Woman dies after being raped with car jack that was opened inside her


>giving her a lift
keked mildly

>take lift with dude after a funeral
>get pic related shoved up your vagen and opened up

what a way to go

Here is the victim.


What a punchable douche face.


Good. The less la creatura lives, the better.


el no fity. immposiblo.


I think we can keep this from happening again though, if we bring back eye-for-an-eye.

That's jacked.

don't need click bait, need gore, OP

I'd kill her too

is this some evolution of blue whale?

Russians are like niggers but were made the wrong color on accident

Most of your white elites is bunch of sadists, perverts, occultists and pedos, but if some degen in Russia kill a MILF - mmmuh russian niggers.

Sticking a car jack in someone and splitting them apart is nigger tier, and you know it.

yeah its nigger behavior

That's surprising it kille the dumb whore. Considering how stretched most women like that usually are.

I know what this boi is degen, but so what - all nations have degens. And?

What part of it did they stick in her

Why are Russians such savage niggers? Its like an entire unknown land full of nigger males and, frankly, unattractive women who only suck your dick if you can get them into America.

So I take it that it wasn't an open casket?


based poland


Yeah, they couldnt get the lid on


My fucking ribs!


My boy, you are too innocent.

Yeah they're just cherry-picking (Not when it's blacks however), your people aren't the most dignified. But you guys do alright.

>literal muttboi niggers calling anybody a nigger

kikkidy kekd

Disgusting. What is the punishment for this in Russia?

But seriously though Russia should reflect, I mean who remembers the Emo killings?

It'll be life imprisonment.

Thanks dude, i was eating. I hope someone mullers your ankles

You're clearly a faggot and afraid of women.

I think you missed the point of my post good sir. They said something that Carlos would have said.

It's an old Mexican tradition. Just had Bangers and Mash and feel quite contented.

but your country has always been a mutt country. finns and russians are psychos because you guys are hapas

People honestly seem to think hentai cartoons are real.

To be honest I never really got that meme, other than the odd Carlos smile.

>Muttmerican education

Tyrone Goldberg over here was too busy in school learning about black dildos

Half that shit did happen in Japan, though they have the rope so they keep it in check.

Dude we all know it, you are on the same level as Mexico and China, one step above niggers.

typical roastie
she probably enjoyed it but was afraid of looking like a slut so she pretended she hates it

it's not healthy to deny your ancestry you know

>That acne
Explains a lot, really.

To me the meme is he makes really obvious and corny jokes

rosie craved for something bigger, got btfo, simple as that

That rings a bell.

Weird thing was, i was watching him barefoot and all i could think was
>thats clearly not safe
>he's gonna slip on that blood and hurt himself


I dated 2 Euros and married a third.....Finnish, Dutch and Serbian. All 3 called Russia "Mexicans of Europe" in the same way. None of them knew each other


Good one.

>Danil Cheshko
Ukrainians are fucking animals.

>when aspies try to jack off

>Most of your white elites is bunch of sadists, perverts, occultists and pedos
Yeah, our elite is the same.

Looks like one of those Russian mail order brides.

Brings new meaning to 'jacked off'.

She paid the price for deletting his Dota account

Russia no longer has the death penalty.

This kid will be sent to a maximum security prision in Siberia where he will spend 23 hours a day in a cell the size of a broom closet. The other hour will be spent in a cage outside where he can enjoy the cold Siberian air.

During his awake time in the cell he will not be allowed to lay down on his bed. So he'll probably spend the next 40 - 50 years pacing backwards and forwards in a small room with 3 cream walls and a metal door.

Food will be Russian.

The guards will torment him of course, he's going to get beaten reguarly but that's the norm.

The Russian prision system focuses on punihment and detterance, not rehibilitation.

if you can't figure it out you need to promptly kys.

His ass will be jacked. Actually for a commie you aren't wrong.

That's a load of bullshit and you know it.

You reckon they'll go soft?

what's the fucking point of gore if the subject is already dead?

He was still alive user

>russia is a shithole
tell me something i dont know.

ONLY a Roastie WHORE could fit that inside her.
No loss.

>Paying for Muh Dik 101

I’ve seen my fair share of people being brutally killed on Sup Forums and even corpses of women who have been tortured, raped and killed. But this is up there. This is pretty fucked up.
>Kek, thot status: PATROLLED

Same. And I was eating as well, but not really stopping.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums completely desensitized me


>using the word thot
>being an underage faggot

TIDF spotted

Well she was kinda flat


>Russia is a first world co-

Maybe blondes REALLY are dumb .Maybe WT really lacks enough biological intelligence to survive.

Why is the homicide rate of Russia Africa-tier? Please don't blame "muh economy".