What is the deal with Blacks going from pic-related to rap and general retardation?

What is the deal with Blacks going from pic-related to rap and general retardation?

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they've always been retarded user

How'd they create jazz then

>blacks created jazz
Another victim of jewish education

Jazz is 100% black. White people don’t have the rhythm to create Jazz.

Also blacks ad black culture has degeberated, not improved

>flares nostril

Look at what west indian blacks create on their own this is simply their version of it.

> sucks air through teef


mkULTRA indoctrination.

In their music, black people actively romanticize living in poverty in ghettos where 50% of them end up being shot. They can't seem to see why this is the reason the racial wealth gap exists.

>they've always been retarded user

Yes and no.

(((media)))) took control of their culture


Dave Brubeck was a nigger.

(((media))) took control of their culture

Dave Brubeck = Eminem of Jazz

this all the way. Many are capable of being regular people who can contain and carry themselves well, but (((media))) gets to them at a young age. Then they fall for the jew trap of clothing and trends (puc related), seeing them as the only thing that ever mattered anyway rather than seeing them as incentive and reward for hard work.

It's fucking sad. So much wasted potential, so much human fucking garbage, and people can't get a grip on even a half of them to re-educate.

I really do hope to god that someday they can actually achieve the American dream. No race mixing, no chimping out in public, none of the 'duh manz' or 'craka ass' to excuse nigger-tier behavior. Just regular people with darker skin.

>puc related
why do I even try


They were oppressed you fuckin racist!!!!!

Leftists and the welfare system.

Black people don't have the brains to create classical.


The removal of segregation and premonition of "equality".

Black music has always been degenerate.

unfortunately they would have been playing jazz with sticks and gourds were it not for white man's instrumental genius.

Hardly. He was experimental. If anything, he was the King Crimson of jazz.
Where do you think you are? You better thicken up that skin. Everybody knows Dave Brubeck was white.

He was also fabulously talented.