>How do we fight this Sup Forums?
You've been told by an endless string of leaders on how to fight this. And you don't listen. You simply aren't willing to sacrifice and put in the work. You expect things to be easy. You expect to have little or no opposition. You refuse to adopt your enemies tactics and modify or abandon your own failed tactics. You ignore the few intelligent people who critique you and you waste your time on shills and opportunists who feed your ego in exchange for your money. I'll tell you again what you need to do. Here goes:
>Abandon your bullshit racewar / violent solutions. They won't work any better than the Confederates poorly run war did.
>Get extreme levels of education. (inb4 your excuses. edx.org)
>Abandon all your hobbies and most of your frivolous entertainment. You should only take one day off per week and one hour off per night.
>Build new companies to compete with, and ultimately replace the existing power structures in the following key industries: banking, finance, VC, mass media, mainstream news, education, textbooks, colleges, tech, social media, search, politics, courts, law etc.
>Abandon the blue collar trades and manual labor. Minorities can do that work. These jobs don't confer any power and only minimal wealth. (inb4 your autistic sperging)
>Acquire extreme wealth and power. This will take your entire life.
>Use that extreme wealth and power to change the world to the way you want.
>Rules for Radicals.
>Abandon the notions of empathy, altruism, honor, procedure, process, and all of the foolish shit white men always bitch about. Victory at all costs.
>Nepotism is healthy.
>Abandon Christianity and semitic religion. Its nearly 2020. You only need science, logic, and philosophy to guide you. There are no gods.