Is this the face of someone who deserves to suffer until the end of the series?

Is this the face of someone who deserves to suffer until the end of the series?

How can you not be 100% behind Miura's decision to make Berserk less dark and edgy? Guts has earned his peace.

The plot demands it.


>be reading this
>having a good time
>reach the part where guts and caska fug
>dad literally walks in

Gattsu is a meanie. He deserves to have everything he loves taken away.

My life hasn't improved at all since I started reading this shit, why should Guts'?

I'm waiting for Guts to one hit KO the whole team with one swing of that heavy slab when he gets full rage

did he think it was hot

Fuck off Griffith


I was sitting in the lounge of my university reading Berserk, and my laptop froze on the panel where Casca gets tentacle raped.

Couldn't you just close the laptop

Why did Casca unironically enjoy Griffith's cock?

I did. Still I'm sure some people saw in the few seconds that I tried to scroll past it.

If I wanted a happy manga, don't you think I'd be reading something else?

Because having your genitals stimulated is meant to produce pleasure.

Same reason why Griffith enjoyed pleasing old men for money OHOHOHOHO

Casca was so embarrassed that she enjoyed getting fucked in front of Guts that she pretended to be retarded for 3 years


I'm glad others are starting to agree with my theory

Well I mean it's a fact that most people irl experience some degree of pleasure during rape. Many even orgasm.

I seem to recall some news story in Japan where a girl married her rapist

>ok, I get the first time. But why even after the Tower of Conviction
>I didn't know how to break it to you and I was used to acting that way

That shit happens way more often that you would think. Rape really fucks with the psyche in that way.

I went to a special needs school for reasons I won't go into, and there was a girl who was raped into retardation just like Casca. She could still talk and take basic care of herself but if you spent more than a few minutes with her, or watched her write/draw, you'd see that she was mentally 7-8 despite actually being in her 20s. She'd also tell both friends and strangers explicit details about her rape, but the clinical way in which she said it and the words she used made it seem like she was just repeating what she'd heard doctors say.

Anyway thanks for reading my blog.

Just like my chinese porn scratchings

Can someone post the webms from the new series?

fucking horrifying

Yeah it is. I have her added on Facebook and her spelling has gotten much better in recent years, plus she's apparently studying fashion at some special needs college. So I guess things are kind of improving for her.

Have a sneak peak from the BDs

What do you guys think it'd be like if Casca became The Black Swordsman?


Early death

Why is Guts attacking a Jew?

Do you guys think Casca will ever get her memory back?

Probably. I think that when she does, it will cause another tragedy similar in scope to the Eclipse. Whatever happens it will not be good.



I fucking hate Berserk. Why can't it just go back to comfy golden age arc instead of endless fanservice stalling?

Blame Griffith

Golden Age already lasted a billion years though. Black Swordsman/Lost Children is the Berserk that needs to make a comeback.

this. There was nothing more comfier than Guts wandering on his own looking for apostles to hunt.

He's had Puck since the very first chapter

Puck wasn't a problem he was a good contrast with the edginess of Guts.

The guy who thought he was clever when he made this is a fucking idiot.

what are you doing user? you just met one of your potentials VN routes and you squandered it.
was she cute?

Puck isn't an issue on his own. It's when he's with Isidro that he turns into Chestnut Puck and they both can't go a panel without being goofballs.

He's been chestnut puck more than his normal form at this point

Which returns us to the fact that the party needs to fuck off

Shit man, i was reading berserk on my university's library too and i had a big fucking splash of trolls raping girls.

I don't know if people saw or not but i was in a terrible spot where i had my back at literally everyone.

Did he also notice that Guts has an unusually small penis? Its no wonder he couldn't even make Casca orgasm.

I mean, with all the fucked up shit that happens in Berserk a vanilla sex scene isn't that bad after all

How can you tell when we never get to see him hard? I'm quite sure he was soft every time we see him in the nude

It's magic. I ain't gotta explain shit

Man I should watch the movies sometimes.


Reminder that after the dicking he gave her, she couldn't even sit
>posting the scene made by a hentai studio
>thinking this is an argument

>breaking your hymen means the guy had a big dick


He literally fucked her silly.

>couldn't even sit
>rides a horse

>>dad literally walks in

As opposed to figuratively?

She indubitably will. That's a plot-point 20 years in the making, there can be no other resolution. The only question is how fucked up she'll end up being.

My prediction is that the behelit being carried by Guts will be used by Casca

I'm beginning to think that the constant hiatuses and the anime are just Miura trying to fully immerse his readers in Guts' suffering

Nah, I think it'll make the circumstances too convoluted. There's a number of outlandish coincidences that happened through-out the story, but Casca surviving the Eclipse, getting branded, bearing a demon child so it could later save her through the nights when she's separated from everyone, and getting carried through high seas only so she could activate it would just be too improbable. Not to mention it would kill the narrative.

truly in the end we will have a dramatic scene of guts refusing the behelit

She wasn't my type at all. Objectively I would say 5/10.

