Land of waves are had the perfect "powerlevel", back when hand signs mattered and you could still beat someone with creativity and cleverness rather than who had the better eugenics.

God the way powerlevels grew I bet himawari could kill this guy on accident.

If Kakashi's Sharingan could detect the Water Clone the first time and copy it, why didn't it detect it the second time Zabuza did it?

because muh plot

Kakashi wasn't focusing his eye.
You know when you don't focus your eye, your vision becomes blurred.

Now that I think about it, neither Mitsuki nor Sumire used hand signs in their battle right? Are hand signs not relevant anymore?

If you take out the eye powers and tailed beasts, Zabuza actually becomes quite the powerful shinobi. At the very least he's more powerful than that beta with the hammer sword from the mist.

Why does anyone use the Chidori when the Rasengan uses no hand seals, uses less chakra, and is more silent?

Kakashi literally invented Chidori BECAUSE he couldn't use the Rasengan.

But the question is, why doesn't he just teach Sasuke the Rasengan in that case. He couldn't use Rasengan doesn't mean Sasuke can't. He knows the basic principles of the jutsu. Teach that to Sasuke and let the guy's supposedly genius mind figure out the rest. Rasengan's a better jutsu in any case. It can even be thrown long distance and can't be traced back to the thrower unlike Chidori.

He could use the base version.

Chidori is edgy!!!!!! Oh yeah the edge.

>facebook filename

Why Sasuke also knows how to use the Rasengan?

Why didn't the Uchihas just trade each other's eyes instead of leaving one of them blind?

Fuck off Narutards

I miss Kisame

It's the Narutard that spams Sup Forums with the pics he saved from his facebook group.

Even more reasons for Narutards to be permabanned.

Anime is popular on Facebook

Naruto beat Haku with eugenics. Hell, Haku's mirror bullshit was genetic.

Doesn't excuse your cancerous self, Narutard

Naruto beat neji with eugenics or rather his tailed beast so still almost eugenics because his father have him it

The actual Rasengan cant be thrown
>but borotu
Sasuke himself said Boruto's is unique

Chidori requires chakra nature manipulation, Rasengan requires chakra shape control
>let the genius find it out himself
it took a fucking Sannin weeks of intensenon-stop training to teach the son of a literal legendary shinobi with huge chakra reserves the Rasengan, and you want Sasuke to learn it himself?

Also, Rasengan is an imperfect jutsu. Chidori, along with a Sharingan, is a perfect jutsu. No need for Sasuke to learn the Rasengan.

>you want Sasuke to learn it himself?
That's what sharingan does you noob


they did

Stop samefagging, Narutard

I dont know if you actually know what we are talking about.
A Sharingan lets you see chakra and a person's future movement. It doesnt teach you shit.
>but he can see the chakra flow in the Rasengan and just copy it
no. Rasengan isnt seals ninjutsu. I doubt the Sharingan gives such a detailed view of the chakra flows that you can actually seperate the chakra-fuckfest that is the Rasengan. And copying such chakra flows isnt something you can easily do. Please watch the series carefully before yoy fuck around

not him but,

imo Sharingan is basically just anti-genjutsu, it tells you future movement, basic chakra detection and unlocks the Sharingan Ninjutsu skill tree.

If you want chakra flow you need Byakugan

Sharingan also lets you copy all jutsu

Genetics always mattered in naruto but in the beginging it was not the end all be all, look at rock lee, crazy strong by that point in the story compared to just about everyone else, but he soon gets left in the dust since even his absurd work ethic cant keep up with tailed beast and eye-hax.

Sharingan's base ability is allowing Uchihas to use any non-bloodline jutsu they've ever witnessed. The name literally means "Copy wheel eye" and Kakashi is introduced as "Copy Ninja Kakashi"

Seeing chakra is Byakugan

I like the way he talked, and his attitude.

He had cute fish eyes too!


that stuff keeps mattering all the way up to the end of the chuunin exam when gaara goes nuclear

Hands down the best Naruto arc.

>he likes an anime show!!!!!!
>haha cancer!!!!!

fuck off

stop sniffing your own farts user

land of waves is boring as fuck

Yeah look at Lee. A guy who trained his entire life to overcome his short falls in ninjutsu and probably trained multitudes harder than anyone else to just be an ACCEPTABLE level of power and he still loses to a guy who's only power was controlling sand and barely even scratched him. Sasuke surpassed, without breaking a sweat, what took Lee all of his current skills and possibly his body itself to do.

Naruto not once ever showcased the guts triumphs over destiny theme it seemingly put forth.

Zabuza didn't have any power level. He was just a ninja with basic abilities who used them well.

Fuck off back to >>>/reddit/, Narutard

>defending facebook
>defending your own Naruto facebook group

As expected of underaged Narutards

He could use the base but by some point, his other lightning crap was better than base rasengan.

f u c k o f f

Dunno why people wank over this so much. He was never strong

Kakashi got serious by the end of the arc and beat Zabuza in literally 1 page, speedblitz and beat the shit out of him.

No he's not, he's much weaker.

>Kakashi using Sakura to shit talk Sasuke's dead family and Naruto's lack of abilities.
best arc

It's the only good arc, tournement arc as mediocre the rest was shit. Naruto is not a good series.


you're a fucking idiot

Why was early Naruto so fucking good bros? The first series I enjoy since 1994

the setting is pretty good

it could have been really good if kishimoto didn't have the writing ability of a disabled highschooler

I don't hold the bad writing of Shonen Jump manga against the writer. It must be hard as hell coming up with a coherent plot every week under that work schedule.

>skipping the filler arc
For what purpose? It was top tier comfy desu watching on YouTube from Dattebayo subs in 2007-8



fuck off


fuck off

Mitsuki uses a bunch of handsigns when he uses his wind jutsu

>the moment kakashi became a certified favourite
>inu inu ? saru too...