Judge Rules Bakeshop Owner Doesn’t Have To Bake Wedding Cake For Gay Couple

>A California judge ruled Monday the state couldn’t force a cake shop owner to bake a cake for a gay couple’s wedding, ruling that doing so would constitute a violation of free speech.
>Superior Court Judge David Lampe denied the State of California’s request for a preliminary injunction that sought to force bakeshop owner Cathy Miller to design a wedding cake for a gay couple.
>“For this court to force such compliance would do violence to the essentials of Free Speech guaranteed under the First Amendment,” Lampe ruled, according to a press release sent to The Daily Caller News Foundation. The injunction also posited that if Miller refused to design the cake, the state would force her to close her Tastries Bakery shop altogether.
>“We are pleased that the judge recognized that the First Amendment protects Cathy’s freedom of speech,” chief counsel and Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund (FCDF) president, Charles LiMandri, said after the ruling, the press release reports. LiMandri argued in Friday’s court hearing that Miller doesn’t discriminate against same-sex couples, but refuses to use her artistic talents to express a message that conflicts with her religious beliefs about marriage.
>The ruling comes after two women asked Miller to design their wedding cake and filed a complaint with the state, alleging that Miller discriminated against them on the basis of sexual orientation. They also posted about the event on social media. Following their complaint, the state launched an investigation and sought a court order to force Miller to bake their wedding cake.
>“This is a significant victory for faith and freedom because the judge indicated in his ruling that the State cannot succeed in this case as a matter of law,” LiMandri said.


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Is California waking up?

Its flat out a violation of free will. Why do fags love forcing people to do things they don't want to do? Rapey as fuck mentality

Bet the lesbians break up now lol

I never knew there were so many Christian bakers in the world...

Why do the gays dislike bakers Sup Forums?

They weren't fags, they were political lesbians

Can I force a cake shop owner to make me a cake where Muhammed fucks a child on it?

Must be a Mexican bakery, because it would be racist to force them to do something against their will
If a white bakery tried this...

what about the bakery that got ruined by rejecting the cake because they had to pay 135k? will the get a refine?

you laugh but burgers got a wal-mart to make this after they refused to make a confederate flag cake

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Oh shit, I thought this was the same bakery. How the fuck did they lose? Isn't this a pretty cut and dry case? As a business owner don't you have the right to refuse service on whatever grounds you want?

Fag marriage was never about two fags living together happily or whatever it was marketed as. It was always about 2 things: Lessening the value of traditional marriage and fueling the civil rights lawsuit industry.

Well it's a start


They made over 300k at least in private donations. They were not forced to close. They chose to because at-home businesses (which is how they reorganized their business) may legally discriminate because they are NOT public accommodations.


Good, fucking homos need to stop pushing their degenerate lifestyles onto others.


I think they had to pay the fine as damages apparently because they gave out the information of the couple trying to sue and the couple was "harassed".


This will get overturned. The used the Commerce Clause to force owners to admit blacks into hotels and restaurants. They'll do the same for gays, you literally do not have the right to refuse patrons for any belief system if it "disrupts trade internationally" and this business assuredly sources it's materials from outside their state.


California of all places. Wow.

Hmm. This was good news. It's one thing to tell you that there are things you can not say, it's entirely different when the state is telling you things that you MUST say.



religion may be incidentally burdened by state law if the overall impact furthers a compelling government interest.

That and agreed.

It's never been illegal to have a wedding ceremony it just won't be recognized by the government. If fags truly gave a shit about marriage they would be having the ceremony anyway but instead they want to degenerate a Christian institution as well as gubment gibs.

Name a single church that has been forced to grant gay marriages (apart from countries with state religion).

Does anyone know if chruches in straya are forced to host gay weddings?
I can't seem to find a straight answer anywhere.

Fuck your cake faggot


WTF?! I love Commiefornia now!

No, it will just get taken to the next level where California will not only decide that the gay wedding cake must be baked and designed, the bakery owner must also scissor both women

Was this THAT wedding cake case that kicked off so long ago? Or was that from a different state?

