Subnautica Game Developer Fired Over Conservative Views Thread 2

Thread 1:
Y'all know what to do.

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we need to gas all homos now holy shit

When you make threads like this, give a quick rundown for those not in the know.
If you give some "don't expect me to spoonfeed you" bullshit, don't expect the thread to last.

>they dun goofed
Let’s block criticism

Right heres a quick run down:
>Subnautica sound designer gets fired over conservative views.
>Said sound designer made some of the best sound effects in any game in recent times, and played a big part of how great the game is.
>now shows that one of the devs has just protected their twitter, probably couldn't handle criticism.
Thats the basic gist of it. Feel free to elaborate more.

I have no idea who that is but
looks like a latino Jason Statham

>subnautica sound designer made some fairly standard conservative statements on twitter
>neogaf splinter forum called resetera freaks out and calls for his head
>subnautica devs deliver it for them

It's the sound designer for Subnautica. Who got fired for making rather standard almost borderline centre-right conservative statements on twitter.
Again explains it better than I possibly can.

A shame too, since I genuinely like the game as it is a good game, but shit practices like this, and in the video game industry as a whole, is just unacceptable.

thats why i pirate all sjw games

>Y'all know what to do.

Leave it alone man. We've known the main dev of Subnautica was a stupid lefty faggot ever since he said that he didn't put guns or effective weapons in the game because of Sandy Hook. Trolling the game via social media is just going to become another "hurrr evil mean Trump supporters attack innocent lefty" news fracas. It won't change anybody's mind. Just make us look like dicks.

review page isn't looking too good at all

Oh no we're not trolling the game, I was more implying to put bad reviews, and make it public light. Besides the main dev has already protected their twitter, so it's more fuel for us.

Fired for their views or for slandering gays? This is the reality we must deal with.

Are they actually being trolled?
Or have they seen a negative comment and suddenly gone off the deep end and said the world is out to get them?

I feel as if most shit decisions or practices in games, tend to be by developers/companies that are left-leaning. why is this honestly a noticeable occurrence?

If being on Sup Forums and participating in Gamergate has taught me anything, it's that the objective reality barely matters when it comes to shit like this. Look at Anita Sarkeesian. She's objectively a liar and a fraud who, at one point, "harassed" herself. Her opinions about the roles of women in video games are ignorant at best and complete fucking lies at worst. But how do normies see her? As an expert in both video games and feminism. To the point that she's made a career out of it.

Do whatever you feel like I guess. The game already has so many good reviews that I doubt we'll make a dent.

You see, the company is based in California.
There are rules there against firing over political opinions if I'm not mistaken. They fucked themselves over for no reason other than pandering to the SJW crowd and what appears to be corporation virtue-signaling.
Plus you forget where you are, asking people to not troll here is pointless. And if they make the claim they're innocent, as I said, there are laws against political discrimination and it is exactly what they did.

found the nigger

>based in California.

This should have tipped off consumers everywhere.

Has a conservative ever successfully won a political discrimination case? Liberals fire people for being conservative all the time, so this can't be too much of a problem for them.

Unfortunately California is a banana republic so any right wing person wronged will not see justice.

And the sacked sound designer is apparently a Pole. Which does explain a lot, Polish devs are really talented compared to that schlock in Commiefornia.

he should have known about these cucks when they refused to add guns to the game because of Sandy Hook
shit game anyway, been out for years and still runs like absolute garbage

How is that guy at google going?
Anyway, even if he doesn't win the massive impact it caused was pretty serious.

Well thats just too bad but I agree, Silence the foolish opposition , and behead those insolent demons

Was he niggin and noggin like one of us or was he fired by cucks for being mildly right wing?

I can't upvote the negative reviews quickly enough.

If you bought this game it is now your duty to give it a shit review.

WELP i actually wanted to buy this game, guess i'm pirating it now

So why did he get fire though

This is the employee btw, everyone seems to be assuming its some soyboy male


He said "importing random people from 3rd world countries like muslims is importing 3rd world crime and importing low IQ. Condolences from Poland."


She said*

That’s just his waifu

I would fire all conservashits too.
you pricks have proven that you don't belong in society.
you are sociopaths.
you are the bad guys.

