She is so cute

She is so cute.

How tall is she?

about 4. Maybe 5

The wikia says 168cm but there isn't any sauce

Don't know. The author didn't specify any character's height except Sanae and her cousin being tall and Moka being short.

I want Akane to stand on me

Has he given any number for Sanae?

It must feel nice inside of her

No. But we can assume she and Akane were the tallest female characters in this anime.

Tall enough for ride.

She is beautiful.



In the anime Akane seemed to have the same height as Hanabi.

She is japanese so she is short

Can't really say , there was inconsistency in the anime with regard to that, sometimes Akane seemed taller than her and sometimes they appeared to have the same height.

Queen of womanlets.

>She is japanese
She's a drawing.

So, do people still hate her or have they finally let it go ?

Tall enough for being worst girl

your a drawing

Sluts are always hated, only pure girls are loved.

She was a sociopath that got away with everything, while having no redeemable quality of her own. Of course people still hate her