Tfw election year in Mexico

>tfw election year in Mexico
>strongest presidential candidate is a socialist retard

So, can Sup Forums help Mexico to not fuck up so badly in the elections?
Pic for attention.

Other urls found in this thread:

>implying it matters when all of your politicians are bought and paid for anyways
>believing either one will change anything for you
You Mexicans are hilariously delusional.

I'm a dual citizen is it okay if I fuck with your election?

Your population is a mix a decent people and lot of subhumans. So its expected. Thats why the best is when shtf. Then something can be done. Until then, niggers, muslims and low iq mestizos.

>>believing either one will change anything for you
I'd be okay if things stay as they are right now.

It would be better than letting a liberal socialist win the election.

the only reason you have citizenship in mexico is so you can fuck teenagers you sick bastard.

ironically, we all know that the drug cartels run the mexican government and until you faggots can sort yourselves out, you dont deserve our help.

Just vote for the PRI party.

Well at least we just have retard mexicans. Not muslims or niggers, yet.

Bump for tacos

You need authoritarianism to bring down cartels and corruption. Fuck democracy. Mexico needs a Hitler kind of guy.

>ironically, we all know that the drug cartels run the mexican government and until you faggots can sort yourselves out, you dont deserve our help.

>this is what americans actually believe.
Why hasn't Trump sent the army/navy yet?

You cannot kill a corpse

do you honestly think we're going to waste our soldiers lives on liberating your shithole country from drug lords?

>think again wetback
>we fought a war against you whores

>implying mexico doesn't have blacks and muslims
Lmfao, bro you are still living in the fucking slums if you really believe that.

>why hasn't trump sent the army/navy yet
>why hasn't the president of another nation meddled in the affairs of another using their own armed forces
Gee, Paco, idk.

Only the mexican people can help themselves user. Go shoot up a cartel hangout or maybe gun down some corrupt politician.

>why hasn't the president of another nation meddled in the affairs of another using their own armed forces
the irony

Whatever. I guess we won't get the same level of support Sup Forums organized for the Trump campaign, but I was hoping at least the mexican users here could organize something.

You can fucking go get decapitated by drug cartels, shitskin retard. Always spamming mutt threads and using your shitskin language "la creature" to imply every american is as low IQ as your braindead shit-skinned citizens. Kill yourself.

>Why hasn't Trump sent the army/navy yet?
Lets be honest amigo. If we send the US Military in to kill every last Cartel member, it would only be temporarily and eventually after 10-20 years, new cartel gangs would be formed and things would be back to how they were.
If we sent the military in again and again and again, eventually there would be no more mexicans.

Mexico is fucked. If anything Sup Forums could help in pushing for balkanization. The parts of Mexico that are mostly of Spanish descent would do fine on their own. The rest would be a dumpster fire though


Neh that's some Jewish shit.

Clone this guy and your country will be golden.

>only other mexican in thread
>supports AMLO

I know how you fell, it's also election year here and the strongest candidate is fucking Lula, the guy was being investigated by corruption when he declared he would run for president, recently has been judged and is going to prison for 12 years, but hes still not in prison and his supporters are chimping out, if he goes to prison before he wins the election then he loses the right to apply for public jobs for eight years, actually ironic since he created this and now is trying é very things to escape it. Overrall the situation is pretty bad.

Lopez Obrador? #MakeCartelsGreatAgaim

>>ironically, we all know that the drug cartels run the mexican government and until you faggots can sort yourselves out, you dont deserve our help.
>>this is what americans actually believe.

Except it's true and it's been widely known for over a decade. It's especially obvious when talking about state and county governments.

But sure, as any good mexican you'll say all the violence in mexico is the US' fault because muh drug consumption.

No one forces mexico to be an illegal narcotics producer or turn a blind eye to their narcos.

>But sure, as any good mexican you'll say all the violence in mexico is the US' fault because muh drug consumption.
>No one forces mexico to be an illegal narcotics producer or turn a blind eye to their narcos.
No no, I agree with this. I am aware it is not 100% America's fault. What I don't believe is that the cartels have enough power to meddle all the way up to the presidential level. The narco corruption is mostly just low level politicians and some state gobernors at most.
I do believe a good president could be very significant to slowly stop the drug war. But hell, Lopez Obrador is not that president. The fucking idiot wants to actually condone and forgive the cartels.

have you seen today's polls?


Is it spooky walking around your city at night?

You cant do anything either. Normie ((tv)) drones still decide elections. Disconnect and protect your stack.

