Why do millennials hate capitalism


>buy one copy of the $300 textbook written by Professor Goldshekelbergenstein that is absolutely mandatory for the class
>cut the spine off
>run every page through an ADF scanner in about 10 minutes
>sell high-quality OCR PDFs for $20 to a few hundred people that semester


>$200,000 in debt to the jews for a Masters degree in (((Feminism)))
>bitch about capitalism

They're expensive because the demand curve is inelastic - they can charge what they want and you STILL have to buy it.
There is literally no reason to change the textbook every few years when the subject is undergraduate physics other than to force students to buy new high priced editions.
University has become a process to enslave the professional class.

government gaurenteed loans are not capitalism.

and work

Because video games are more important for retarted population.

all ''why do millenial x'' threads are slide threads

Because they don't understand it, much like how most people throughout history hated things

Why dont u copy it for like 5 bucks?

Because they've never experienced it.

F*ck you it's because the government subsidized education.

Because they are starting their careers 100k in debt. In the event you didn't get a worthless degree, there's a 50/50 chance immigrants abusing H1B visas are driving wages to unlivable standards. They are stuck living at home a decade longer than they should, because housing, even renting, is extremely unaffordable. All the while, they are being scolded by boomers saying all you need is a firm handshake and good eye contact to get a 6 figure a year job with "computers".

That's not to say socialism wouldn't be worse. It's to say Millennials have gotten an extraordinarily raw deal as far as generational wealth building is concerned.

> have to buy it because govenment institution ordered you
> blame capitalism

The government hands out money to kids who can't afford it and the companies know if they charge more the kids can just get more from the government.

The problem is textbooks sometimes comes with codes for online shit that you have to use. It's the most Jewish shit ever conceived.

I personally think we should not recognize intellectual property as it obstructs progress

This is probably one of the best posts I've ever read on Sup Forums.

Nigger. USA is as socialistic as it gets in western world.

>taking 4 classes
>printed 3 of the books as pdfs in the library for free
>bought the book that was $20

Like lmao just stop going to the school bookstore nigga how can debt even be real if your job prospects aren't lmao

In 1999 I had to buy a textbook about hollywood celebs for a class.

>why is what I'm forced to buy with no other choice expensive

Public education and lack of exposure to the real world.

Listen to gangster rap where they rap about spending money frivolously and getting top thot bitches.
>waaah, why can't I have money like that

Cuz he's too dumb to get it for free or take the library copy home and use a good printer with scanner.

not a general issue of capitalism, this is literally an abusive issue of academic monopolists who systemically force students in particular classes/studies/program to buy textbooks, because its required reading, this has been proven in some article i was reading at some point

Because boomers destroyed the economy and capitalism. Everything now is outrageously expensive. And you're not paid shit.
So millenials see this, and think that it must mean capitalism is broken, and in America, it is. Quite.
So they look to anything else they can, to give them a better quality of life. Since it's not capitalism, obviously, what?
Socialism, marxism, communism, whatever.
Anything else. They don't understand that just makes everyone poor as fuck. They just know the current capitalism they're living under absolutely does not work for them. There's nothing left.

Is this the genius of Slovakian intellectuals?

Because leftists liberal authors/professors who used to be communists figured out that making money is awesome

>both have $700+ smartphones their parents bought them
>bitching about books
Fucking millenials are worthless. They will destroy what took 80 years to create, and then they'll blame it on boomers.

Didn't even have to fucking scroll down to find a boomber-blaming cuck. Jesus.
Take some fucking personal responsibility for once in your pathetic life.
>disclaimer: I'm a millenial, but I didn't go to college and got a tradeskill instead

Because millenials are uneducated. Textbooks are expensive because demand college is through the roof. Why is demand through this he roof? Because government made it a policy to make tax payer backed loans more easily accessible to people who would not be able to go to college otherwise.

This. And those loans are artificially driving up demand for college. While supply remains largely unchanged because colleges can only hold so many students.

> look at 1960 where every american had nice lives on 1 salary

> 2 people work 80 hours a week and have to wear diapers to barely afford food in the richest country on earth

I wonder why.

Because capitalism is inherently flawed and is nothing more than a way for the aristocracy to carry on feudalism but pretending you have free choice. Not only that, but they're raping the Earth and millennials and making us unhealthy for the sake of "growth" (read: growth of their own bank accounts).

The oceans now have a fucking ratio of 1 plastic particle for every 2 plankton and plastic in the ocean will outweigh fish by 2050. Care to tell me how the free market will fix that?

Womem in the workplace doubled the supply of labor but didnt double demand

Usually high quality construction, even the paper backs are usually better than average quality. Niche market which means the productions runs will be a lot lower than the low quality straight to paper back, latest Disturbingly Hot, Erotic Vampire Romance Movie The Novel Part 6. Also, you must buy the book for class which creates a demand floor. That means the price can be jacked way up if the supply is restricted.

Communists dumped that plastic.
Also, ever hear of the aral sea

They don't work.This is what happens when daddy pays for shit.

I'm pretty sure that the American Founders didn't think education should be as expensive as it is. Or viewed it as part of Capitalism. I think they expected an educated society to increase productivity in a Capitalist society.
I don't think they would want Higher education to be absurdly expensive. And they wanted the people to be able to get as much free public education as possible with government aid.

No they didn't. And unlike the alt-right I can admit the faults with the USSR. That's why we beat the shit out of nazis, because you have a mental disease that causes cognitive bias and there's no other way to pull you out of it.

Text books are expensive because it's a commodity they know you can't do without. Stop being a retard and just torrent the book.