Was this really necessary?

was this really necessary?

Utaha a shit.

Megumi a best.

Without such things the show would be weighed down by Eriri drama.

Utaha a best.
Eriri a shit.

At least Eriri always gets BTFO at the end.

What do you mean?

i asked if that was really necessary

Blurays don't sell themselves.

For what other reason would you watch Saekano except for the hot girls and fanservice?

great plot, nice characters and the fantastic story developing


Eriri a best and cutest.


There's no other reason to watch this shit

>dindu nuffin: the girl

Sex sells. Unless you're gay.

for muh dick, yes - that is a perfect body (inb4 cell)

gay sex sells to gays

Eriri a best
Megumi a cute
Utaha a shit

Nice meme.

Why do people like Eriri? She's the type who would cheat on you and come home with another man's cum still in her and smile like nothings wrong.

We can say the same for Utaha.

Is this a new copypasta now?

You mean Utaha. She's a slut and NTR backstabbing whore after all. Not an ounce of purity and is fine stealing dicks from others.

Megumi > Eriri > Utaha > Izumi > Michiru

Wait this part was in season 2? It feels like so long ago I thought it was the end of season 1 when she was writing the music.

Utaha is one of the most devoted girls. She couldn't give up even if she wanted to.

someone post the I suffered more pasta with Eriri

S1 was good.

S2 was shit.

>gave up then said okay again after MC forgave her
Real devotion alright.

Eriri literally did nothing wrong, shitposter-san. It's not a stupid ironic meme, but a generic expression.

>I did nothing wrong!
>I waited longer!
>I suffered the most!

It's a meme to bait xD reactions for him.

It sure is necessary.

Shitposting aside, you know she said that she knew him longer, right? It wasn't about waiting. You should change that.


Utaha tried to give up but relapsed at the train station.

Nope. She already gave up. She went through with her shitty plan to make the MC hate her by traumatizing him.


The implication was clear.

>Ten years, you know? Ten years since I first met him...

>I did nothing wrong
>I waited longer
>I suffered most
True from our perspective, but she never said those words.

>muh Eriri is perfect she dindu nuffin!!1!!one1!

Eriri was telling Utaha how long she knew him. The implication is the bond through time, having known him for a long time. It wasn't about waiting.

You must be 18 to post here.

Nobody said she's perfectly flawless in every way. Nice shitposting and implication though.

>Eriri is perfect
Glad you agree. She is best girl after all.

Ok, what happened here, is this 2008? Sup Forums still loves shitty tsunderes like Eriri?

Eriri a shit

Yes it was

>no new IP

Sup Forums likes Utaha and Megumi a lot more.


I want to rape Megumi tenderly.

Sup Forums never stopped loving tsundere. Eriri is a good tsundere though.

No one likes Eriri. It's just a meme.

This Being an Eririfag is frowned upon around here

>implying anyone outside the few vocal Eririfags who reside in these threads love Eriri

Nice forced meme, Utahafag.

Ironic shitposts like this is counterproductive and produce the opposite effective. The average quality of posts trolls and haters make these days sure have dropped to a whole bottom level.


It's funny because Sup Forums likes her more than they did during S1, entire Saekano fanbase on a decline notwithstanding.

Utaha gets worse, Megumifags stopped fighting with Eririfags, and Eriri gets better will do that.

That's false. The amount of Eririfags around is literally the same as S1.

Considering Utahafags are the most obnoxious, militant, and autistically angry bunch for a while now, that must mean being an Utahafag is now allowed.

There's one other very obvious reason, but I'll restraining from pointing that out lest someone gets triggered.

I doubt you can prove that on an imageboard. She doesn't need to be your most favorite to even like her, you know.

Eriri is never aggressive with Tomoya and expects him to come to her because she knew him the longest.

Most Megumifags don't fight with Eririfags anymore and have no reason to dislike Eriri for the sake of waifu wars. Try again, Utahafag.

Meanwhile, the Utaha hate grew in S2.

>the Utaha hate grew in S2.
Bullshit. She got most of the best scenes in S2.

