Why do people like this little shit? He's literally the stereotypical school bully...

Why do people like this little shit? He's literally the stereotypical school bully. Is modern society so fucked that they sympathise more with bullies than with victims?


You can like the character without liking the actual person. As a character, he does a good job not to be unidimentional, and has many subtleties in his personality to be interesting enough.

Japanese girls think he's hot

Japanese guys see him as an escapist self-insert who kicks ass and doesn't give a fuck

Fair enough. Your post actually made me remember a sentence I forgot to put in the OP. which was
>Why do people like him and hate Deku?
That was the Question I really wanted to ask.

Nips were a mistake.

People hate Midoriya ? Well to be fair I don't participate in much discussions about my little hero academia, but Midoriya is very likable for me at least, except in the beginning where he used to cry a bit too much.

The worst is that he actually wants to be a hero and help people.

It would be so much easier to hate him if he was a villain.

Yeah, there's some posts in the Sup Forums archives were some anons wished Bakugo was the protagonist instead of Midoriya. Granted, there were anons calling those anons shitters, retards and/or baiters, but I still wish to see why those people think that way.

If I remember correctly, Bakugo said he wanted to become a hero so he could surpass All Might. That's all I remember of his motivations.

>[Osama quote about strong vs weak horses]

The thing with Bakugo is he has a crazy powerful quirk and considers himself above anyone else. He has thought since he was a boy how lucky he was to get a quirk that could make him the "indisputable king of heroes" and that he would be admired by all for it. Once he entered U.A. and found out Deku, someone who was considered trash by all for being quirkless, not only had a quirk but could beat him he lost it. He's been so self-centered all his life he never paid attention to others unless they were stronger than him. So naturally he has adopted the personality to hate all the other U.A. students as he has to consider himself above them without question or he can't cope with himself. The other U.A. students obviously see his hot head personality and (hehehe) roast him. But somewhere deep down he wants to be accepted. Bakugo isn't just rage. He has feelings like anyone else. He thinks methodically and analyzes his enemies in fights. You also have to consider how quirks have effected society. Quirkless Deku was told KYS every day for pursuing his dream by not just Kacchan but by ALL of his classmates. 80% of the population are bullies towards quirkless individuals. Majority rules. Did you have any say in group school projects? NO, THE POPULAR AND SMART KIDS DROWN OUT EVERYTHING YOU SAY. EVERYONE REMEMBERS YOUR MISTAKES MORE THAN YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS. YOU FUCK UP IN REAL LIFE ONCE YOU LOSE YOUR JOB. EVERY ADULT KNOWS THIS. THE REAL BULLIES USE AND MANIPULATE PEOPLE.


>Quote from some delusional Saudi
And that's only half true. Human beings are empathetic creatures, therefore if helping the weak horse does not cause harm to them, then the majority will gravitate towards the weak horse. However, if the weak horse's side would, in fact bring harm to them in some way (e.g. gambling) then yes, the strong horse would be more popular.
I fail to see how Midoriya harms the Midoriya haters.

an edgey guy they can pretend is homo
this type exists in a shitload of animes


Considering that Deku is the most pathetic, irredeemable piece of shit alive, Bakugo is the hero for treating him like the steamy, warm, runny pile of shit he is. I want to see Deku killed and have Bakugo become MC, that's how fucking terrible Deku is.

>But somewhere deep down he wants to be accepted. Bakugo isn't just rage. He has feelings like anyone else.
Does this happen in the manga? In the anime he's super one-track.

Stop posting anytime Bakugo.

He only bullied 1 person though. He's generally a cool alpha character though and is fun to watch.

No it's a pasta

>He only bullied 1 person though
So? Did you like it when you were bullied in school or something?

Reminder when the girls were discussing who would they be if they could be any of the boys for a day Uraraka chose Bakugo.

