and pull your spine out through your stomach with my bare fucking hands. So every single little bitch in cannabis in California is now in debt...my uncle gets all of State Street, the pier all the way to holister...do I make myself clear or do I need to roll the dea out with my men?! You can buy back your last 48 hours for 10 million if not then I'm going to let the hells OG members will be given any gift of their choose as in an old Irish location etc. you no longer are tax collectors but back to being the infantry! Stand tall men and women of the wild! Again this is just "code" cause I'm 51/50 and I'm loosing my mind which means iron maiden one has my confirmation to call the doj into to back us! Also feel free and I high suggest you cover up any tattoos you don't want. Literally you all are free but I want to pay those who continue. Again there is to be no prostitution and any porn is to be ended as well. NO DRUG SALES NO ILLEGAL SHIT UNLESS ITS FOR PERSONAL on personal time.


Charge your phone you fucking heathen. Oh and sage.

So iron maid is free to call in the doj and roll them into Santa Barbara


187 Moot

30 days to get the fuck out entirely, don't worry about any leases or agreements. Our treaty is over because you left me high and dry, kidnapped my son, drugged my grandpa and paid off my aunt...you all are fucking dead. Plus you let some fucking psycho but job act like me and rape women and children? You sick fucks are lucky I don't hang you all myself and kill you! So bring me every fucking Moot to my door and if you don't I will come find you and pull your spine out through your stomach with my bare fucking hands. So every single little bitch in cannabis in California is now in debt...my uncle gets all of State Street, the pier all the way to holister...do I make myself clear or do I need to roll the dea out with my men?! You can buy back your last 48 hours for 10 million if not then I'm going to let the hells OG members will be given any gift of their choose as in an old Irish location etc. you no longer are tax collectors but back to being the infantry! Stand tall men and women of the wild! Again this is just "code" cause I'm 51/50 and I'm loosing my mind which means iron maiden one has my confirmation to call the doj into to back us! Also feel free and I high suggest you cover up any tattoos you don't want. Literally you all are free but I want to pay those who continue. Again there is to be no prostitution and any porn is to be ended as well. NO DRUG SALES NO ILLEGAL SHIT UNLESS ITS FOR PERSONAL on personal time.

Lol nope I'm done with phones butch you fagggot ass mi5 shills can come down here. Every hour that passes you can add 500k. You all are done fucking with me, my people and my flags. You are also ending all faggotry bars...GOLDEN EAGLE RISING!

Nope not saige bitch you all are my property because you fucks twisted potus into some stipid shit and drugged me...now you all are fucked. I came up tried warning you and what did you do told me to come back at a better time...suck my fucking minpin's red rocket. Get the fuck out of town and all of SANTA BARBARA GETS 10% discount from mission security which will be emoloying my men! So all hells angels that want a security job push in your application to mission security. I'm going to get you all busy as fuck! No more sitting around waiting for shit!

Also CONGRESS YOU ALL ARE FREE TO DO WHAT YOU THINK IS BEST NO TRICKS! Just do what is in your heart and your people ask you to and let me know who threatens you...same goes for all state and local authorities...we are protectors not just enforcement.

So Taylor and his dad have a DoA bounty for 500k each along with all other Irish still connected to prostitution, underage porn, human trafficking...lol I'm still eating for someone to bring me a fucking patch and if possible could use a few hands helping me get the fat boy if chuck lets me have it and we can start fixing it up.

10k per terrorist haddad scalp too

Also I need to sit down with IronMaiden and find out how Lynda has done this to US ALL. Lynda Uvari is a massive threat to the president and our nation, take her as a threat. Feel free to rape that yappai the hut if you can get it up.

lol These fucking life larpers acting like me I want delivered to me please!?, haha oh and ARCADIUS WILL NEVER INHERIT THE CLUB BECAUSE HIS MOM RATTED US OUT WITHOUT PERMISSION!

