Today motherfuka
Houki a shit.
You are shit Hater Faggot
How does this show fill the void as a Strike Witches clone and how much screentime does the Japanese girl get? She seems top tier along with France.
Season 3 will be announced soon, I can feel it.
>How does this show fill the void as a Strike Witches clone
Not at all.
Japanese girl is shit tier in the anime.
Worst girl's birthday.
Is not birthday of laura
Houki a shit.
Kill yourself, Houkifag.
Do it first Laucrapfag
Hater Faggot with shit taste
Reminder to never try to converse with ESL, he literally cannot do anything but throw 4th grader tier insults.
Yui a shit
Houki would be a perfect wife
I'm looking forward to international ponytail day.
You only "hates her" because you hates me or just only you are a FAGGOT
Onoderafag Fuckyourself
July 7th in ~18 minutes.