watch this be a ccg chapter.
Tokyo Ghoul:Re Chapter 132 spoilers Thread
You only post this early because...
because it's posted this early every week....(BECOME)
New anime will happen next year they'll ignore Root A and start from s1 ending, cap this.
please come back
You only say that because after this...
Nah, prepare for cubic root.
I will kill myself if this is a ccg chapter.
Would be alright if we at least get to see some Suzuya
new chapter, new chibi deep review
Last chapter of :re, what you expect anons?
Yeah it would be, but you know a ccg chapter only means furuta and the two retards.
nice meme
If eto doesn't show up in the last chapter I'm dropping this
Honestly part 3 will probably have amon as the mc. So that's probably why he never showed too much of amon in re, it makes sense now.
Did akira give a shit that haise was getting fucked up? Or was this reaction only because she heard takizawa?
>Amon as MC
God please no. Boring as fuck character.
It was probably just because she recognized Takizawa's voice.
>there are people who honestly believe that Kaneki won't die at the end of the series
I don't get it. He finally sorted things out with Touka. He fucked her, impregnated her and now they're pretty much husband and wife. He has a legacy on the way and now he's confirmed to be fatally ill with no hope to recover. All he can do is prolonging his inevitable death by constant cannibalism and by refusing to use his ghoul powers which he absolutely can't do as the OEK.
At this point it'd be a total hack move to not kill him off at the end.
meme magic will save him
Wow, I hate her
Touka is DEAD
And who will replace him? Everyone else is faceless and bland compared to him. Maybe if they'd been slowly building up a new mc but no one even comes close.
There are definitely a lot of things pointing towards Kaneki dying, I just don't see anyone who could replace him
You only say that because...
When will you kill off Touka and make Eto Kaneki's wife like it's supposed to be?
If we get eto this chapter I'll post a vid of me doing the arima dodge.
Is Uta gay? no seriously
>implying it's ever getting an anime again
it will end up like deadman wonderland and claymore
never getting a second chance
Who says someone needs to replace him? I don't think the series will continue when Kaneki dies. He'll achieve everything he wanted, possibly see his child being born and then he'll die peacefully.
No need for some retarded TG:Next Generations garbage.
he's Bi
I just like to see things resolved. The story revolves around ghouls, I don't want it to end just like that, with the protagonist dying and everyone just waiting to get fucked by Furuta and the rest.
Kaneki will die and then be reborn by Touka, as he is his own baby
He's probably bi, and honestly probably so is Ishida. Ishida said he gave uta similar hobbies to him and he drew him eating a dick. Ishida a lot more than other mangaka likes to put a lot of stuff like gays and things like that. Amons name even means anal beads. And his previous work is the penisman.
Who says Kaneki will die before getting rid of the threat that is Furuta and the clowns? That wouldn't make any sense.
The last chapter confirmed that he's aging fast but that doesn't mean he's at death's door yet.
>touka fucks kaneki because he is similar to her father, she then fucks him as her son
I wish
>there are people who honestly believe that Kaneki's child won't die before its born, even after Ishida spoonfed them its fate an entire year ago.
Yes kaneki, touka, the baby and every character in the series will die. Why don't these idiots see it?
I wish, but no. I'd be fine with her dying, Kaneki surviving, and living out the remainder of his days in peace while never being shown his death at thr series end. See MGS4.
Delete this entire fucking thread.
Has editor-san been fucking your story since Cochlea? Have you succumb to fan pandering? Or do you not just care any more?
user, you only say that because after this...
Chink scan is cleaner and better.
Where is the chink scan of 125?
I just went digging on baidu.
Is kaneki the king without a ring?
Damn, re-reading made me realize what a shitty character Urie is and that Mutsuki isn't all that bad really
I will shank u fucking faggot. Don't do this.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I love Kaneki
>t. Eto
please come back
I want to kiss and hold hands with Suzuya
holy shit, people still read this mess?