Fucking mi5 nursery rhymes

It doesn't work cause Moot has rerouted all my calls since mi5 set me up in Arizona and now I know why it was to get my phone and fuck my name if I tried to take the club and why they keep saying I'm crazy and need a psych evaluation lol. Tough shit...yea I'm nuts as fuck but I'm also a blood thirsty pissed off PATIOT THAT NEEDS TO FIND ONE OF MY ENEMOEA AND MAKE THEM A FUCKING VICTIM OF THEIR OWN RETARDATION!

>do I make myself clear or do I need to roll the dea out with my men?!
>do I make myself clear
>do I
Er... not really m8. You're ranting like a mad fanny and nobody understands WTF you are all about. You should stop posting here and take your meds.

lol 275 Lynn drive is not my address which means mi5 set me up! The antiChrist I knew was better looking than Moot lol but didn't thank he was so dumb. Stupid mi5 #release the real memo...idiot amatauers lol...so last chance for E's to sign a treaty with me personally in exchange for London 1/5 of the U.K. Or I take it all. Also making Hess King of Germania.

Haha enjoy your mess in jail bitch...you all act like you don't cause you are a bunch of mi5 shills that have been brainwashing my family but I connected the dots.

Theodore comes from the nazi propaganda "de" which is why he is puzzled he sucks at marketing.

Timeline and someone check to see if I had any uncles? Did they say they died? What is pizZaGaTe

bumping for schizo

>Again this is just "code"

templeOS guy? In any case, please do not continue posting friend it isn't worth it.

Nigger would you STFU and go kill Jews already?

No, it is YOU will end up in jail before me, no doubt for possession of kiddie porn. You will be raped by feral niggers as you are forced to perform bizarre sexual acts, and to sing, and even to dance like a showgirl, for cigarettes and phone cards.

Who is Steve woods? Someone better bring me a bike and one of the vests I have the men on pierpont with 2d who got paid to talk shit about me just like Steve and Markie. So markie im going to leave in but I will come through and look at eyes and give a thumbs up or thumbs down so expect me down there around 12 noon today. We are going to be activated for opSPRINGcleaning
Theodore's intern team is manipulating not aiding! All 81st with in 20 miles of DC YOU ARE TO FORM A TEMPORARY CHARTER CALLED: TRUMPS ANGELS THEN.

All angels in the U.K. Need to base themselves out of London, plan for 6 weeks, we are removing the queen once and for all! This is an act of war against our nation and our club! #187ukRELATIONS

Lol how about you and me just square up fagggot

NP, head over to Cardiff and I'll knock your fat spotty arse on the ground before the men with butterfly nets come to cart you off.

ALL 81 please apply to MISSION SECURITY in Santa Barbara . I'm lifting all "protection" fees we are going to be loved by the end of the year by everyone! Recruit veterans and real lads! We are recruiting blindly meaning any and all skins are welcomed. No more under the table shit because we cannot risk loosing any more alpha patriots to setups by mi5. Also please call the White House and ask for pardon of all 81st members! TRUMP WILL GET OUR POW s out of prison! Stop falling for Hollywood. Thank Sonny for holding down for me, (Julie Anne Hess' don 050659) she also hid this shit from me and why I fear she is involved with her sister lol.

Lol hahaha Cardiff? No idea what that gay shit is but you all have had enough fun...especially setting up my shit on Milpas the last time the Feds raided so eye for eye boyiiiies! You are all done! Get the fuck out of my country now!


Whatever cardiffs is it is now the Turks hahahahahahaha fucking smart ass

50k for that niggers head replying to me and his kid...seeing as they helped kidnap Arcadius haha I don't give a fuck about talking. DO YOU WANT ME TO CUT IT DOWN TO 15 days bitch?!

>DO YOU WANT ME TO CUT IT DOWN TO 15 days bitch?!
I'd rather you got a 30-day ban by the mods, to be honest. You're not a sekrit agent, you're a raging poofter writhing in a puddle of his own spunk. Fuck off, pedo.

>9% phone battery before all of this

What's it at now, brah?

Bobo left the house no worries but them cig nigs followers the lot of them. Cash out options available on returning sales items. Keep the chill pill frosty and they ride.