OP asked and I answered. Deku is a snivelly little pissant and is pathetic in every possible way. Even with his power, he's too fucking stupid to learn restraint without damaging himself. Even once he does figure it out, HE STILL ACTS LIKE A SNIVELLY CHILD. I want to rape his mom in front of him and then drown him so he actually has something to cry about for once. God damn, I hate deku.

Which is a shame, because everyone but testicle head is a very likable character. It's a fucking mystery why the mangaka would make the MC such an unlikable little wimp.

I have yet to read the manga (it makes the anime more suspenseful for me). I have a feeling Bakugo will undergo character development in the future.

That's because women get wet for strong, masculine men, not sniveling little pussies.

Who chose Deku then? Wasn't there at least one girl who said Deku?

Hopefully not, since he's supremely unlikable and would make any girl drier than the Sahara desert. He's what you think of when you're trying to not cum too fast in bed.

This is getting pretty funny actually. Post more.

It most certainly isn't pasta. Show me proof anywhere else. It is a somewhat long response and I used CAPS but I got somewhat heated (hehehe).

You can't comprehend the depths of my hatred for Deku.

All right, Kacchan.

I think one of the worst part is when he made his hero name "worthless". He's such an omega little coward that he can't even embrace his heritage and quirk that makes him the strongest man on the planet now. All Might had the stones to take up the mantle, but Deku had to be a self depricating little weasel through and through. There's no path this manga can take that will ever redeem this cunt.



Because he's angry sasuke and the creator of this series has said a million times that he loves Naruto.

I think that should tell you enough about this, OP.

He is lying, when the girls got to bakugou when they went down the list Bakugou was an instant no for every single one of them.
Ochako is confirmed to have a crush on Deku.

Even worse is that Deku seems to think tha making his name worthless will somehow endear his undesirable, 1 inch penis to Ururaka, the girl that calls him WORTHLESS to his face daily. He's so pathetic that she probably masturbates to any and all other men except for Deku, even scrotum head. Deku is so pathetic that even scrotum head is more appealing.

dekufags are still mad that he's 1th place in the rankings

stay mad


Except I'm not lying retard. You're talking about another topic they brought up

Oh. Well fuck that guy then.

Eventually he fucks up hard enough that he starts panicking and realizing he's a piece of shit. That's the point where I started thinking of him as an actual character and not a cardboard cutout that screams every dime Deku does something. It's take more than another season for the anime to get there though.

He's funny. There's nothing else to get. He's a guy who's fun to laugh at and is xxxtreme all the time. I have no idea why people get so pissy about him.

Did you even watch any of the 2nd season? He's not just a bully at all.

Do bullies lose their shit when they win a tournament because in their own mind it was a hollow victory since his opponent didn't come at him with everything he had?

He doesn't even give a shit where Deku got his new quirk from, and seems to have no interest whatsoever in finding out or exposing him or anything. In his mind that doesn't matter, because he thinks he should be the best at everything no matter what the circumstances.

He just has an explosive personality to match his explosive quirk. That's the point.
Being a bully fit his character as a kid, but now that he's in the big leagues he really is shown in a totally different light.

Uraraka chose Bakugo
Momo chose Kouda
Mina chose Sero
Kyouka chose Kaminari
Tsuyu chose Tokoymai
Invisible slut chose Sugar

NO KACCHAN POSTER. Deku fits what he has done up until now well. It pays tribute to his origins going from someone "worthless" to someone "who can do it". Someone who can go beyond the limits of his power despite no one having confidence in him. That's what it really means to be PLUS ULTRA!

One of the best moments in the story.

>firth place

Source? Feels good for Deku to get nothing.

He can't do shit. He's a useless faggot and All Might seriously fucked up by giving him his quirk when ANYONE else would have been better. Deku defense force needs to fuck off.

I like how the bully is now the class clown in a rivalry with his victim

Did you not even see the part where Ururaka said she liked the name because she thought it meant something else?

You're the weasel if you think the only solution to a problem is to run away from it instead of taking it, bending it over, and fucking owning it like Deku did with that nick name.

the 2nd light novel

BnHA has light novels?

