Is Disney going to ruin the Star Wars franchise?

The Original Star Wars Trilogy is a rather traditional film that reminds me of the medieval period. Father is part of a warrior cult, passes his sword down to his son, his son carries his father's power, etc etc.
It is a classical hero story that is being cannibalized by a mega corporation that couldn't care less for the story or the magic that is Star Wars.

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They already did. The latest moves were dog shit

>going to


No harm done, it's already (((shit))).

Even the prequels at least had a soul.

>going to

About 20 years too late for that.

Alright, so we will finally get some incest in star wars!

>going to

Why don't they hire the guy who actually wrote the books. There's nothing special about slightly tweaking someones story and/or expanding on it once the groundwork has been laid.

They're going to revive it. When Solo comes out in May it'll receive good enough reviews to let Disney know that the audience wants primal escapism over purple hair and fat sumo girls on the screen.

Two last seasons of Got are written with feet.

Stunning to see when the TV show go further than Martin's books, the story become more and more childish.

exactly. the deed is already done.

Star Wars: Now with 700% more semi-erect dick on screen.

>going to

The last great star wars movie was empire strikes back.

ROTJ was decent, closed the story nicely, but man towards the end you could just tell they were grasping for an ending... basically jar jar binks prequel tier... watchable only because you enjoyed the previous movies.

fucking eowks man

Lucas destroyed it with the Ewoks.

Starwars ruined the Starwars franchise

GoT seasons 1 to 3 are kino

Well, at least that will be the last nail in the coffin of Nu Wars. These jews have a great talent of destroying good things.

Yes, because two kikes aren't in charge of the writing.

>Is Disney going to ruin star wars?

Haven't they already ruined the series? At this point its just a dead horse to keep beating for quick cash.

Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Anakin, that's the last time we'll ever see white males in lead roles in this franchise. Disney is excrement. Don't patronize their movies or their stupid amusement parks.

It's been fucked

Star Wars is a religion now
Disney is sunday school for kids to learn the religion
Movies are their religious stories for adults

can you give me a brief timeline?

Where've you been? Haven't they already ruined it?

Absolutely disgusting

I hope that guy isn't implying that George RR Martin is a good writer

I want to see princess laya get gangbanged by like 5-6 black dudes in the next star wars!

Season 1-4 george writes a script. Season 5-7 in kike hands. And the writing is objectively horrible.

>Is Disney going to ruin the Star Wars franchise?

The prequels already did that, Disney has just been raping a corpse.


>What is a midlife crises 100 please.


The prequels are geuinely good and full of new concepts and ideas.

They have their faults but they are way more memorable than Disney. Lucas oversaw all aspects of production on original the Star Wars movies himself and now Disney cant even keep a solid director or writing team.

But if anyone could make them even worse, it would be le game of le thrones fucktards

The GOT series has taken a nosedive since it diverged from the source material, which shows these two are complete hacks

Disney will try to milk Star Wars like they did to Marvel, but I think this whole thing is going to collapse far earlier than they think.
Most of my friends already refuse to watch any superhero film, no matter how good it is, because we're just tired of them.
Soon, the same will happen to Star Wars.

the sequels make the prequels look so much better.

>The prequels are geuinely good

No. You're right in that they did have lots of new things but as films they are nowhere close to anything that could remotely be considered good.

The Nouse is the physical manifestation of producer interference. It does not matter who they hire, because the Nouse does not give any room for creativity. They only do it for stunt reasons.

The main problem with prequels was that George Lucas had nobody around to say "no" to his most stupid ideas. When doing original trilogy, he had lots of talented people around him who clashed with him occasionally about things like writing and pacing the movies. If Lucas had his own way he would have, for example, bloated New Hope with even more Tatooine and made Empire Strikes Back into more fast paced space action film (he was disappointed with the final cut). He also allowed his actors quite a lot freedom and especially Ford and Guinness gave him negative feedback about the script when they felt like it.

In prequel trilogy he was surrounded by yesmen who let him do almost whatever he wanted.

by any chance was there a man named George in the past who did something to the jews that would really piss them off?

Star Wars is in teh hands of teh Dark Side.

He also wanted someone else to work on the prequels, but everyone was too scared to touch Star Wars so he ended up doing it on his own

I've grown an immense fondness for the prequels, especially in light of Disney's nonsense

Besides of Jar Jar and the fact that every confederate/seperatist leader besides Dooku was a weak incompetent idiot, I believe the prequels outdid the sequels. The narrative in the original trilogy was to black and white for my taste.

Gary Kurtz is the name of Lucas's "No" man the first time around. He's the real reason the originals were good.

>The narrative in the original trilogy was to black and white for my taste.

That's all it was ever supposed to be. Its not some gritty war drama its just a space fantasy trilogy.

>The narrative in the original trilogy was to black and white for my taste.
Oh dear.

They already have.
Are you retarded or just blind?

The entire OT storyline was based on a bunch of rebels overthrowing space nazis.

And? A small group of underdogs overthrowing a large powerful force has been a popular narrative since the beginning of time.