>never aggresive
Did you have a troubled childhood?

Utaha a shit.

Her arc was mediocre and was overtaken by Megumi in the climax.

Cry more. It really suits you being an Eririfag.

New KM chapter out. Reminder that Mayu will win.

Utahafags were hardly that vocal and combative in S2. Utaha received little hate as well. It's different now and the opposite happened, so that isn't wrong.

Michiru has best body
Utaha is best at fucking
Megumi is best girl
and Eriri is okay too I guess

in S1*

I mean.

You're looking at it from a meta perspective based on what you think you know about her character and personality. She didn't say those words or implied it. For all you know she wants to go steady after she and Tomoya made up several months ago.

Nobody is crying in denial except you, shitposting Utahafag.

Nope, that's definitely you.


Utaha still lost and was BTFO by none other than herself, you know.

oh my goddddddddddddddd

My dick can only get so erect.

Grow more dick then.

>Megumi - jealous, possessive, dishonest
>Eriri - stubborn, cowardly, stupid
>Utaha - outright crazy

These two are the only choices.


Ugh what happened to the art in this page? I love my fat Utaha but not with awful cowtits.

Is this one of those show where it feels like the viewer has a girlfriend?

Why are you describing yourself user?

>Utahafags on suicide watch again.

This is the true Utahafag nuke.

More than anything else.


>you're not a creator
>you just don't understand
>you left too!

i dropped this about 2 episodes into S2 cuz that blonde bitch was annoying the shit out of me. does it get better?

You mean her whole character? She's not even a main girl why are you mad?

Hopefully she suffers some more.

Umm, I’m kinda worried if you’re going to read this if I sent this via LINE, and since it’s not really good for my mental health, I decided to just send this through email just like we used to. Well, I’m not telling you to read it, though. It’s just that, if it’s via email, I don’t have to worry about whether it got through and I can focus on writing what I want to.
It is Tomoya’s cowardly calculation.
If you don’t want to read this, it’s fine.
……Well, you’ll probably think that if I have time to write something like this, it’s better for me to write the scenario instead; but if you feel like saying something like that, please reply….
But, but…
I’m sorry to say this to you, but right now, I’m having a really great experience.
I mean, it’s that “Fields Chronicle”, you know?
You probably won’t get it, but even when we first got into this kind of stuff, Fields Chronicle was already a big title, you know?
There isn’t any hardware that can play the first generation anymore, and they even make remakes of it, you know?
“……Ah, is that so? Sounds nice, huh~”
As Tomoya’s message starts generating heat, Megumi’s way of speaking starts getting more and more dubious.
Even if this is a coincidence, even if this is a miracle, I can’t say that I’m not happy.
Right now, I am really blessed… Sorry, Megumi.
“Ah, I see~ So this is what it is like to feel gross from the bottom of one’s heart… Umm, I finally get it.”
And her retorts have started getting more and more merciless.
Eriri and Utaha-senpai quibble over stupid things and things they can’t concede on.
And then there’s me, giving useless advices and meaningless retorts.
But there is no one who stays in the corner of the room, simply existing and flatly letting things flow.
The more fun it is…
The more it pains me that you are not here with me, Megumi.
“Wow, even his narcissism is showing. I just can’t go on, no way.”
…I want to see you soon.
“Shut up… Shut up, shut up, shut up…”

>Tsundere Megumi

“Err, ‘for someone who just betrayed other people, you look like you’re having fun, huh. I’m so jealous, to be honest’, and…”
The night has already ended, but the darkness beneath Megumi’s eyes just keeps getting darker and darker.
“And for this part, ‘I don’t care about Fields Chronicle, never played it after all…'”
And the darkness that comes from Megumi’s mouth just keeps getting more and more bitter.
“‘I really don’t want to meet you in the slightest.'”
And Megumi’s hand that paints the printout of Tomoya’s email in red screams her will to defeat the sender (Tomoya).
The image of Megumi who corrects the email as if possessed by something probably looks like a creator who has entered the zone, if one would look at it that way.

>The only new thing she brings to the show is being a normalfag

That and her stupid haircut