Oh thats ACTUALLY the designer in the pic?

I thought it was just some porn star the designer thought was hot.

Okay, change of topic for the rest of the thread:

>Subnautica's sound design: proof women can be useful, or an elaborate liberal conspiracy?

sounds way more based than jew damore already


>tfw no qt3.14 gf to make me vidya when i come home from work

/our girl/

Some kind of based female polish shitskin. Not sure what to think. If i wasnt maried i woud give her Swiss citizenship and a comfy home though

His case is now a class action lawsuit.

>VR game
>Doesn't use motion controllers

>we need more women and PoC in games industry now!
>fire woman PoC in games industry because she doesn't agree with you

fucking kek

its a guy using a girl as profile pic

He said he identifies as an apache helicopter, and that immigrants have been bringing crime and low IQ's into developed countries.

It's not. The designer is male.

meh, should have known their games suck


why do people say this is a nigger thing it belongs to us

Why can't game companies be redpilled and based? Why are almost all of them cucked?

she not a game dev she made "sounds" for the game

natural selection 2 is amazing

im pissed these guys are cucks but I expect nothing from anyone anymore. That's why im maken my own games

and its a dude using a girl as profile pic

la creatura...

>Video game company
>People who enjoy video games
>Video games
Are you a retard? Video games are the lowest test hobbie out there. Reserved for betas, soyboys, bugmen, and subhuman bitter genetic dead-ends. That's why. Your hobby is for fags and pussies.
Why would you put sounds in quatations you retard.

the underwater critters are actually scared of him.
what a twist

He thinks the Swedish military should deal with the no go zones, that's he got fired

She's probably pretty talented then, if her work is that good. Being in the field of audio production, I'm impressed.

I..I've never been in love before guys.

Will the fired dev not sue the company?

El goblino acuático....

>good employee fire for saying something offensive years ago
total coincidence that it's right after the game is released and finished when they boot him

I feel like Natural selection 2 was bait to get people to fund their in house game engine. The game never felt completed, and they just moved on to new g games based on eyecandy to show off their game engine.

t. faggot that doesn't actually have hobbies save browsing Sup Forums and playing vidya. lol.

Hew hew hew, hope you know more than ue4 blueprints

Oh good another internet mob..... I am in.

>Betamale muttmad about his hobby being made fun of

Put bad reviews on a good game?

They're normally settled out of court(I know someone who got a settlement)

How the fuck can you make such a bad character? Is this what plagues the gaming industry nowdays? Diversity hires that can't make cute/attractive characters and are only hired for regulations? Who even would think this fag is attractive, why the fuck would you make that thing?
So many questions, too much autism.
Non mais ils se sont inspirés des Guignols ou quoi.

The game is mediocre at best, fuck it

>makes statement regarding her concern for the well-being of her society
>gets called sociopath

the absolute state of the left! hah

When will they learn that most of the playerbase for video games is not left-leaning?

its a dude with a women avatar

good lord that shit reads like sci-fi

She is based.

High Volume of Negative Reviews Detected Feb 6 - Feb 7

but just look at those positive reviews near jan 24th? Shill much?

good old downloads

Preddy funny right there

Yeah come on idiots his name is Simon. That's probably his gf or something.

Which one of you wrote this?

Their games are some of the best I've ever played. NS2 is hands-down my favorite game of all time. The leadership was infected by liberal mind virus so now they will turn to shit.

I hope the entire studio burns to the fucking ground harder than Gearbox now.

i dont get it

Why should I give a shit abuot this twerp again? IT jobs are literally dens of degeneracy, his boss did him a favor.

>Deep end

i dont even go on pol very often and this shit bothers me.

The holocaust is heavy on the fi


you ruined it, why couldn't you let me live in that dream

I played this game before and subnautica just looks like a sci fi version of it

The review can be honest.
Steam reviews fall in the category of recommended or not recommended.
I said I "Not Recommended" and explained that it's a good game but I can't recommend a company that fires employees over their political beliefs.

play some old school quake, quake 2 you see how much ns2 sucked. The only thing going for it was eyecandy.

>anime avatar

Every time

Q predicted this.

u wot