
I'm at my wits end

No-go zones across Sweden, France and Germany. Proud European countries are being brought down by bureaucrats in the name of tolerance.

How do we fight this Sup Forums? Is there a legal way we can defend against this invasion?

>inb4 kill all niggers

Looking for real, plausible, non-CIA van answers

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Fascism is the only thing that can save us.

Plain and simple.

Look at porn on the internet

Can we launch a massive protest movement across these countries to help curb this invasion? Start grass roots resistance movements in these countries and bring native Europeans to our side? How do we unite against this invasion? Is Europe officially the land of cuckery?

But make sure its cuck porn.

>Is Europe officially the land of cuckery?
Nope, that woud be USA amerimutt

USA is lieraly the largest producer of cuck porn

>How do we fight this Sup Forums?
Germany is 90% white, yours is 56% white, you are a DECADE ahead of us.

Also the answer was DON'T INDOCTRINATE AN ENTIRE POPULATION INTO SELF HATRED, but now it is too late and you will reap what you sow.

>a fucking meme flag

>Can we launch a massive protest movement across these countries to help curb this invasion?

>Is Europe officially the land of cuckery?


Least we don't have a human tampon inviting in hoards of sub 80 IQ mutts

>German flag

go home Achmed

>Least we don't have a human tampon inviting in hoards of sub 80 IQ mutts


I am 100% white.
My grandpa was even in Russia.


>Good leader

I see you're liking your new home Achmed

get a gun by any means necessary and go cleanse a neighborhood near you. Even you die or are jailed indefinitely, nothing will ever change if someone doesn't take the first leap.

Compared to A LITERAL NIGGER she is pretty good yes

sure thing amerimutt

how much is your white population now ?
which country is largest producer of porn ?
which country keep fighting wars for Jews ?
which country bombed Nazi Germany and destroyed the last white hope ?
Which country caused the refugees crisis in the first place ?

Don't care as much about the skin color as the culture/ideology of the person in charge... Merkel is infinitely worse than our previous Kang in chief

This is so disgusting I can't even believe it.

Just take a fucking look at your own god damn country, Europe is heave on earth compared to the state of your shithole.

Yes, merkel is a fucking traitor, that doesn't make her bad compared to what you had as presidents.

>Looking for real, plausible, non-CIA van answers
Democracy isn't the answer you're after.
But any suggestion of otherwise is a vanable offence.
Good luck.


Shillblue alert

>No-go zones across Sweden, France and Germany. Proud European countries are being brought down by bureaucrats in the name of tolerance
They are no "no-go zone" in the usa??? 90% or the fag here fear to go on the street!!

dumb earth extraterrestrial bow down already

>inb4 kill all niggers

Well a no go zone means the police no goes theres so why not kill all niggers?

Just awakening the residents of these countries to the problem would honestly be enough. In a democracy we can protest government decisions, and even that is not happening to a great extent in these countries

>Don't care as much about the skin color as the culture/ideology of the person in charge
I do, ethnicity is the single most important thing in a leader.
I want Germany to be Germany, as such it is the LAND OF THE GERMANS, no non-German has any right to live here, even less to rule this land.
You are disgusting me, you hate your race and still you complain about Europe going to shit.

Just kill yourself anti-white traitor.

>In a democracy we can protest
In a democracy where women have the vote you're screwed.

We don't have large swaths of our country under Shariah law. France and Sweden do and Germany will soon

>falling for bait this bad

Until white people are pushed far enough to get violent and conquer once more to survive. This isn't going to happen...

>to the problem would honestly be enough

Where are your riots against negrofication?

>In a democracy we can protest government decisions
Fuck democracy, it is a garbage system which needs to be discarded as soon as possible.
EVERYONE knows that it doesn't work.

Women are just as bad as men.

It's too late for Europe. Leftism is a mental disorder that is trapped in the belief that all cultures are equal and deserve respect.