I'm also a rape survivor so I would never date someone who has been raped. Just too much to deal with


>Berserk less dark and edgy
read the Grunbeld novel, shits depressing as fuck

It's either that or "victim", and "victim" sounds like someone who takes no personal responsibility for their life.

You enjoy it didn't you ? slut.

Most people, especially women fetishize rape. The reason "rape" doesn't really exist in Japan is because most women ideally want to be forcibly ravaged by a strong (preferably white) male.

Is there a translation?

It hurt really fucking bad but also felt pleasurable at the same time.

I'm probably going to get banned because of you.

I'm a dude. Most dudes don't fetishize gay rape.

>posting Sup Forums shit
Gee I wonder why

Congratulations on surviving.

I can't even imagine how quickly death would overtake me if I was penetrated without consent. Instantaneously, I would assume. Strange how the heart can't function properly if there is a foreign object inside one of your orifices that you didn't want there. Truly a modern medical mystery.

How about involuntary rape participant?

I like that one. Going to use it from now on. Thanks. I never liked the word "survivor" but that's what everybody told me to say so I just rolled with it. What you said is so much better.

>and "victim" sounds like someone who takes no personal responsibility for their life.

Wait a sec, you got ass-raped and you're flexing nuts about it? The fuck is wrong with you, nigger?

>he is not a faggot therefore he is inflating testicles


> has a conversation with god
> goes to rape casca a moment after it

he was,is and always be evil in his very core. he was born to serve this very purpose

Finally, a way I can be inside Griffith!

He's too pussy to admit to being victimized, because it would make him sound soft, so instead he's flexing, trying to seem a big man. This is some bitch shit.

I said that word without thinking and then I literally regurgitated what the psychiatrist told me to say. I'm tired, cut me some slack nigga.

Hopefully you realize I was just being facetious. Involuntary rape participant is ambiguous about your role in the rape. Someone will think you meant you were the rapist.

Stick with victim just because it's the default term. Survivor is, by definition, the wrong term and will detract from the quality of threads by baiting people.

Surely there must be a good neutral term for rape victim that doesn't have the flaws of victim and survivor, but I cannot think of it.

Perhaps we should call it getting Casca'd.

I think casca will get her marbles back when guts kills femto (if he ever kills him that is) or near the end of the story (if it ever ends) I dont want the story to end though. Even if guts never kills the godhand, he'll at least kill all the apostles, loosening the godhands grip on the world.

Ok man I genuinely didn't know that "survivor" is the wrong term. It's the one that was pushed on me ever since I was a child, and I was told never to use "victim". I sure as fuck wasn't trying to bait anyone, I hope you realise that.

Just call a spade a spade next time. Admit you're a victim of ass-rape and move on. Only a complete fucking faggot would hold that against you.

Again I had no fucking clue that "survivor" is not acceptable and I'm sorry I made it look like I was trying to bait people. I'm in medical school and I've legit seen people get shat on by the doctors for using the word "victim".

I guess Sup Forums isn't real life though.

>I've legit seen people get shat on by the doctors for using the word "victim".

Damn, some weird-ass shit going on in there, huh. The fuck are they calling burn victims then?

Why is victim the wrong term?

They call burn victims burn survivors if it was a while back and burn casualties if it was very recently and still being treated.

Because apparently "victim" implies helplessness and takes away the person's agency. That's how it was explained to me.

Why are the colors so shit

Because they often were asking for it and/or not really "raped". Usually they just regret fucking someone and cry rape to garner sympathy and save face.

They have you use those terms for psychological reasons, I assume. It's technically wrong though by definition. To be a survivor of something requires that it have a significant chance to kill you, like a cancer survivor. Rape is not inherently life threatening and therefore not something that you "survive".

That's why the phrase "rape survivor" always gets replies.

Now go forth and spread your newfound knowledge! And try not to get Casca'd again.

If a child was raped they'd be pretty helpless, so they'd be a victim, yeah?

>They call burn victims burn survivors if it was a while back and burn casualties if it was very recently and still being treated.

Wait, for real? 'Survivor' sounds way exaggerated, but I guess that's how shit is nowadays. Alright, have a nice day, negro.

I think the word rape is used too broadly, we need more term's.
Casca'd is a good start

I do get what you're saying. My medical school in particular is all about bedside manner and making patients feel good about themselves so there's that. I forget that I'm with an entirely different set of people when I'm here.

Anyway have a cool picture.

Does survivor actually make you feel better, though?
Sorry if i'm upsetting or triggering you, but this stuff is really interesting to talk about.