Is anyone actually buying the yenpress releases of oberlord?
Or did everyone drop it after Skythewood decided to stop translating after volume 9?
Is anyone actually buying the yenpress releases of oberlord?
Or did everyone drop it after Skythewood decided to stop translating after volume 9?
Other urls found in this thread:
FB-Ai finds a way.
Maruyama is obsessed with fruits now and he's also watching Made in Abyss.
Ainz conquering other realms when?
Did lupus ever come out of Exile?
FBI-kun, please. Even Google knows about our super secret new clubhouse
I really don't and I'm not fbi
I haven't been on Sup Forums since summer of last year, I've been around on Sup Forums and /vg/ though
Who else is translating Overlord? if you notice my name I'm the lupusanon from the legendary maido roll thread if you were around for that thread.
The full picture of that cosmology is a little too large to post here, so I made an imgur of it
Holy shit, the overlord universe is massive
Whats the latest on s2?
Is madhouse producing?
>Holy shit, the overlord universe is massive
The picture isn't of Overlord. It's one of the D&D campaign settings, but Maruyama based a fair amount of his lore on D&D, but not likely this setting
So who's the first non-mind controlled NPC that Ainz will bitch slap for misbehaving?
>Pic not related
Sky was never translating Overlord.
We just amuse ourselves with fanfiction now, sadly.
Don't post lewds of my wife solution
What do you mean?
I read all my overlord from their site.
They are hosted on Sky's site and Sky was checking/fixing translation but they were translated by someone else.
Got volume 4 already. I hope 5th will be out at the same time vol12 comes out in Japan.
Oh, I thought Sky was the original trans group for overlord
This is what the fandom has fallen to?
Solution's only purpose is to be lewded, if Herohero was wise enough to remain in the game he'd penetrate Solution with his slime tentacles every day and corrode her clothes play.
You mean the Yenpress versions? Why buy them? I know that a portion of the money probably goes to Maruyama and his publisher, but we shouldn't be encouraging shitty translations
I mean my language translation.
Stop defiling my wife.
We have a daughter, you know.
Base Epsilon.
It finds a way.
She's about to executed for telling a joke and ruining demi's plans.
Ainz did talk about possible gods so maybe they'll show up when he gains a divine rank.
Wait, she's really about to die?
Damn, Ainz really did hate Lupus.
>the wiki added her Sup Forums nick name
toppest kek
>Is anyone actually buying the yenpress releases of oberlord?
well yeah, but only so I can force my children to read them later.
Do we have a release date on the next volume yet or maybe a synopsis? Will the 10,000 year keikaku finally reach fruition?
I demand your rare nazaricks.
How rare we talking
>actually paying for yen press's god awful translations
Warlord Enri, The Bloody.
For that you have to dive into the abyss of jap twitter artists.
I feel like rereading everytime there is a thread up.
Please stop making threads.
Nah lets read it together.
Over the last 2 months I reread everything for like the 5th or 6th time when I had time to spare. I was expecting to finish vol11 again a little closer to the release of 12, but just finished it 2 days ago so now I have nothing to do till then
Start again
>Is anyone actually buying the yenpress releases of oberlord?
Does anyone read anything from Jew Press? They probably do considering they can keep picking up new series. As soon as they pick something up I drop it.
He already put Albedo in solitary confinement.
Start from 11 and go backwards.
Not just her but also Nigredo and Pestonya as well, though Albedo was put in confinement for other reasons.
Literally everytime they pick something up, it dies.
Yenpress picked up HOTD, suddenly it never comes off Hiatus again and the write recently died (RIP)
Why did he do that?
She attacked him.
were the albedo being a traitor rumours true
No, she attacked him sexually
Completely forgot about that cover
Yes and no. I'll spoil so... if you're really interested read but otherwise don't.
Albedo attacked him finally because she couldn't hold back and wanted him that bad (rape). (If memory serves he used the L-word again.) Even managed to get a hold spell on him before the Eight Edge Assassins saved his ass.