Just nuke everybody already

I really don't get the entire star wars franchise. Even the original movies are complete garbage. Only people from retarddit love that fucking franchise.

how do you ruin shit?

And Irv Kirshner was the director to Empire Strikes Back, really Lucas should've mapped out his greater vision then given it to more talented writers and directors

Im seriously starting to wonder if this shit is not intentional.

Are the kikes settling an old score they have with george lucas for something he did back in the day by shitting on and destroying his legacy even if it costs them profits?

>why would the kikes attack star wars

Because, whether kike lucas intended to or not 100% of the old canon describes The Myth, and there is nothing the kikes fear more than the goyim remembering what The Myth is.

Honestly, I liked the prequels. The only problem is that it had too much CGI and bluescreen and lost the dorky charm the Jim Henson Company characters and special effects.

The new Star Wars movie.
cumming to a neighborHOOD near you.

I was still young enough to be in their target demo when it came out. Ewoks did not irk me in the least. Nor did I have the edgey latter day Gen Xer opinion that Empire Strikes Back was anything but a bum-out of a cliffhanger. All that dark, adult subtext my generation espouses a love for in that film was hardly apparent to me then, if it is at all now (it's not.) The truth is, all of these movies are not that great. We knew this to be a fact somewhere between Return of the Jedi and Clerks. Fuck Star Wars. Stop rehabing from this shit and just get on with living in a post-Star Wars world. It's corny Flash Gordon-tier space opera that overgrew its low aim, and wound up nearly being one of the greatest epics ever told, before falling entirely on its face. File under Shekel Grabs I Stopped Falling For and move on to something a little more rooted in the cultural mythos of your people, something harder to subvert or sell out from under you.

Just to let you guys know the guy playing Han in the solo movie is Jewish.


Last two seasons are a rehash of quotes from previous seasons and completely lack depth or emotion.

Riding it out because I loved the story. Too deep to.quit now.

Part of what makes a good director is listening to the people on set with you

Star Wars was never good

That explain why hes an effeminate faggot with a whiny high pitched voice who cant act his way out of a paper bag.

Ive noticed that most of the actors/actresses i despise who have zero emotional range or depth like Scarlett Johansen and that faggot from blade runner are jews and the goyim actors like Mel gibson not only act extremely well but they all seem to lowkey despise jews.

So? Ford had a bit of Jewish too.

What about Episode 8 though? Just think about it, the Empire's military tactics have evolved for 1000s of years, they are experts in every sort of engagement in space battle. Yet when a bunch of the Empire's ships come out of hyperspace behind the rebels in Episode VIII, they have absolutely no idea how to deal with the rebels.

Why didn't a couple of the the Empire's ships jump to lightspeed directly in front of Leia's ship? Then the empire could attack from multple directions, wouldn't this be standard practice in this situation when the Empire has more than one vessel?

The rebels literally went on holiday to the Rivera during the battle, and fucked up the F1 race at Monaco, while the Empire had no idea what to do. F1 teams need children in the pit lanes as only a child's fingers can manipulate the small parts of advanced engineering, this is not exploitative at all, those children go on to have careers as pit men and whores. How fucking stupid are Star Wars fans? Even Lucas wouldn't have done something as stupid as this, this is absolutely retarded.

If you think rogue one was worse than any of the prequels, you are just being bias. In fact it was better than all of them.

look at all these ~25 year old soyboy responses to this post

The best actors are all italians or scots

Looked it up. Childhood crushed

Hi my name Steve, and I'm here to rape your childhood.

>There's nothing special about slightly tweaking someones story and/or expanding on it once the groundwork has been laid.
On the contrary, I'd say the degree that D&D turned the show to shit after running out of GRRM's books to adapt from is quite a special accomplishment. You have to be a total fucking failure to turn ASoIaF into the shitshow that is GoT.

Objectively false. Rogue One bored the fuck out of me and of course had a forced female protag again. But Rogue One is massively better than The Last Jedi fucking garbage.

Check 'em.

Also yes. Rogue One was fucking great.

Did anyone notice that the empire is lead by white males while the resistance movement is a multicultural masterpiece? OMG, the struggle resonates with me!

Okay, this is very difficult to explain, Lucas is trying to square the circle, which is pretty complicated compared to basic equivalences. First thing you have to realize is; the Empire are the Ottomans. The Neimoidians actually represent Eastern Turkic peoples invading Constantinople. But at the same time the Empire is also the Turks. Remember, the Empire wins in the end and controls everything.

At the Hidden Fortress level of the Prequels(character interaction), the love story arc is Lucas' relationship with Marcia (Wife), where Lucas is Anakin and Marcia is Padme, this eventually ends in a split between the two(messy divorce), and Lucas himself turns into Darth Vader.

The wider expanded world set in Naboo is taken from Dinotopia (See pic related). This is not disputed by anyone, including Lucas.

I think everyone hates it due to the lack of characters and bad CGI, coupled with the fact that the audience didn't ever really understand Star Wars to begin with. I disagree with all the haters in relation to RotS, which is ultimately one of the best Sci-Fi films ever made. Lucas himself has said that most people in the development of the Prequels wanted RotS to actually be the first episode, but you have to understand that the Prequels explore Lucas' marriage/relationship to Marcia, and how the divorce affected Lucas films, Marcia got 1/2 of everything in the split and destroyed Lucas' vision for Skywalker Range and the future of independent film making. It was the divorce that Lucas cites as the reason for turning into Darth Vader. Lucas is far more complicated than what the audience gives him credit for.