But is it really bait?
My guess is /r/the_donald

So how do we legally and effectively combat it?

>It's too late for Europe.
Yes, but it has been to late for you guys for about a decade.

feels bad man. . .

We're still better off than Germany right now. Until you guys get rid of Merkel you're pretty much screwed. It's too bad, I like Germany as a country.

Democracies do suck dick. Become a constitutional republic like the US pls.

I think we can always pray to saint Dylann for inspiration.

We're both after the same thing here... We want immigrants from muslim and African countries to gtfo.... Why the hostility Hanz?

>We're still better off than Germany right now.
56% vs 90%

It's not an easy answer. I can't really say for sure how Europe can fix their situation, I'm not European. In the US we do need to have immigration, but it needs to be legal, and it needs to be people who want to come here, embrace this country, and become Americans. I know people who immigrated here who worked hard, became citizens, and are better Americans than some people who were born here and take it for granted. We need to encourage that mindset and keep anyone else out.

>race doesn't matter
>sharia law meme
most MAGApede faggots dont make it that obvious

stop being an edgy fag.


>We want immigrants from muslim and African countries to gtfo
Not that. I want ever non-German to leave this country.

I don't care about ideology, I care about ethnicity.

You might be right bong

>I want what you want to a higher degree. Fuck you

Being this fucking retarded

What %s are you comparing? At least our leader isn't encouraging people from pouring in from the third world who have no desire to assimilate, then guilt tripping other countries to do the same.

First post best post.


We don't have large swaths of our country under Shariah law. France and Sweden do and Germany will soon
But you have a large swaths of you country with nigger, crack, homeless, whore, drunk and crazy mens etc etc at least wee don't have your mortalité by shooting, home invasion etc etc so fuck you burger you are so stupide too think your country is better thant ours.

Culture is downstream from ethnicity/race (i.e., "skin color")

Keep naming the Jews. When ever, where ever, and as often as possible.

It's actually having an effect

I prefer to specify. It's stupid to hate just based on skin color. When the skin color correlates to stupid cultural practices and attitudes (which it does), the views are practically identical

>What %s are you comparing?

>At least our leader isn't encouraging people from pouring in from the third world who have no desire to assimilate, then guilt tripping other countries to do the same.
Thanks for the indoctrination Ameribro.

>It's stupid to hate just based on skin color.
No, it is NATURAL to hate based on skin color.

>effectively unable to abstract thought in a civil manner

t. Achmed

Fig da mibble eats and dey will go bek :DDDDDDDD


Sorry, I know plenty of white people who are leftist idiots. Ideology and values are more important than ethnicity. You said in your next post it's natural to discriminate against skin color... I agree, but it's a primitive instinct that people who've evolved to a higher level of thinking have moved beyond.

Hating on skin color accomplishes nothing. I know black people who are more accomplished than anyone on this board will ever be. They're brotier (build the wall, lower taxes, fuck immigrants). Then you have African migrants that shit in the street.

Continue posting on Sup Forums who's whiter. That'll solve all issues in Europe as well as in North America

Forced invirtro fertilization for the subhuman refugees. Until your back at 100% ethno genes. White eggs inplace of the mother's. Simple.


THIS! This is what to discriminate against. Being a minority doesn't give someone an excuse to act like a primitive sub-human. It's the individual actions that should not be excused, not ethnicity.

gotta move somewhere you are able to carry

Wait for something catastrohpic to happen. An attempted coup might do, but I suppose political movements to establish Islamic municipal goverments and later a civil war is what it will have to, and eventually will, come to.


Tryn to thin the herd. Any strong country will be softened from within before (((they))) take control.

We follow suit of the POC and do a day of absence for whites.

>How do we fight this Sup Forums?