So, as punishment, she was sent into solitary confinement for three days.
Later, he learns she won't allow any of the maids into her room and starts to think she's hiding secrets. Which, she is, because it's revealed she's keeping his old flag (the one with his original name on it) and frequently talks about it should be only him.
There's a high chance some of the Supreme Beings are in danger if she had her own way. She even formed up a very powerful team which includes her sister, Rubedo, amongst others which is said to be more powerful than anyone in the guild and could probably kill a Supreme Being. This last part is speculation, however, but it's true she calls him "Momanga," alone in her room and dislikes the idea of him sharing the guild.
I mean to get so ass blasted that it goes through his passive and he attacks/hurts them a slap is enough.
In anger? I honestly don't believe Ainz would ever do that. It's part of the reason I like his character.
Well, except in Narberal Gamma's case. :^)
Keep in mind...
This is all from the light novel.
In the manga he only cuts the flag down.
In the anime he destroys it.
So what is true for one might not be true for the other. It's one of those things that could literally go either way.
>Ainz reads rearing books for children
>Starts spanking the NPCs who misbehave/ go to far
>Eight Edge Assassins
It was Mare. EEAs couldn't do shit as they're not nearly strong enough physically and she can dispell constricting skills.
>Shalltear and Albedo suddenly start constantly screwing with with gigantic grins.
The Eight Edge assassins were definitely there in the LN and first to react.
There's also the fact that she secretkt gave Princess Renner a lock box that may or may not have contained Ainz's personal journal.
>Shalltear and Albedo
>Ainz decides to limit it to the kids
How would Aura and Mare react to spankings?
I'll be buying the superior Kadokawa Taiwan release, suck that jewpress
I think Aura and Mare aren't nearly as innocent as they appear to be.
>it may or may not
No shit, Sherlock.
Also why would she have his journal?
At what age are elves ready for breeding?
Well, the supposed race change item she said she was giving to Princess Renner was also in a lock box with the same description as the one Ainz was keeping his journal in. Not to mention there is also another race change item in play that Ainz gave to the former wizard of the empire. So it makes me think one is a red herring.
Also, it's already demonstrated Albedo has already collected and done things that would be considered iffy to the other guardians and NPCs that she's hiding. (The flag.)
Not to mention she frequently visits his bed, where Ainz was hiding it.
Maybe you should check out at sky the afterwords of vol 9. Maybe then you get it.
These are the questions that we demand answers for.
I'm pretty sure I've already read a TL of vol 10
>implying elves breed
>implying conception exists
AFAIR race change item for Renner is still our speculation. Also what's so weird with multiple race change items? Ainz offered some to Cocytus to use on Lizardmen so those aren't exactly rare or precious to him.
>Albedo: Ainz-sama let's pee together!
No, what I mean to say is the two lead characters both presented race change items at the same time. I'm just pointing out possible literary techniques for clues. If it was real life there'd be nothing to think about. As a story though? Well, those kinds of things are clues. And like I pointed out: a lot of stuff also adds up, like the description of the box and Abledo's secrecy. I don't think anyone else knows she gave that box to Renner.
But you are right. It's speculation. But it's not without facts and ideas backing it up.
Wait. Is it possible Abledo has ALL fetishes? Or is it she just sees it as a duty?
>Ainz starts practicing diaper changing to teach the twins how to be responsible parents
>Albedo starts wearing diapers and eating and drinking
>yfw the race change item is for Renner to give to Climb, for Climb to change into a cute lv 1 kobold (retaining his job classes though), turning him into her puppy
>A-Albedo... w... what are you doing?
>Oh, you don't like this Ainz-sama?
>*pulls out notecards and moves on to the next fetish*
>He turns into a badass Kobold and gets personal instruction from Cocytus.
>Ends up destroying armies singlehandedly.
>it's not without facts
The only fact here is that Ainz has a lockbox and Albedo gave Renner a lockbox.