No. Religious marriage celebrants are not required to have gay marriages in Australia due to separation of church and state in your constitution.


Well they are forced to host Australian weddings which is arguably worse.

Do you know how to read? Or do you just make irrelevant points to random posts for fun?

It happened in Colorado first, then oregon.

It's almost like faggots realized it was an easy payday or something...

A bakeshop isn't a public accomodation period numbnuts. It's a private business.

Which begs the question, why do you want someone who doesn't want to bake you a cake to bake you a cake anyway?

This ain't about cake or faggotry. This is about power, which you hoped the state would act out for you.

You should be disgusted with yourself.


no, cali has a level of freedom available many would appreciate, but it bans the wrong things

>having an impact on your own states commerce exclusively

Pick one

I don't think you understand the definition of public accommodation.

>literally begging the question


Public accommodations, in US law, are generally defined as facilities, both public and private, used by the public. Examples include retail stores, rental establishments, and service establishments as well as educational institutions, recreational facilities, and service centers.

Under US federal law, public accommodations must be accessible to the handicapped and may not discriminate on the basis of "race, color, religion, or national origin."[1][2] Private clubs were specifically exempted under federal law[3] as well as religious organizations.[4] Title II's definition of public accommodation is limited to "any inn, hotel, motel, or other establishment which provides lodging to transient guests" and so is inapplicable to churches. Section 12187 of the ADA also exempts religious organizations from public accommodation laws,[5] but religious organizations are encouraged to comply.

Various US states have nonuniform laws that provide for nondiscrimination in public accommodations.

i can't believe i'm saying this:


They didn't prevent you from coming in their store or using the bathroom. The refused to bake a gay wedding cake.

No one denied them their right to a cake. You can't walk into a business and go YOU WORK FOR ME NOW

If being gay was part of the reason they were denied a particular item that the bakery already sells, they were in violation of state law. This judge will definitely be overruled on appeal. Christianity is not an excuse for discrimination.

Fuck you faggot.

> from outside their state

Interstate trade is not the same thing as international trade

Even if you literally don't buy or sell any goods that cross state lines. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wickard_v._Filburn This guy literally grew extra crops solely to feed his livestock and was smoked by the government "because he wasn't buying crops." The government will deep dick you on this issue, they have unlimited ways of interpreting this power. If they so desire it they can force this bakery to do it.

Stfu you fudge packing faggot. Get aids and die.

As someone who has parents that own a restaurant, you can use the bathrooms, but we can also force you to leave for loitering or if we simply don't want you in the place.

Article I, Section 8, Clause 3:[3]

[The Congress shall have Power] To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

>among the several states

No one walks into a bakery and leaves with a wedding cake they had ready to go. They are special ordered. That could be refused for any reason from I don't have time to I don't wanna.

A custom cake is a special order, it's not included in the list of sold goods freely available to everyone. If I refused to make a lolicon cake because it was against my ethical beliefs, despite it being legal, is that classified as pedophile discrimination?


The issue wasn't that the couple wanted to buy an already in stock cake from the store. They wanted to "commission" a custom cake.

Besides, the law you referenced says "race, color, religion, or national origin." Is Faggothry a religion now?

I really wish they kept faith out of it, it kind of cheapens their entire argument.

>Christianity is not an excuse for discrimination

How can anyone call themselves a Liberal and support fags like this? I'm starting to see why Mudslimes throw your kind off buildings

Further proof the United States still hates people from the south after invading them just to keep them in a union they didn't want to be a part of

Haha I know right?

>shut up you dirty trailer trash the Civil War was about muhhhhhhhhhh slavery!!!

Because gays think if things aren't constantly forced forward it's only one step back to gay lynching and buggery laws.

someone should legit have a pro-gay cake shop make a pedo cake and say they identify as a 10 year old.

Ok. I understand the government has the power to regulate trade nationally and internationally.

