What dumbass explanation will the flat earth fags come up for this one?
Flat Earthers BTFO
flat earth is a CIAnigger psyop to make conspiracy theories less believable in general to the populace
>It's on a pivot
>I can see a reflection
>The clouds are different every few minutes
video doesn't show the earth spinning. care to explain?
Most obvious false hologram I have ever seen. Try harder next time.
No stars can be seen, must be fake.
>Flat Earthers BTFO
Flat Earthers were beat the fuck out by themselves the moment that they believed the world was flat.
where does the power for the camera come from?
if only there was a way to store electrical energy
As always, they will just say it is CGI and that Musk is in on the conspiracy.
Nigger that looks fake as hell.
Nice green screen faggot
Space in the 60's looks like claymation. Space in the modern era looks like CGI.
the earth takes 24 hours to spin around once, you're not gonna see it in a 30 sec clip
>I have been waiting for this moment.
whats with the air pressure in the tires? shouldnt they explode?
>camera technology never improves
So where the fuck is that car and dummy headed? Are they strapped to the rocket or enclosed in something?
Why is this pasta always posted?
Crazy. You mean cameras and broadcast technology have improved since the 60's?
its just bolted on the end of the rocket
No. We can see through the lies, while you idiots believe anything you're told.
The stream is pure porn my dick hurts.
i obviously thought about that. but i meant how do they plan to keep it alive indefinitely?
he's making a comparison to alternative technology available at the time to potentially fake it. please stop arguing in bad faith like a brainlet.
90% of flat earthers are trolls
10% are literal sub-humans
Regardless, both need to be exterminated.
Its CGI and Musk is on it
Looks like a flat disc in the picture user
Fake as shit. Why would anyone trust this faggot let alone looking at a screen as proof of anything.
Its also used to make conspiracy theorists argue with each other.
>no stars
>no satellites
>earth spins super fast but we can't see it
damn you got me
Its flat! At 38.000 meters you should be able to see the curveture!
Unironically This. That and a substantially loud group of actual schizos latch on to flat earth like it’s gospel.
Have people talk conspiracies and you’ll hear some shit that’s out there but within the realm of possibility (secret societies, murder plots, companies scheming, intelligence agencies being douchebags, you name it), than there’s always one retard that finds it way in the group and desperately tries to bring up flat earth crap.
Had a busy couple of days and let most of the news slip by, but has meme-“flamethrower” man put his car in an orbit around earth? I thought he was gonna land that thing on mars.
No fucking curveture!
Its Musk and CGI is in on it.
Solar panels
despite it being a meme it still makes more sense than
>dinos were killed by asteroid but not other animals
>they also evolved into birds
Maybe. But I'm also betting on le epic trolling and the few unironic schizos.
maybe not indefinitely but if they have a low power set up and are using the massive battery already inside the tesla I could see it staying up for a long time
throw in solar trickle and it could go years
>here's a picture of a swamp including all the mosquitoes
>Expecting a 30-second day/night cycle
What is nitrogen?
And it will keep streaming to Earth? That's incredible
Solar panels and batteries
Nope, I disagree, if you watch it closely, you'll see that its CGI and probably have Musk name on it.
>Got bullied in school for being white, to the point where the niggers threw him down the stairs
Gee, ya think?
I never noticed that before, but you're right.
You can fucking see it, you, you... double nigger
Stellar orbit. ~1B years. Furthest arc equal to distance to mars, & mars orbit — ~240M km
because its the truth you fucking kike
Wouldnt stars be brighter in space then on the earth?
delay will increase exponentially with distance but yea it's pretty fuckin cool
No, no you can't you fucking good goy
Obvious fake cgi is obvious
>what is relativity
no, because the sun and shit, go to a big city, because the city have so many lights, you can't see the stars at night, same shit in space,
>being skeptical with moonlanding
>being a shizo
>flat earth is a CIAnigger psyop to make conspiracy theories less believable in general to the populace
>Its also used to make conspiracy theorists argue with each other.
They're also hoping seeing this flat earth retardation will turn off people from Sup Forums
The picture looks fake as fuck. Like something from Black mirror
I prefer a penne
Easy to eat
Why are there no satellites seen?
Its not CGI, the view changes, so its computer rendered images, a CGI.
If you really believe that this is made in space...
Kys faggot.
markets crashing
quick Elon, let's CGI a car in space
and the screen will say
60B please
>the world isn't a sphere, it's flat!
>okay, it is a sphere, it's just really big!
>can't see stars during the day due to light from sun
>can't see stars in city limits due to light pollution
oh hey that makes sens-
>can't see stars on the bright side of earth
>beat the fuck out
>beat the fuck
>beat the
Hey nigger, If its so bright why isnt everything lit up. Instead there is a big black canvas behind the earth cgi and the car?
They will simply say it's filmed with a fisheyed lense
Because they are to small to notice, FLAT EARTH KEKS BTFO FOR ETERNITY
Yet you can see them in the night sky from earth?
flat earth or not this looks like shit!!
Because they're tiny things the size of a car and the Earth is almost 8000 miles wide? Unless there were trillions of them in orbit the chances of one of them being close enough to the car to see are tiny.
I still didnt see the moon, yet.
Earth is hollow and we live inside it, Germans figure it out first!
Pic related
It's that and space is sparse, like wtf are you even thinking with this argument? How would satellites not existing make it a flat earth again?
The Rounders could not even be bothered to render the stars in this foolish CGI.
This desu
There are hundreds of them orbiting earth above every single continent. you would see at least a few if this was real.
Moon was there for a few seconds in the left low corner
If someone stands at the edge of a cliff, and you stand right in front of the cliff and look up, you won't be able to see them.
But as you walk further away, more of their body will be revealed. This is because light bends in an atmosphere over distance.
What this means is that the horizon will appear to dip on a flat Earth or a spherical Earth. The higher your altitude, the further you can see, and the more extreme the dip will appear. At very high altitudes, the light will be bending ane attentuating so much, that it will appear to dip and dim into blackness such that it looks like you're on top of a sphere.
Where’s the god damn moooooon ?!?
Why the fuck is the moon so small when its fucking huge on earth so much so that I can see it in detail with binoculars
is it planned to crash on mars or orbit it?
They should put a motor inside that helmet, turn around every few minutes, just to freak out the aliens.
Ohhh I saw that, thought its debris/rock something....so
where is ISS ?
Pic is entire known universe
Angular resolution of camera. Google it.
I do not think many of you realize just how far out into space Earth's gravitational pull and orbit fields extend.
because one of the most popular flat earth youtubers had connections to the CIA or was a CIA agent.
and he got caught apprently
anyone wanna post me a fucking link to ops pic related, really chaps my ass when opfags dont drop the sauce
iss is small as fuck in this distance and you couldn't see it, it also would move very fast out of the view but you can use ISS tracker right NOW and try to figure out the moment to see it. you have not a lot of time
this shit is so fucking fake you retards are so brainwashed by NASA it hurts my brain
Fake af, get your kike productions off my board.
just look up spacex news you fucking retard
Haha nigger stfu with your shill answers, It makes it very hard to have a discussion. I'm taking about the moon being the size of a quarter viewed from a camera in space; so closer to the moon, when on earth It the size of at least 3 miles wide. This is fake as shit simple logic can debunk it
it's probably on the other side of the orbit
when you watch it, it's always closest to you
OK then, tiny ISS.
Who turn the steering I wonder ? Should it be like elipses or almost straight ?
The Tesla is the size of a car and I can see it. Why not the satellites?
the funny thing is it is gospel ;)
do you think space niggers will steal this car?
Because Ops pasta always gets posted.