ITT: Girls that saved their shows

ITT: Girls that saved their shows.

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Pic very much related.

This one.


Best girl right here.

Runner up is Charlotte from IS, buti don't think any girl could've saved that show from its own shitty plot.

Not really but she made a few episodes of that god awful spinoff watchable.



Charlotte and Laura were the only reasons I watched the first season. They couldn't save the second one, though.

Remember when we had 3 weeks without her and it got really boring and stalker points froze? Yeah.

They saved the first episode of the second season, I'll give them that much.


You're not supposed to post things that are actually true.


Agree, she is probably my favorite Haruhi.

Yes. The date was cute as fuck.


All girls are cute and girly, thus all girly cute things are girls.

I was really hoping the whole second season would build on it.

But no.

They go back to forcing the harem.

>Implying Shinka antics was not the only entertaining thing in season 2.

>actually agreed with you

More like the opposite.

I'm sorry user, I was retarded and did not read the "not".



Nah man, she was cancer.

She saved the show from completely drowning in the stupid Double-Y drama.

Funny how nearly every other girl was better than the two main girls: Sensei, Komachi, Rumi, Saki, Miura.

It didn't take long for her to be the only girl in the show I gave a shit about


Nah, she was cancer.

Riyuko was a mistake.



No. EMT a best.

>Girls that saved their shows

I love Emilia.

Emilia is better.

Surely you meant to post Aqua.


You have cancer.

He didn't, this isn't Bizarro World.

Of course. After I saw that shitter on my screen.


who is that

Then stare at her until it spreads to your brain.

Where you at, potato?

All girls are good but Tama a best.

I'd rather not. I will deservedly call her cancer though.

A foxy kohai.

Whether you like her or not, she's the only one keeping the series from being generic LN crap.



Came here to post this.

That would be Kazuma.

Railgun or Index?

Best girl.


Both. As far as the anime goes, sister's arc is by far the best. I also started reading the Ln's mainly because of her.

some shitty cunt


Suit yourself internet tough guy with abysmal taste.

OP retarded

Why so mad? It's just some shitty chink cunt.

>post girl that just riding already popular show

Iroha better win in the last volume.

Iroha a shit, so no thanks.


You're alright, user.



She also saved 8man's heart.

Also, pic-related. ACCA wouldn't have been half as fun without her sexing it up.


Charlotte basically saved S1. But in the LNs it was clear that whatshername, the samurai girl, would always be the final heroine.

>He didn't end up marrying the girl who wore his pants
Rio should've won the Nagisa after all the things they did.



>Cucked by a bunny
>Saving the show
More like SOILING IT

Only reason to even follow the series.

Ruined the show.

Best widow, would fuck.

Enough with this stupid memeword.

She doesn't even do anything.

But in this case it's true.

More like ruined it.


>muh self-insert
That show is such trash in every way.

worst girl

Fuck off Yuckynofag

She cucked HIM since he wanted to marry her by beating her in the tournament and she rekt him to prove he's a weak bitch not worthy of her



>being this butthurt over the truth

Shit girl, shit thread.

This so much.

Nice taste

