As an immigrant we also have the same rights as all Americans, we even have the right to come in and shit on your country and burn your flag and wipe our ass with it.
We don't have to move in and worship your flag or join your horrible twisted culture. It's our right to import our own culture which will help enrich American in fact.
Leo Clark
lol why do niggers & pakis not understand the rights of native europeans ?
Mason Cook
You aren't native, your stole the land from native American Indians. We black people have more rights to this land than you do.
Asher Anderson
I shit on your crap USA, and your ugly flag.
And you have to respect my rights to do so.
We have SJW's and libs protecting us from you racists.
Jose Brooks
>the land belongs to the native americans >b-b-b-ut niggers also have a claim
The natives don't want niggers either, dumbass.
Anyway, When I said "native europeans" I was talking about in Europe.
Xavier Hernandez
At least she learned to wipe her ass. Making some great strides for her people.
Nolan Price
I call these niggers "fruit tree niggers" because they look like they belong up in a tree somewhere foraging for fruit.
Jaxson Bell
>why are whites so racist to us >simultaneously sticks counries flag up ass dishonoring the people that died under it
Yeah I wonder why too..
Chase Kelly
Europeans stole the land from Neanderthals, you don't even deserve Europe. That's why immigrants are allowed into Europe now since most white people know they don't truly own the rights to that land.
Jayden Gonzalez
I don't even care about stupid dead Americans soldiers, their death is funny to me if anything. They are dumb racists anyway attacking the Muslims people.
Samuel Nelson
woke af
Owen Rogers
James Hernandez
Colton Campbell
>We don't have to move in and worship your flag or join your horrible twisted culture. You're right, you don't need to do that But, I just want you to realize, that that's why you're treated as a second class citizen When you voluntarily position yourself as Anti-American, Americans are anti you. And it's your own fault senpai
Thomas Davis
Luis Campbell
>We don't have to move in and worship your flag or join your horrible twisted culture. >It's our right to import our own culture which will help enrich American in fact. Pretty spectacular really. You basically tell murricans that you can crash in any time because at some point in the past they also came here, so you like have rights, when in reality you did not build anything and basically want to parasite on their system and economy while neglecting their country and culture. Seriously give one reason why should anybody let in people with such attitude?
Landon Diaz
Josiah Morgan
Oliver King
Now THIS is shitposting!
Liam Hill
Exactly, amen. The white man desperately tried to keep black Americans controlled and avoid them becoming educated. Once black American became educated they took over and even most white women now look up to black men as the most manly and sexually powerful men.
White men were just criminals in history trying to stab people in the back, now they are facing the repercussions of their nasty history and now they want to pretend as if they are suddenly the victims.
I loved it when my African brothers destroyed apartheid and put those invading whites in south Africa in their place.
Sebastian Reyes
That is one ugly monkey.
Cameron Roberts
Camden Diaz
Try princess. Stop being jealous honey.
Nathan Rogers
Juan Lopez
black perfection. We are literally gods true children, sorry about it you pasty crackers which even the sun hates you and gives you crackers cancer.
You guys can't even enjoy the beach, you are not natural. Even god hates you.
We blacks are gods true children.
Chase Campbell
>humans stole land from neanderthals >neanderthals stole land from rain dear >rain dear stole land from tiny horses, or something >tiny horses wiped out dinosaurs >dinosaurs created universe laws of nature at work
Nolan Hall
Terrible bait.
Brody Murphy
> B8 but Blacks were enslaved by Jews brought to new lands they had no hand winning in combat. That’s the way things were done son. Can’t change the past.
William Reed
>rain dear
Carson King
Easton Ross
Stealing land from humans is a lot different than stealing from an animal.
Neanderthal was innocent and smart, a hominid so close. But the filthy prehistoric Caucasian pigs killed the Neanderthal and stole the land.
Everything you touch turns to cancer. No wonder the environment itself wants to give you cancer when it touches you (the sun). The world is trying to cleanse itself of disease, which is the pest of white people causing deforestation, pollution, creating synthetic viruses, wiping out thousands of animal species etc.