Hope touka die and hinami raise the child
Hinami saved his life and almost died in prison and touka didnt dona shit
The child is still too young for Touka to die.
There is no definite proof that the cat and dog poem refers to Touka and Kaneki. There are too many inconsistences. The rotten womb may refer to any other woman pregnant with a half ghoul, of which there may be several right now.
I never thought Mustuki was that bad before she went crazy, just kind of boring. It was always the fanbase projecting the whole trans thing on her and refusing to understand what Ishida was going for that made the opinion of her worsen, especially around here.
Touka and the baby are dead user, you are on the negation phase but you need to finally accept it.
Baby may live, if it cannibalizes the mother and its sibling it can turn into a kagune monster.
Why didn't Kaneki give Eto the D?
t. 2d4u
Spoonfed when?
Because Eto is insane and they never really had an opportunity. Also, she's barren so no child could ever come of it.
Sure they will die just like Eto
ooooh boy!
We knew Touka liked Kaneki because of his father, anything new?
wtf eto is barren, I don't remember this!? Explain user, at once.
Touka's Bizzare Adventures: Daddy Tendencies
Every hybrid is sterile
>says she really misses Haise
>sees Uta with Haise's face
>"hurr I missed you, senpai, don't leave me"
>stabs him in the throat
Absolutely insane. There's no helping her
Kaneki took her entire lower body when he fought her, including her uterus. The uterus has a finite amount of egg cells and the body cannot produce more. Eto lost all of hers.
soon best boy will return
uuh are you okay user?
Subspecies can breed with each other, for example dogs and wolves, and polar bears. Anyway, idk if ghouls are a seperate species or a subspecies of human, so I can't make much of an argument.
That actually makes a lot of sense now that I think about it.
Far from it. Hybrid fertility depends on the species and age. Mule males for instance, are fertile. In fact they're overly horny to the point that they are unruly and hard to deal with, so people always castrate them.
Now we know why Eto is insane, she is just really horny.
Now that I think about it, if a ghoul can regrow the entire lower part of its body, how can't it regrow some egg cells?
For example, its obvious that Eto can still feel sensations on her lower portion of the body when she regrew her legs. Which means that her nerve cells must have regrowth as well. The nerve cells are notorious for taking an extremely long time to regrow, or don't regrow at all. This is the key, if she was able to regenerate her cells then obviously she could still be fertile.
Jesus I'm reading too much into this.
>Jesus I'm reading too much into this.
Pretty much everyone is. Whenever we get a new chapter people try to look into the panels searching for muh parallels and symbolism. In the end they come up with the most ridiculous bullshit.
I wouldn't even be surprised if that poem meant fucking nothing in the end.
One of the arguments against interbreeding (in general) is the fact that the resulting offspring will have an unpredictable and chaotic temperament.
The body does not grow additional egg cells ever. They are formed very early in the development of a child from primitive cells that no longer exist in a grown person.
>mfw Eto will never have Kaneki's children.
Touka: Why are you crying?
Kaneki: ...why indeed...
will be the become the Tokyo Ghoul
Oh, it's the delusional faggot from last week still shilling his retarded headcanon.
>Applying human biology to a fictional species which can regnerate an entire lower body.
The fuck are you smoking?
Cry harder Etofag. Touka dies so does Kaneki's chances of ever having children. No little one eyed ghouls. Unless Kaneki cucks Ayato and takes Hinami.
>I wouldn't even be surprised if that poem meant fucking nothing in the end.
Now that's a stretch.
>Pointing out your blatant headcanon makes me an Etofag.
Does a person even need to like Eto to get labled this shit at this point? And I don't give a shit about Touka one way or the other or her would be children, so you can fuck off with the shipping faggotry. All I'm telling you is to stop forcing this headcanon every fucking thread.
Nips are saying that indeed, next chapter, meaning this one is the final one with 25 pages.
I SWEAR I will drop this series if Touka dies! First Eto, and now her! Ishida I will not let this shit stand!!
are you that autistic tripfag from last week?