It hurts. I hate Disney, Walt would be ashamed.

I don't even remember Jyn like that. Cassian was the fucking man. He and Poe are the best things to come from the new movies.

I'm still convinced he was planning a big real for Jar Jar being a Sith Lord as he has stated that one of his favorite themes is having a bumbling unassuming character turning out to be incredibly powerful like Yoda. The absolute hatred from fans about Jar Jar is what made him abandon that and rushed Dooku. I remember him review the movie with his team and while he felt he needed to cut a lot of shit out in Phantom Menace, he kept reiterating that Jar Jar is the key to everything.

by forced do you mean having a female protag at all? Because she was not overpowered in any way, and she ends up dead.

The fact that I don't even remember who any of those characters are explains my thoughts. But to be fair, I thought that guy said it was better than the original trilogy. I am willing to accept that Rogue One was on the same level as the prequels. It is still garbage, the only good scene was when Vader was tearing the rebels apart at the end.

Step aside. Superior redpilled Sci-Fi coming through.

>going to

Yes, I noticed that. People who watch it don't even know they are subtly being manipulated to see White men as oppressors and diversity as some form of human strength. Even the one Black in the Empire (who if you didn't know was born within the Empire and pretty much a slave) escaped and joined the resistance.

Star Wars might as well be called Jew Wars.

I meant that Disney was never going to consider having a male protag at all, so it was forced. It wasn't out of place, but we all know it was forced.

>(See pic related)
whoops wrong image


>going to

After Mark Hamill's car accident in 1977, they wanted to kill off Mark Hamill, as he was just too ugly to play a leading role, this is why Yoda claims, 'there is another', in reply to Kenobi mentioning that Luke is their last hope in the 2nd installment of the Star Wars franchise.

Luke was also based upon Lucas (Luke=Luc-as), Luke was originally a pudgy short fat character who overcomes expectations by becoming a hero, Luke was always a Beta male character. Star Wars itself was a platform for the career of Harrison Ford, who Lucas used again in the Indiana Jones series. Han Solo's character is based upon Lucas also, Solo is actually a representation of the origins of NASCAR drivers, who were originally smugglers who tuned their cars to go faster than what the law could.

> History article on NASCAR's origins in the Prohibition era

Lucas himself was a racing car enthusiast and was potentially going to become a racer, but on June 12, 1962, then 17-year-old George Lucas was in a serious car crash which he said was as a miracle that he survived, Lucas would go on to explore this aspect of his life in the 1973 film American Graffiti.

Han's character in Star Wars is a continuation of Lucas' previous film American Graffiti, which also stars Harrison Ford as a street racer from the 50s. Han Solo is a smuggler/racer who's always fine tuning his vehicle/spaceship in Star Wars.

Star Wars itself was really just a one off film that morphed into a franchise, it's sole role was to undercut Frank Herbert's Dune, Star Wars is largely adapted from Herbert's Dune, but also Star Wars copies from other sources too.

ignore all the bullshit around it and it's a decent movie by itself. They actually did a female protag well unlike the other movies that were awful.

you're right, she only made incredibly fucking stupid decisions the entire time, let her emotions get the better of her, and fucked everything up because she couldn't take a "sorry" gracefully without trying to yas kween the guy for daring to do something that made sense.

Totally a better character than another Luke.

Movie reviewers now base their reviews on whether or not there are enough scenes between women and if the cast is diverse. Not all do this, but many of the more well-known movie reviewers do this. In fact, that's part of the reason why Blade Runner 2049 was not rated very highly. It was all White people and the only conversation between women in the film was about a man.

I simply don't even remember what happened in the movie, so it must have done something wrong to be so boring to me. I saw it and literally cannot remember what happened except there was a scene with a sniper and one with vader. I shit you not.

holy shit. I didn't know my thread was doing so well lol

I read the book before watching the film, so I had a terribly skewed understanding of the film compared to others. I remember everything in it.

Yeah, someone dm'd me about it, I had logged off chan for the night, but I had to witness this.

Yes the movie is entertaining but forgettable. Which is a lot better than the prequels that were cartoonishly overdramatic, or the new ones with white men are evil theme.

Swear to fuck the next mi5 rat I'm going to blow your fucking brains out if try and play my heart. FYI don't ever trust any South American they are either part natzi, mi5 or fucking lying through one set of their lips.

Wrong. Rogue one had terrible unlikable characters.
Flying to the that planet to watch her Dad die really just pissed me off.
Multiple death scenes by super boom boom was retarded. Seeing that nigger get rekt did make me kek.
I liked prequel characters. They were good people. Even if Jar Jar was a retard and Padme was child grooming her future boytoy.

The newest trilogy is always going to be shit in my mind, but now that I have seen these movies, I'm content with the first two trilogies and the Clone Wars. That to me is Star Wars.