Lucas Johnson
Hudson Peterson
nigger the natives hate you so fuck off
Camden Morales
Blacks were enslaved by Christian Europeans, the first slave ship to America was even called the good ship Jesus and was captioned by a British Christian..........oh but keep blaming the Jews, you always love to use them as a scapegoat.
You event tried to blame them for apartheid, but black people know you are filth liars and we can see right through you.
Ayden Jackson
Zachary Fisher
Day of the rope can not come soon enough you fucking nigger
Easton Rodriguez
Wrong, we are brothers just from foreign lands.
Dylan Baker
That's how it's spelled here!
Brandon Sullivan
You have no rights.
Christian Jones
And we ain't gotta let you in. Bye nigger
Jose Rivera
Michael Phillips
Jesus was a Jew lol. Sauce please. Low self esteem kills the black man. Don’t be a victim. Mmm this bait is bait flavored
Nicholas Reed
I have all of the rights, and you have to respect them you racist.
And there isn't anything you can do about it. Jesus was also black, sorry.
Leo Baker
niggers should be tied up in the barn with mule like the niggers they are
Cameron Powell
Bentley Stewart
Yes thank you for realizing stealing land from animals is fine. So what is it you were on about?
Connor Morales
The ship was a Christian ship, Jews don't worship Jesus you retard. Jews think Jesus was a fraud and they believe he is burning in feces in hell.
If you truly think the Jews worship Jesus then you really are brain dead.
Jews are not Christians, they don't name their ships after Jesus. It wasn't Jews that enslaved black people, it was immoral Christian Europeans mostly from England. Sorry
Nathaniel Gonzalez
Anthony Perez
Why don't retarded shitskins understand that the only right they have is the right to remain silent
Ian Wilson
are you done posting in this shitty bait thread or are you going to keep it bumped all night ?
Grayson Anderson
>No wonder the environment itself wants to give you cancer The sun gives me vitamin d because of my superior Caucasian skin. You got a problem with that, bio?
Dylan Murphy
You can't steal land from animals, since you don't wipe animals out unless you are a white person.
For example we African and Native American Indian people never wiped out any animals. But when you white people come you wipe out many species and you wipe out even people that live there. You are pests.
Owen Parker
I woulds love to's eats somes stuffeds rhinos scrotums and jerk monkey butt!! wheres a good joint i's can gets a plate at? i would loves to enjoy your cultures!!!! I tried Yelp? :(
Stil waitin for that african mades product to buy down at the walmart. what do?
Lincoln Lewis
Owen Young
Your sun gives you skin cancer anywhere outside of miserable cloudy Europe. Especially in places like northern America and Australia where you are not naturally meant to belong, very high skin cancer rates. Your people are literally cancerous pieces of shit.
>are you done posting in this shitty bait thread or are you going to keep it bumped all night ?
Alexander Myers
Brandon Rivera
Indians didn't steal the land from anyone, they were the first people there. You then went there and slaughtered them because you are an immoral destructive criminal.
Tyler Fisher
Indians and african tribes both stole land from other indians and spear chuckers during battle and took women and children(aka slaves) to become there tribe dipshits. ya white peoples are the devils.
we all bleed the same color!!!!!
Camden Flores
Sebastian Allen
Kek spurgo you really are dumb. What’s your endgame here? Feel superior for once? You wanna burn a flag?or is it Wakanda is real, you’ve found the answer to all your problems and it’s whitey! Lol. but do go on.
Noah Clark
You pathetic small pink penis white boys aren't even real men. You are just little boys, you can never please a black woman and we will never date you. You can get a few gold diggers, congrats. Your bodies are ugly and weak.
We are princesses.
Bentley Kelly
> >> (OP) (OP) >> (You) (You) >> >> >> (You) (You) >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> (You) (You) >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > >>are you done posting in this shitty bait thread or are you going to keep it bumped all night ?