>not calling yourself worthless means you're a weasel and running

I am guessing your hero name would be "Brain Dead Faggot", but that means something else because reasons, right?

It's like naming yourself faggot. It's a literal insult, only a complete dumbass would use it as a hero name.

>Light novels
Shiggy diggy doo.

I hope you get raped and killed by a pack of rabid Muslims

No Muslims here, and I CC. Thank you, Arizona.

Read the first sentence of my post again dingus.
He isn't calling himself worthless, it's not self deprecating. He just found a new way of looking at it.

Link the exact passage that says this.


>found a new way of looking at it

How wonderful, yet no one else sees it that way and he's just the loser faggot calling himself worthless as if that's some sort of achievement to be proud of. Dekufags are cancer.

Hori did the art for it, it's canon

Whos that at top left? Never seen her before

The fact that you can't comprehend this simple principle is why you'll always be a beta faggot who cares way to much what everyone thinks your whole life.

And Araki did art for several of his light novels. Doesn't make them canon.

Hagakure? Nobody's ever seen Hagakure, user.

Still waiting for you to prove that what you said is true. Find the passage and link it, or I am calling bullshit here.

The impotent rage of a Dekufag who knows they have nothing to argue with.

>He can't do shit

Deku helped save and beat Bakugo. Deku helped ALL MIGHT more than once. Deku helped IcyHot to realize his power is his own. I have already disproved that statement.

>All Might seriously fucked up by giving him his quirk when ANYONE else would have been better
ALL MIGHT had to find someone that wouldn't just blab the secret of his power. Deku may not have been the BEST CHOICE but ALL MIGHT did the real hero thing by helping someone achieve their dream. ALL MIGHT saw how even without a quirk Deku gave it his all to help his friend in need (even if it was suicidal).

>Why do people like him and hate Deku?

most people like Deku

the few exception have the same mentality as Bakugo

I ask myself this every week every time I read a chapter and watch an episode of the anime. There is literally nothing likeable about him. His whole character is to just be angry at literally everything all the time, and his 'character development' is realizing he isn't the hottest shit on the block and then still changing literally nothing about his personality. Todoroki realized his personality was shitty and actually decided to be a decent person, why can't Bakugou do the same?

>yelling loudly with tears in his eyes is doing something
>wasting the power that defends the whole planet by giving it to a crying little child is the "hero" thing

He reminds me more of Vegeta than Sasuke.

Who knows, maybe in 10 years he'll somehow end up becoming the best character here too.

>Still defending his point after knowing why he's wrong

Japs still love the asshole rival.

Vegeta, Sasuke, etc. are hugely popular.

>The victory post of a Dekufag who knows he's won
lol, fixed for you. No need to thank me.

t. Bullied beta

By overseeing the LN and doing all the art he's making it canon until he says otherwise. Which he won't because nothing in them contradicts anything in the manga, they're all just SoL filler scenes.

The question was which power you would want not which boy you would want to be.

Yeah, but the difference is that Vegeta got really good character development and anybody who genuinely likes modern narutard is disregarded as a shitter.

I figured it was like this. I'm ashamed of myself for not bringing that up.

Everyone had agreed to what Kendou had said, when the images of the boys face suddenly appeared in Ochako’s head.

“If this is what we’re talking about, I’d want to be Bakugou.”

“Eh? Really?!” Kyouka was shocked at the unexpected name to have come from Ochako, as she chuffed up a small embarrassed laugh.

“Yeah, during our fight at the sports festival, I was left completely defeated, but at that time I thought he was really strong, just once I’d like to experience what it’s like to have that strength!”

“Certainly Bakugou san is strong, he also has good sense during fights.”

“That’s why, if I could become Bakugou, just once, I’d like to be able to fight in a battle using all my power.” Ochako pumps her fists in the air.

Kinda but not really, the question was which boy would you like to he which Ocgako answered she would want to be bakugou because of his power which made the girls say which boy they would want to be because of their quirk.