You've been told by an endless string of leaders on how to fight this. And you don't listen. You simply aren't willing to sacrifice and put in the work. You expect things to be easy. You expect to have little or no opposition. You refuse to adopt your enemies tactics and modify or abandon your own failed tactics. You ignore the few intelligent people who critique you and you waste your time on shills and opportunists who feed your ego in exchange for your money. I'll tell you again what you need to do. Here goes:

>Abandon your bullshit racewar / violent solutions. They won't work any better than the Confederates poorly run war did.

>Get extreme levels of education. (inb4 your excuses.

>Abandon all your hobbies and most of your frivolous entertainment. You should only take one day off per week and one hour off per night.

>Build new companies to compete with, and ultimately replace the existing power structures in the following key industries: banking, finance, VC, mass media, mainstream news, education, textbooks, colleges, tech, social media, search, politics, courts, law etc.

>Abandon the blue collar trades and manual labor. Minorities can do that work. These jobs don't confer any power and only minimal wealth. (inb4 your autistic sperging)

>Acquire extreme wealth and power. This will take your entire life.

>Use that extreme wealth and power to change the world to the way you want.

>Rules for Radicals.

>Abandon the notions of empathy, altruism, honor, procedure, process, and all of the foolish shit white men always bitch about. Victory at all costs.

>Nepotism is healthy.

>Abandon Christianity and semitic religion. Its nearly 2020. You only need science, logic, and philosophy to guide you. There are no gods.

>Looking for real, plausible, non-CIA van answers
There are none at this point, at least Canada is still chucked full of guns and out problems are limited to 3 major cities, but europa will need to be liberated

Stop being OBSESSED with Europe.

>Large swaths

Get the fuck out of here.

t. Paki

The next war will truly be a 'good war:' The war to save Western Civilization.

>Is there a legal way we can defend against this invasion?
Yeah, vote right people. If you mean legal and realistic way then there probably isn't.

on it

He's done nothing but point out how flawed your nation is and he's a share blue shill? Why the fuck would share blue be paying him?
>hurr durr fuck off ahmed

The biggest redpill will be when SHTF.


In Germany the whole migrant situation was created by the Federal Constitutional Court iself. So there is no defence against that because it's the highets law institution in the country.
And they have created the situation by following the orders of some other instance

Honestly? Get out and talk to people. Find others like you, hold meetings, collectivise

Get a sample of Hitlers DNA and clone him.

Race war Race war.

just call them (((bureaucrats)))

Either we impose our fascism or Muslim will impose their version in some decades.

Our constitutions in Europe will not pass the year 2100, maybe not even 2060

what'd I miss? Anyone V&?

>proud European countries

lol ok.

As an American, I support you. We don't like seeing our ancestral homeland get overrun. We just don't know what to do at this point. Riot? Run for office? Publish? Shout from rooftop? Start a political party?

ye, but we probably have the biggest porn industry. Your point?

>No-go zones across Sweden, France and Germany. Proud European countries are being brought down by bureaucrats in the name of tolerance
not by bureaucrats
by god.
This is divine justice. Our countries are brought to their knees and sold to foreigners because of past sins.

Every single thread I've seen the past few days has le 56% meme. At least our 56% has freedom of speech and many of us are badasses. You fucks are an embarrassment.

Make sure you hide you activities here so the police don't haul you to fail for thoughtcrime you slave.

I do t disagree with you. However, I judge who’s better then who by who would win in a fight. We would kill all your men and fuck all your women like we did in ww2.

>Europe is heaven on earth
yes, gotta love being taxed to the point where the AVERAGE person has to cough up 40% of their income

Collapse and Rebuild. And make sure that people know who ruined it. Local self determination. Educated, patriotic, small units that have democratic control over their own destiny. Like Switzerland is/was. All wars and all misery is caused by rulers that do not care about their fellow neighbors and countrymen. Monarch in the past, bankers and Zionists in the present. Small governments, but ban all forms of debt, borrowing and credit (see E.Kant for Reasoning)

>in democracy if women have the vote you're screwed
if you have democracy at all, you're screwed. That;s why republics exist.

Pretty sure it's higher than that.