Jaxon Hill
Matthew Richardson
ay he admits that the white man owns the sun.
Ayden Scott
So you are trying to use the excuse that some Indians fought sometimes with being the same as sailing over to a foreign land and wiping out the people and destroying the environment and causing the extinction of thousands of species.
You do know that African people and Indian people respected the planet and nature. Then you come in wrecking everything, ruining all the harmony. You are not from this world, you are useless diseases that need to be wiped out.
Luke Williams
Oliver Reed
I wouldn't be surprised if you were so conceited that you believe you own the sun. How sad. You don't even own a soul.
Wyatt Hill
David Diaz
Evan Collins
We are beauty, you are ugly and you are cancer people. Stop being jealous of us and trying to steal our culture.
You ugly freaks even hate yourselves, always getting fake tans and trying to get butt implants and lip injections. Not only does the sun hate you, but you even hate yourself. Abominations.
Anthony Russell
Look nignog. We all know the only reason you aren't property anymore is because no one wanted to pay for your smelly asses.
Logan Flores
Indians were doing fuck all with the land. white Europeanhad a vision and built the country, you niggers were just farming equipment and nothing else, you don't have any rights to the land.
Michael Moore
jesus fucking christ.
Brody Morris
Leo Cruz
We never were your property, also black people in the US fought back and you had no choice to then save face and claim you are coincidentally awarding us free rights at the time that you were not able to control us. The same thing happened with women's liberation, women had enough and they fought back and wouldn't stop and then pathetic weak white man tried to save face and act as if he was into the idea all along. pathetic.
Oliver Butler
Yes they weren't destroing the land, while you subhuman crackers have occupied America at least 9000 species have become extinct and the water table in Nevada from nearly 1000 nuclear detonations is totally radioactive and destroyed.
You are just cancer to this planet.
Christian Cooper
Juan Wilson
Your women are ugly subhumans, sorry.
Christopher Sanchez
Asher Lee
God, this is boring
Angel Reyes
Nice larp, pseudohuman. All should sage this due to extreme niggerdom.
Eli White
What is a "nigger"? You subhuman crackers seem to love that term.
Kevin Kelly
"niggerdom" So you want to be dominated? Gross little cracker boy.
Ryder Morgan
it's like arguing with a dog.
Eli Martinez
Asians also back us up, they are with us. They hate you subhuman crackers.
You guys are literally humanoid pigs.
Brody Cooper
Lmao, usually you're suppossed to use a picture of attractive women on the bottom pick
James James
>25 posts by this assblasted niggermonkey
James Jones
no you dont
Wyatt Powell
Trust a nigger to think being productive is destroying something
John Wright
Yes we do, I wipe my ass with the pathetic flags on that American coffins of coward soldiers that died in the middle east. You crackers deserve to die since you are immoral.
I just love looking at those coffins in the plane with the pathetic American flag on them. I will wipe my ass with your disgusting flag and your solders death.
Carson Anderson
our immigration system has always forced integration. what your saying is incredibly dumb. you should be a judge or politician
Jace Sanders
> I wouldn't be surprised if you were so conceited that you believe you own the sun. How sad. You don't even own a soul. words are important boo. > your sun gives you cancer That was you...
Yep I’m the soulless white devil sent to enslave you 2.0, surprised?
Henry Martin
Black woman and Asian women are pretty.
Even white women who are actors still look like gross manly boys. No wonder white men desperately try to run around everywhere trying to have sex with all of these other women, since white women look like literal shit.
But white men are so crap themselves that most non white women won't accept you poor little pink penis kids.
Brody Parker
Jace Harris
You didn't enslave anyone, you are a loser that lives on Sup Forums, if anything you have enslaved yourself by wasting your life.
Joseph Cooper
People who try to burn flags are a fags. They've been making them flame retardant for years.
Matthew Williams
you only eat human crackers.... this B8 is turning to bile. Blacks can’t even b8 right
Brandon Clark
Lmao, youre not black. Your troll is parhetic. Sage