Net worth 115.7 billion USD

>net worth 115.7 billion USD

What's his endgame?

Other urls found in this thread:

Owning all physical distro.

CIA asset.

hair implants

This and this

He said he would give me a trillion dollars to suck his dick. He's working towards that goal.

Transcending the human form and becoming a god.

more tax cuts

Doubt he would look better with hair.

More money. The dude would be treating his workers like Upton Sinclair's the Jungle if weren't for workplace laws.

This guy can cause a global economic crash if he just liquidated his assets

modern day Crassus

Guy I know who works for Amazon is suing. Says the overworked him and ended up breaking his leg on the job. Hope he wins something.

Before demon implant and after demon implant

fuck off commie

u work for your masters or u die

Monopoly power (and not just in his industry) of course. He's a sperg that got rich, they all do that.

The same end game everyone has these days; MORE SHEKELS.

His fucking laugh makes me wanna kill myself !!!


Do you think he's (((one of you)))?

His face is half Scott Adams, half Adam Schiff

Pushing socialism so no one else can make near the amount of money he did benefiting from capitalism. This gives him power and control.


Something about the guy just is not right.

No, Jews laugh like that.

i hope finding a cure for baldness

Do you think he played this after topping 100B?

No matter how much money he earns, he will still be bald.

This repeating numbers i've got indicate that i'm not wrong

He sells whatever the fuck he wants.

>the living wage meme
There is a living wage it's called the minimum wage. Fuck I have heard people in Glasgow say the living wage is like £10 an hour fucking morons

nobody can control such amount of money desu. All this net worth is a meme

2nd pic inspiring me to hit the gym
I need to look like that on tinder

>Exactly good soyim. Work for peanuts you little bitch.


just like Musk he roided out
imagine what it must be like to have all that wealth and power yet still be so insecure
at least the Robber Barons were comfortable looking like what they were

I'm not a communist, I was joking, but shit will explode

Hey man, you want to be alpha, you gotta look alpha.

that's the saddest thing

Minimum wage is not a "living" wage. If Government was to cut off assistance to ppl on minimum, they'd be homeless or starving.

>that's the saddest thing
>Implying Bezos and Musk aren't living the best life you could imagine
YOu think they would have been happier as bald soyboy cucks with no pussy?

More like assclown

evo ga vido

Find his creator?

>YOu think they would have been happier as bald soyboy cucks with no pussy?
they still are on the inside and everyone knows it, that's the point
the roids and hair implants prove it
fucking Woz didn't buff up because he likes who he is

To become lex luthor.

no, you think they'd get over that irrelevant shit once they became successful and rich
ja sam Matija

What is a demon implant? Better not be some anime garbage.


>quoting a basic mathematical certainty as if it is a grave injustice
the absolute state of faux intellectual faggots.

I work for Amazon. Heads up anytime he laughs is a call for alarm before someone gets fired.

I don't know what you meant by this.
>as if it is an injustice
It's unstable.

cameras and microphones in every home

fuck off shill

he can have them if I get 1 day shipping

how am I shilling? what the fuck have you produced or done for the world you neet faggot? I'm glad you're a broke bitch if you can't provide anything of value.

Giving the consumers what they want. They collectively decided to make Bezos rich after all.

>not same day two hour or one hour delivery.
What backwoods swamp do you hail from Cletus?

>Heads up anytime he laughs is a call for alarm before someone gets fired.
jesus that's legit scary
guess he makes for a better Robber Baron than I thought

I am a backwood Cletus and I don't know if you are bullshitting me or if 2 hour delivery is a real thing in cities. It's peaceful here(white).


clearly not white

Two hour delivery is free in cities. One hour is a little extra.

What does he get out of being that rich? He’s not inventing anything or finding any cool things like a mars expedition so why does he just horde all of his money like that?

rural freaks btfo

>learn how to change from Kevin spacey to Bruce Willis with this one wierd trick

Sure he'll make a KILLING off that arbitration agreement he signed

I'm a broke bitch because I work for Amazon

Laser beams attached to sharks. But he’ll settle for Ill tempered sea bass


Keeping kitchens and bathrooms spotless

2nd quote should be "I sell souls"

George Soros 2.0

He's providing listening devices for the CIA and making people pay for them

Live out his little puppet life.

then stop using amazon and windows you fucking commie faggots. holy fucking shit commies need to die.

To watch the rest of the world starve to death.

A full head of hair

Nice logic you got there tard

To cure baldness

>people that couldn't get a job holding a sign are given a chance
>still complain
not all jobs are fun. some suck. if you can make more elsewhere quit.

>Not using mac
>Not leaving your house/apartment to buy stuff

>not using Mac
>promoting a liberal/LGBTQKKK business entity
You're part of the problem

Yea but I was told illegals dont get welfare and they somehow are not homeless. They live in trailers behind the farm.

you coddled faggots. it gets worse and worse

he is quite open about this in interviews
his ultimate goal is humanity in space in orbitals like O'Neill stations and asteroid mining

Today, huge industrial complexes on Earth build components that are sent into space, at a cost of thousands of dollars per pound. Bezos foresees an inversion in that flow of goods. “We’ll make the microprocessors in space, and then we’ll send the little tiny bits to Earth,” Bezos said.

In the long term, Blue Origin could set the stage for moving heavy industries completely off Earth, leaving our planet zoned strictly for “residential and light industrial” use.

Capitalism brings forth a hefty price, but with hefty results. A double edged sword, as they say.

Pretty sure that guy is a host to a subterranean reptilian species that injects a mind controlling proboscis entity through one of the eyes into the brain like Donald Marshall explained.

Same deal with that faggot Coldplay singer.

That's not an inversion but the actual goal from the get go. Unfortunately we need to get that shit out into space to begin with and "his vision" is centuries down the line.

Why when you can just shapeshift back into a lizard?

That's a pretty big statement
Then again, schiff has some pretty big googly eyes

Curing baldness?

Buying all the shitcoins then dumping them

how many onions do you think he ate?

Yeah probably because increasing regulations have made it all but impossible to be upwardly mobile

So you can donate .0001% of your earnings into some bullshit fund you start, and everyone feels at ease with you possessing all that money, because you become a "philanthropist".

he'll buy up companies like fireeye lock step with government consolidating infomatics

Why are Americans such capitalist boot lickers, holy shit