>those party alliances
the absolute state of mexican politics

we'd run out of mexicans to kill. the americans that are there now are actually mexicans happily hunting

>el financiero gives so little of a fuck that rios peter picture isn't even centered


AMLO 2018


>the irony
There is none, retard. Your country's political issues are not our problem. You don't pose a threat to the rest of the world, you're just fucking yourselves in the ass constantly.

Mexico fucking sucks, we get it, fix it yourselves.

what a nigger

>help Sup Forums

We all know America will choose our president, cause are people are non democratic shits. also this

Thats because your shitskin culture is no different than american nigger culture. Your citizens worship criminals and are too cowardly to say anything bad or you'll get decapitated and your state does nothing about it. You are all subhuman animals that would swap with a narco anyday because you worship thug culture. It's like if niggers were running our country. Paisas are worse than fucking niggers. This is your problem, pablo. And it is 100% YOUR fault.

Commexico lmaooo

Yep. Well. Retarded mezttizos are better than muslims and niggers. Problem is that they reproduce as fast. The objective is always the same. Our age is fucked up but you can impregnate many women. Do it. In the long run, iq will prevail, and its the most comfy attitude.

They have no lactatia. All the gangs in the world are better to have than a single lactatia.

I'm an American living in Mexico, how will the outcome of this election affect me?

>organize something
Isn’t organized crime already the easiest profession in your shithole?

Wouldn't that just be one large cartel?


Organized crime ? No. Its easier in us. Its called wall street i heard. Destroy everything for meme money, cocaine and whores. I heard it works quite well and can not kill a few dozens but destroy whole nations.

>suggesting mexico is a functional democracy

basically retards think amlo is a crazy socialist because they have been told that by Televisa and almost every """"news""" site in mexico for the last what 12 years? but hes just the same as any other politician the worst outcome is mexico getting a trumph leader

the absolute state of burgerland

probably nothing dude

Daily Reminder that Lopez Obrador is backed by George Soros so these are either


Why can't we get these kinds of Mexicans here instead of those oompa loompa beaner types?

During the American election, a socialist retard was the best candidate and he didn't even win the democratic nomination.

Thanks bros.

>Is there any hope for Mexico?

>t. george soros jalife meme

check out AMLO cosplaying as pp mid talking to george soros.


I'd say all of them

>thinks Mexico has real elections
>doesn't remember Colosio

gas yourself

Gustavo Diaz Ordaz did nothing wrong, only chairo communists hate him.

>mfw based Ackerman is attacked for posting 2 minute videos on RT by jewlevisa and jewniversal


>implying soros isnt a friend of mexico

It's actually your fault
>be mexico
>want to be like a REAL country
>don't accept outside help
>we can do it ourselves!
>we don't need the gringos coming down here, not being corrupt, and killing off the cartels

Also given the history of the US invading Mexico more than once, it probably wouldn't be seen as nice that the Americans are *not* invading ...again.

At this point, I'm legitimately not sure whether a communist revolution would be worse for the country, at least if some batshit insane history teacher turned Maoist took over the country they'd be ideologically driven enough to annihilate the cartels and the corrupt oligarchs.

You faggots brought this on yourselves by traitorously murdering Emperor Maximilian I

these fags arent serious, we want you to get the hell up, you are the key to the south. if you succeed then the western hemisphere can grow. if you let them destroy your chances by perpetuating your issues, then we will be forced into a globalist setting. we need you, where the hell are you? ask the American people themselves for help to build you up instead of help to run away. right now illegals and liberals are speaking for your people, they say mexico hates the usa, but we know they're liars. find a way to have your people speak up for themselves, and ask the american people themselves for help to build your own country.
you would see the difference.
heres a secret that mexicans might not realize:
if the worst happened, all you would have to do is rally in the streets and specifically ask only the state of Texas for help,
you will have a million teary eyed cowboys in pickup trucks invade in an hour, coming there to help out their bros.
now pay for the wall.

I'm not talking Russians, I'm talking Jews. Although a whole lot of Jews are Russians, so...
>nothing wrong
Other than being a CIA agent? Please. Look at what passes for laws in your country.

Both of you are retarded. Your nation will never improve until the CIA wants it to. Sad truth!

>Sup Forums is supposedly full of "le redpilled, smart people"
>majority of american flags are supporting war against cartels, and mouthbreathing authoritarianism instead of legalization

Americans aren't your friends, they just want to see the country plunge into further chaos, all they care about is protecting MUH CHILLUNZ by thrashing our country instead of teaching their kids good values so they don't end up doing drugs.

