I need some articles where people on the left admit that the destruction of white people is their ultimate goal...

I need some articles where people on the left admit that the destruction of white people is their ultimate goal, articles where jewish people say they want whites destoryed and women raped etc...im trying to build up a permanent folder i have to show normies who try to tell me that "its not about getting rid of white people"

Other urls found in this thread:



I actually had loads of relevant pictures but I kept them all in my downloads folder which gets purged during a clean and I lost 1 year of gold.

Bumping for the 2 and a half hour video of jews admitting White genocide is real.



UN fancy talk for white genocide which the majority can't see through because they read things too literally


thank you lad, the exact type of stuff ive been looking for

Sometimes I wonder if threads like this are a way to see what people have and create counters for them.

The psyop wouldn't surprise me desu


>if they had the power too



its not, but interesting thought tho, im looking for a specific quote where a jewish rabbi writes an article saying he wants white males to watch as their daughters and sisters get raped, another huffington post article titled "getting rid of white people is a good thing" ....anything like that

my own white female relatives are trying to say there is not a war on white people

It's literally in the Talmud

>jewish rabbi writes an article saying he wants white males to watch as their daughters and sisters get raped, another huffington post article titled "getting rid of white people is a good thing"
I know both the things you mean but I believe they were on my computer which got nuked. I lost so many things that I will likely never get back


It's also ok to kill goys














I include things outside of the US because it makes it more apparent that it's """coincidentally""" happening in all European majority nations














Does tumblr count?


They'll just point out that they can gather an equal amount of articles from the Right saying they want to genocide non-whites.









>Snowbunny means coalburner.




>I want cherry picked sources






>search parameters are now considered cherry picking
American Leafist education everyone.



self hate is the worst thing you can do.

and that's everything in my loxism folder







kek fucking tool


>white people have all been raised to behave like sociopaths
Didn't white people come up with the definition of sociopathy long before the people still on this planet were born?


looks like it was coined in 1930 by a dude named Partridge

go fuck yourself

Shit. I thought it went farther than that. But even then, it was coined well before the changes in parenting practices post-third-wave feminism, the time when most of our parents were being raised. Thanks, feminists

>piss on the bible
>still call herself a christian

kek calm your tits nigger i was referencing the faggot in his favorite position on his knees trying to make the hurricane look worse than it actually was, not you

thank the kikes for feminism m8

Republican scum are doing everything they can to accelerate the destruction of the earth. You guys cry about immigrants but wait until hundreds of millions of climate refugees are attempting to pour into your countries and take everything you own. Your idiocy will be everyone's downfall. You people need to be killed before you kill us all.

>climate refugees
my sides



literally a graph of nothing. Good work.

That pic is wrong. AZ has 5 not 11

>it's literally nothing
careful goy you're starting to sound like one of those ignorant climate deniers

2012 m8


all these climate deniers itt, tsk tsk

>also fukken saved, thx leaf
