Konosuba Thread

What did Wiz mean by this?

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Just post Megumin


I have to wonder....are there any other sects of the Axis that aren't as horrible as this towns was?


You haven't even met Cecily yet.

Easily best girl

so I take it, she's like one of the few tolerable ones?

Bakuen Chapter 13 out

Wiz is for piggy back rides and lap pillow

konosuba has the best facial expressions



Are the LN's or the manga worth it? I feel like a lot of the humor in the anime was visual

Read them yourself and the decide whether you like them or not.

Depends. Don't know about the manga, but the LN is a bit more focused on the story, so if you just want comedy, there are points where you're really going to be bored (even if there is still a lot of comedy scattered around).
Also you would need to either get used to the badly written, fan made English version (even though it gets better later), or wait for the official release.
Unless you speak moon.
Overall, this:

I enjoyed the light novels alot but thats just me i suggest you start from the begining because there were a few chapters that werent animated (one of them being one of my favorites) but it isnt needed. The anime ended on volume 4 so naturally you would start on volume 5 which i dont really like that much but volume 6 is amazing. Only 2 are officially translated but theres a website with 10 volumes fan translated.
And never read the manga

Thanks lads

why is this guy so based?

So based he even got his own song on the character album

Konosuba manga is pretty bad but the Bakuen spinoff manga has a different mangaka and so, is much better than the main series manga