South Africa - Ask me anything about the politics of South Africa, please

Hello everyone, it's me, your girl Astra Kruger.
Let us have a discussion about the political situation here in South Africa.
Please ask and I will respond.


What’s been happening there? Is there a civil war brewing? How are the whites living in SA?

what does your anal smell like?
what does your anal look like?
what is exactly the colour of your anal?
have you had your anal licked by anyone?
has your anal been penetrated by a penis?

i'm a girl's anal enthusiast but have never seen it in the real life
i love girl's anal more than anyone else in the world yet have never seen it in the real life

i'm fucking serous
please give me mercy

90% of us white South Africans are thinking about leaving. Because we live in fear. No sign of civil war. Our White men are cowards

Might as well leave now. I rather have white SA in America rather than Somali terrorists.

Getting into the US is a bitch if you're white, try UK, Australia or NZ

Tits or GTFO

Why did you cuck yourselves by turning in your firearms?

English teacher, why do you spend your time in Japan browsing Sup Forums?
Japan is a beautiful crime free country, so why aren't you outside enjoyed life?

He does not kno da wae qween

this woman is fake and the poster is a literal nigger

she'll call Americans Italians and all this weird shit, this has been going on for almost a year

Before thinking i'm a shill, simply check the archive.

This fucking larper shit again. Everyone sage.
Oh op posts some tits and gtfo

We still have firearms. Blacks have more guns. We are a minority over here

You seem to be dropping in here regularly.
Why not set up a blog or youtube channel?

Otherwise whatever you share here gets lost in cyberspace.

because this is literally a nigger trolling you absolute fucking retard

we have a lot of South African posters here, it's pretty fucking clear this random larp that keeps popping up isn't one of them.

>goes in all fields

I thought about that.
But she keeps making threads and sharing many photos of herself that doesn't appear anywhere else on image search.

Either it's an actual person or a troll with a private gallery of pictures of some other woman.

You won't reply with pic of your hand and timestamp because you are a larping nigger.

>internet access
Your story does not add up

I have a few questions. I would be delighted if you could answer them all.
Are there organized groups trying to make the world aware of the situation for white people in SA? If so, what are they called?
The killings of farmers are no secret, and I assume racially motivated. If this is not enough to start up a rebellion, do you think the current water crisis could lead to an event that sparks a race war? In that case, what do you imagine to be the most likely?
There were also rumours about SA officers stashing away weaponry in caches when apartheid was abolished, heard anything about this?
Finally, there was an SA OP yesterday who was asking for help and posted his Telegram account, forgot to write it down, do you happen to have it?

Does the average white person in South Africa not like black people? How common is emigration to other Western countries? Is it common to call streetlights robots? I knew a South African who did that a lot.

How do I date white SA chicks OP?

Lol traffic lights are called robots... It's a strange one... Technology to the max..

>Tits or GTFO
Thank God, only a seven minute response time! Der Deutschlanders ein die über alles. America, I am disappointed.
Time stamp req'd on tits in sharpie or kys LARP. Sage