>t. Non underage 35 year old who remembers how peaceful mexico was 10 years ago

Nigga, Lula is finished

Daily reminder with Communists your homicide rates will grow up 3 times. Believe in me.

red pill me on AMLO

right wing death squads o q?

He is communist and he will ruin Mexico. Prepare for more immigrants.

umm sweetie?

being redpilled = anti-drug + fashy
dumb indio.

we have had 30 years of neoliberalism

nothing has changed, no growth no nothing

we used to have 6% growth before NAFTA, "misteriosly" crashed and was the pretext but we have had 2% ever since
our population grows at 2.3%
we are in a three decades long unaknoledged recesion

Are Mexicans really this dumb? Look at my country, Argentina under los KK, Uruguay and fucking Venezuela.

He will ruin your country. Wake up.

Please take all of your people back, we do not want them. They refuse to even speak English or clean themselves.

Thankfully your based military intervened when needed

Give it to me straight
is Meade a cryptokike?

Oh well send the Army and Navy.
Then well crash your shithole country, WITH NO SURVIVORS!

Your country is not neoliberal. Acutally you have plenty of public companies.

We clean your toilets and cook your food and care for your children and seniors, gr*ngo


in many ways libertarian with small enterpeneurs

doesnt care about lgbtqwerty

pragmatist, he knows trying to get justice for everything or enforce all laws is imposible

in taxes socialdemocrat

supports self defence militias




None of the political parties has a serious plan to legalize drugs or stop rimming the asshole of americans in the economical or policy sense, the state of the country is a rotting corpse that cannot be reanimated, even the mexican faggots here are underage trash who fall for le fashy meme.

I will not be voting because I'd feel disgusted to vote for any of the trash they are parading around this year. Communist or capitalist lackey of the US, it makes no difference.

If you're using words like "redpill", your brain is already deep fried in meme faggottry and stupidity. Congrats on playing yourself retard newfag proto-nigger.

What's stopping Mexico from legalizing drugs/guns/both to stop the cartels?

He will ruin Mexico forever.

>What's stopping Mexico from legalizing drugs/guns/both to stop the cartels?
The US and any other country who gets butthurt and drops a storm of sanctions, interventionism and other shit on us.

Mexico has had 13 foreign interventions and fags in this board think we control our country, lmao.

He's basically another CIAnigger. See, the kikes fuck up a whole lot on elections. Y'all were already supposed to have him turn Mexico into a Jewish Communist fantasyland. He even went off about how he was the Legitimate President after getting his rigged election popped.

Look, poor people are going to vote themselves gibs. AMLO is the candidate of the CIA, the Jews, and the gibs. What do you think will happen? Mexico is already effectively a Socialist country and has been for decades, so introducing Communism is more about removing the national identity of Mexicans and replacing it with a Jewish symbol.

Try cleaning your own shithole of a country.

This is how to spot that your opinion is literally worthless, reminder to everyone in this thread that asking for ''legalization'' is the equivalent of canada saying ''DUDE WEED LMAO''

>implying ending the drug war is bad


legalizing drugs is not working in Uruguay, they don't stop drug trafficking and their homicide rates are growing.

>Free trade agreements with tema of nations
>Non interventionism in the economy
>a decade of only 30% corporate taxes (lower than the us until recently)
>yet you still wants to sell all that is left because #wemustnotownanything

The only based candidate in this election

Probably, he’s the globalist kike’s candidate just like AMLO is the communist kike’s candidate.

Mexico is a socialist sub-human hellhole. Mexicans would never vote for white ideals such as personal liberty and the right to have guns.

Stop making your people vote for free gibs

Tell them that free gibs won't solve the corruption in that shithole of a place

gives us marching orders niggers what is your plan and how can we help

>What I don't believe is that the cartels have enough power to meddle all the way up to the presidential level. The narco corruption is mostly just low level politicians and some state gobernors at most.

I guess you're too young to remember how the PRI, at the national level made pacts with the cartels so they could operate on the shadows.

That started full force in the 1980's and the word is it continued until Fox was President.

And that's exactly the reason why cartels became the monster they are today. During those 20+ years of free operation they amassed an incredible amount of power and wealth so they're now a force to be reckon with.

t. former mexican resident

>giving amnesty to murdering scum
>what could possibly go wrong

holy shit how much soy are you eating

>watch as I post memes as an argument, lmao
Yeah, because it has worked so well in the last 10 years, lol. KYS underage fag.