Albedo wouldn't never give anyone something that belonged to Ainz. Also giving the lockbox to Renner so she could open it would mean that Albedo thinks Renner is smarter than her.
And while Renner was given an item that's most probably the race change item, Fluder simply got the book to research.
If he actually turns into Elder Lich it will be "sasuge" again.
>Demiurge: Ah, so you're trying to figure out Ainz-sama through process of elimination? How clever.
>Albedo: Yes, but, he didn't like that fetish either.
>Demiurge: Wait. What?
>Also giving the lockbox to Renner so she could open it would mean that Albedo thinks Renner is smarter than her.
She might be, though. That's the whole point of Princess Renner's character. Her intelligence.
Google finds a way. You can always read "fanfiction." Ironically there is fanfiction. Volume 11 is taking forever.
>Fluder simply got the book to research.
Yeah, but, how else do race change items work?
>Ainz starts picking books at random from the library and putts them on his nightstand
>Albedo sees this
What would her reaction be?
where can i download the yenpress novel?
Even if it's actually the truth Albedo would never consider this. Renner may be Demi's "pet project" and potential "Area Guardian" but she's still a lesser being.
Nobody knows.
>Empire Newspaper: All the old men in the country have mysteriously disappeared. No idea where they may be.
She's already been confronted by the fact there are people more talented than her in various areas. I'm not sure why you think suddenly this one would be too hard for her.
There's also the idea she is possibly a threat against any Supreme Beings that might show up later. She might be searching for weaknesses against Supreme Beings she can use later.
>Albedo discovers Ainz was once a human.
I wonder how she would rationalize that? Or the other NPCs that hate humans?
>old men
Would Albedo let other men fuck her everyday if that was Ainz fetish and he also fucked her once in a while?
Of course. I don't think it'd even register as an obstacle for her.
Here's a better question...
>Turns out Albedo being a succubus means she has to have sex to recover lost energy or she'll eventually get weaker and die.
>Demiurge invents a way Ainz can sex her.
Would he finally give in?
>Albedo: Ainz-sama... I'm dying...
>Ainz: What can I do, Albedo?!
>Albedo: If you don't take me I'll die!
>Ainz: Well, uh, I, uh, uh--
Or something like that.
>Of course
>Almost kills one of the most valuable pawns on the kingdom because he touched her shoulder
Well, Ainz hadn't said otherwise.
If she honestly thought Ainz was into it she wouldn't even hesitate. The only reason she doesn't is because she feels he isn't. She is a succubus, after all.
Yeah, a virgin succubus.
>that dude
>valuable pawn
lol no
Why Enri The Bloody?
Is it becauseLupus told her Ainz died and she'll go on a rampage?
You do realize Volume 10 has been translated for over 4 months right? And the translation quality is the same.
>Because her army destroyed the younger prince's army.
>Ainz says he's into interracial cuckolding
>Albedo's heart races with fear and excitement as she expects her hymen to be destroyed by trolls and dragons
>Pair of black guys walk in
>user turns off the computer
>Ainz: Albedo... I'm going to tell you my fetish.
>Ainz: I want... I want to...
>Albedo: YES?!!?!?!?!
>Ainz: I want to be dominated. Please lovingly dominate me.
>Albedo's head smokes and she loses the ability to think, unable to dominate a Supreme Being.
But then again...
I feel like this ends with Albedo walking about with Ainz's skull
Wait, what? Why?
>Not really into anime.
>Seen a few movies/shows but never really clicked.
>End up seeing a short clip in my YouTube recommended.
>Bored so why not?
>It's the Ainz/Shalltear fight. Watch it several times in a row.
>Look up anime.
>Watch all 13 episodes twice.
>Find out there's an OVA (whatever that is) about the Pledias and watch that.
>Research Overlord on net.
>Find manga.
>Read it twice.
>Discover light novel.
>Read it ALL only taking breaks to work, eat, shower, sleep.
Jesus fucking Christ what happened to me?
It's the first thing that comes to mind when i think about dominating a skeleton. Just walking about with the parts of it that i want.