How was this an accident? It makes no sense. Kyousuke must have intentionally done it.
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It happens.
>citing woman's basketball
I can't tell if you're too stupid to realize that they're playing volleyball, or just trolling.
Masterful bait, user. Truly impressive.
volleyball girls are the best
I love Kirino so much!
He accidentally did it on purpose
>anime The Onion
Sagiri > kirino. Deal with it, cucks.
Sure, because Kirino was a bipolar, abusive bitch.
But you have to be aware of the fact that you're comparing a 3/10 girl to a 1/10 girl. It doesn't matter if you're right, you've still lost.
If the girl in the articles picture (pic related) is really his sister, I completely understand the poor man. Just imagine growing up, with something like that.
Seriously people.
how fucking stupid are you?
yeye I know, but it could still be his sister, couldn't it?
Of course it's fake. The guy says his sister is just being tsundere.
its a natural phenomenon with imoutos
As much as it could be the sister of myself or even you, sure.
He accidentally the whole imouto
don't make me hard user, plz!
Like, the entire thing?
Oh I'm gonna give you a hard on. That is, my hard fist on your face.
more, the quads demand it
anime MC's are simpley experts at falling.
do nips find it hilarious? i find it predictable as hell
volleyball girls are canon dykes
Stop typing like an idiot.
Anime sisters basically exist to be lewded.
Did they get pregnant?
That's only if they hold hands.
>not using punctuation on the internet makes you an idiot
okay son
>an Oreimo thread every day
It actually isn't volleyball, but handball.
I don't like Sagiri because she's shit, but kirino is worse than shit.
>Tsukasa Fushimi later announced his next project, My Little Sister Can’t Be This Stubborn But She’ll Come Around to it Eventually, or GankoImo for short. The story will feature a light novel author who hasn’t been able to talk to his little sister in over half a year due to family disagreements. The protagonist has to win back his sister’s trust so that the two can promote little sister themed light novels across Japan.
This is the funniest part
Accidents happen
How is that even possible?
She was iceskating
Gravity works in mysterious ways
The goddess of anime clothing has punished, or blessed, this girl with a divine intervention.
this is a joke website dummy
the madman
I have a cute, hot little sister. How can I accidentally replicate this accident with her?
By the way, she hates me.
Get her drunk and find a way for her to fall. Offer to help her up, and when she grabs your hand accidentally fall on her, like you're also too drunk.
I like this, it's plausible. Unfortunately, my sister is not yet of drinking age. I wasn't expecting serious replies at all. Maybe I'll try this for real one day.
And you wouldn't?
Think about it. He's been living with Kirino for his whole life. When life gives you lemons, you feel up your sister.
Careful with that user. You wouldn't want to get exiled. Sure there are successful cases like oral hygiene bro, but getting exiled is is just as, if not more, likely.
Yes. Practice your technique with cousins before moving up to sisters.
How would their dad react to the siblings' relationship?
Very harshly until Yoshino pulls him by the ear into the bedroom and gets the ballgag around him.
It's never an accident when it's with an imouto goddess
>oral hygiene bro
Shit was faker than pamela anderson's tits.
They need to do it at this point. It's an excuse to have the characters get sexual and physically intimate without ever having to admit that it actually happened.
Without accidents you have two people who barely even hug each other spending a lot of time never touching then suddenly wanting to fuck. That's awkward, the writers know it, the audience knows it, thats why the accidents happen. You've got to get them all over each other somehow but you've got to have a reason that they're not fucking ten volumes from now, hence the accident.
To-Love-Ru took this to the point of absurdity, because the mangaka never plans to progress any relationship whatsoever so it's constantly in the ramping up phase forever.
She also did it on purpose.
More facesitting
>No doujin from this scene
That would be rape though.
Yeah I did it on purpose, now what faggot?
It has made my day constantly. I can't get enough Kirino love.
I just want Kirino to be happy!
well no matter what theyre playing, that girl in the yellow is playing some form of hand games
It wasn't but the anime butchered the hell out of that scene, Kyousuke was actually trying to protect Kirino from the fall.
anime butchered almost everything, they skipped out on an entire fucking character arc for Kyousuke
I don't. I want her to get depressed and kill herself lol
The actual state of Rurifags.
subtle hints like this were thrown all throughout the anime,
hints for the true ending
How about you get depressed and kill yourself, it might make your family happy.