That's usually because the "hero" on the other side of the revival is a moron, painfully unlikable, or both.

Your post is literally what
was saying.

>dekufag still trying to spread misinfo

>power that defends the whole planet
it defends japan and isn't anywhere near the sole force defending japan
it's not like All Might went "hey quirkless kid, want a quirk? here you go", he made Deku train his ass off every day until he was covered in little boy muscles

Does he change in the future? I really I'm tired of seeing this angry edgelord who doesnt even have a good fucking reason to be angry or an edgelord. He was already born lucky as shit, why shit on those who are already below him? He's beyond unlikeable, I wish he wasnt in the series at all honestly.

>yelling loudly with tears in his eyes is doing something

Deku used momentum to throw his pack at the sludge villain. At the time that's all he could do to let Kacchan have even a brief release from the pain he endured. After ALL MIGHT fought Nemu, Deku noticed his time limit was at an end. Deku went in against a villain (who has a terrifying quirk he saw face to face) to buy even a little time for the pro heroes to show. That is most certainly doing something.

>wasting the power that defends the whole planet by giving it to a crying little child is the "hero" thing
I can see your point. If ALL MIGHT had given the power to ICYHOT way more people could have been saved quicker in the long run. But you don't know Deku will be a crying little child forever. He has risen so far in a short amount of time, enough to seriously put up a fight against ICYHOT to force him to use his fire.

Bakugou is a fucking cuck

He cries like a little bitch whenever he's scared, or losing

>P-Please don't hurt me mister tentacle slime!
>Y-You just got lucky Deku!

Maybe if you have a reading disability.

>“Yeah, during our fight at the sports festival, I was left completely defeated, but at that time I thought he was really strong, just once I’d like to experience what it’s like to have that strength!”
>“Certainly Bakugou san is strong, he also has good sense during fights.”

His strength comes from more than his quirk. She wants to know what it's like to be as alpha as him

Wait, he actually picked that as his hero name? I was almost at that point but I wanna drop this series cause I cant stand this self hating faggot much longer.

>hurrrr he's a bully!@
>durr no wait.. he's a cuck now
>A cuck bully.

That's an awful lot of headcannon you got there

Bullies can be good characters actually, but this guy is just trash

Tbh crying because you're getting smothered to death is reasonable.
However crying because "im not the best" is shit and just an excuse

>Literally only talks about his power
>S-s-s-s-she wants to be like him

You fags are just making it harder on yourselves.

>every villain is terrified of All Might
>the only reason they aren't running rampant is because of him
>so terrified that they gathered a couple hundred goons to try to assassinate him

It takes more than Deku's twink muscles to handle the quirk. All Might would have objectively been more heroic to give the quirk to someone who could quickly and efficiently master it, for the sake of Japan. Placing one boy's hopes and dreams over a whole country isn't heroic.

I'll concede the sludge villain part. Even if Deku was crying like a little bitch, he did show some surprising guts running into death like that.

>I can see your point. If ALL MIGHT had given the power to ICYHOT way more people could have been saved quicker in the long run. But you don't know Deku will be a crying little child forever. He has risen so far in a short amount of time, enough to seriously put up a fight against ICYHOT to force him to use his fire.

Well, without knowing how long it took All Might to master ONE FOR ALL, I will admit that I am largely speculating. But I still feel like someone with a hardening quirk, or another professional hero, would have been a much more responsible choice for a hero to make. The feel good option isn't always the right option.

>works hard as hell
>cool quirk
>stands up for himself
>isn't a pussy little bitch boi like Deku
I mean sure he's a sociopathic asshole, but his whole story is realizing that he isn't at great as he thinks he is and that he won't always be the shining star. I, and most people who matured and went through puberty can relate to that. I think we can all recall when we were 12-14 and enjoyed the smell of our own farts.

Bakugou is cute. All the boys are cute (except Mineta).