But a cake shop owner refusing to design a cake for a gay couple has no impact on international or national trade. Are song writers and movie producers required to produce any song or movie pitched to them by fags?

Get fucked faggots.

Why free speech? / Wouldn't it more accurately fall into "involuntary servitude" to require without their consent their particular service?

I wonder what would happen if you asked a liberal person if it would be OK to force a Muslim cleric to wed a gay/lesbian couple

They'd more than likely say "NO!"

Then you ask

Would you force a Muslim bakery to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple? .

They'd probably say "NO!"

Then you ask, how can you ask a Christian to do the same?

You'll either confirm their double standard OR piss them off/start them rambling.

it says in the article that writing the pro gay message was the issue. Not actually serving them. Freedom of speech is the freedom to either say something or not say something.

How about you faggots just leave small bakeries alone? Why is it so crucial that you force your disease on everyone?

You know what I mean, just use "writing a pro gay issue" as the example I provided.

Same result.

The freedom to say something is about freedom of speech, the freedom to not say something is pretty clearly about slavery.

Usually wedding bakers are religious

What the fuck? California did something logical? What timeline did I step into?

Literal retarded fag

Notice that fags never end up trying this shit at a muslim owned bakery?

Do you guys Also officiate your wedding in Australian slang


i think he shouldn't do it because the Law shouldn't be able to compel citizens to do things. except pay taxes and drive within the rules, but you know what i mean

Its a HUGE double standard.

They'd never hurt the fee fees of a MINORITY!

why the fuck is that shitty meme man in the bottom right corner of a ben garrison comic? he doesn't even like him

fucking what? It's about nobody being able to force you to say something you retard.

We aren't intentionally going to Christian bakeries.We just don't want to live in fear of being humiliated by a business supposedly open to the public in ways others are not.

This is regulating conduct not speech.

The real redpill is when you realize that "gay rights" means "gay worship.

Seal of poo

It's the same reason why we hate atheism, because it isn't about the belief that there is no god and rejecting religion, it's about rejecting a CHRISTIAN god specifically, like Dawkins does, they never denounce Judaism or Islam

There's a lot of gay bakers, those fags just want money.

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Just keep pushing it, eventually it will come back around and you'll be living in fear of being seen in public again.

They are not forced to accept anything pitched to them. Rejecting it based solely on the fact they're a fag isn't allowed. This bakery sources his cake making materials from across the country and other countries. By not preparing this singular cake he has deducted one cake worth of material from the national economy. This is under the purview of congress' mandate to regulate trade. No business or person exists as a self sufficient island. Even if you literally rendered all your clothing, iron, electricity and food from your own property you STILL affect the wider national economy by not buying it from other vendors. It's absolutely ludicrous in how far this clause gets interpreted to force compliance.

Speech can be more than verbal, writing something falls under freedom of speech.

You do not have a right to not be humiliated. In fact, nobody in America actually has that right, so why are homos uniquely deserving of these rights? I think what you faggots are beginning to learn for the first time is that equal rights doesn't mean some sort of elevated incredible treatment, it means you get treated like EVERYONE ELSE. So that means get in line FAGGOT, YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL.

Kys faggot

Freedom of Speech is a broad definition you unbelievable homo

Women aren’t gay they are just stupid

Sadly, this.

Smoke a shotgun

Fags BTFO forever and ever and ever mwahahahaha

Live by the sword, die by the sword.
Wield the state as a weapon? Don't cry when power is wrested back and used to destroy you in turn.
A lot of us were fine with "equal rights" but now we've learned what you actually meant by it. You've pushed a lot of "allies" to the right and you should be afraid.

You're ok in my book. Day of the role spares you.

This shouldnt even be an argument, how the fuck can the state force me to accept customers at the point of a gun

>Walk into bakery
>"Hello, can you make me a cake?"
>"OK, good bye."
>Walk out of bakery

Aside from the fact nobody has the right not to be humiliated, are you this much of a pansy that you would consider this humiliating?