My Hero Academia


Other urls found in this thread:

Nice hands, moron

>no Boku
i like your stile user

I want some drawanon to draw Jirou dressed as Bruno from JoJo.

5 hours

I would love an space arc.

Why do people call this series 'Naruto done right'? First of all that is an oxymoron and secondly why would you want to copy Naruto or rather read a Naruto clone?

ask nicely wen we theres one active


Post Deku and Ochako please

I hope Jirou's the next girl we get some development for


This series is inundated with too many best girls.

We might need to cut down on them so some other series can have a chance.

Why is Jirou so lewd?

Still waiting for the Deku/Mom incest


T - 5 hours

She's past the age where she's likely to see more development, isn't she?

Since Hori won't write it, what kind of situations or adventures in school or outside of it could the trio go on?

It pisses me off that we don't see them together doing shit.

What's with the weird coloring?


She'll be fine

>when she see's his Deku

Fuck the anime for giving her boobs

Small chests are just as good as large chests.

My man

When're we getting more stuff with Inko?

That is how anime works.

Keyframes are drawn on paper, then colored digitally the colors on them are guidelines for the flats and shadows

Ah, alright. All the yellows and greens tripped me up for a minute.

Are qipaos, aka chinese dress, and the likes the cusp of waifu outfits?

is deku gona learn to use full cowl in this episode?


Most likely

nope, she is still young
there are tons of girls that grow awesome bodies in college

pregnancy arc when?

WTF is with Ochako's hands

Well it's you're lucky day then user

Izuku in OfA form when?

Maybe her butt still can grow.

I want to gangbang Amajiki!!

Finally caught up, just in time for the new episode. Didn't see coming Midoriya's hero name choice, this OTP is set in stone.

>think it's something new
>it's the same old doujin with non-debu sen Inko

Why would you want to share him amajikifag?

Never, Kyouka is a pure girl

Damn fucking right

I'm pretty sure that's not what 'cusp' means...

Do you want to put Amajiki in a living suit?

hell yeah
you can look classy as fuck and hot as fuck at the same time

This thread now belongs to Shinobu Sensui.

I love how much fanart we're getting based on this page

To be fair, that's also not a qipao.

Kendou is the only mha girl that can pull of the sexy but pure look




>posts a fat slut

>We'll never any of the girls other than Urakaka love interest
>We'll never see a dorky Tsuyu spilling spaghetti while doing a lot of ecchi frog girl stuff
>We'll never see Mina having her horn rubbed and getting turned on while melting her own clothes
>We'll never see a MC fall down on Hagakure and violate her unknowingly
>We'll never see tsundere Momo make cute gifts for the MC with her quirk
>We'll never see kuudere Jirou using her earphones to listen to music with the MC somehow

It hurts, Boku no Hero Harem spin-off when?

she migth be fat but she aint a slut



What bizarre reality do you live in where this is fat?

She's not fat

Is that her foot?

Dude must seriously be gay, or only like anorexic chicks.

Being attracted to fat people is a sin anons

Why would you WANT that?

Though a VN with an MC with a Dating-sim-MC quirk would be hilarious. Doubly so if it went off the rails like Hatoful Boyfriend did.

In what religion?

Yes, but I don't see the problem.

Naturally, but Ochako is not fat


Ignore and report

The religion of basement dwelling, anime obsessed, virgins.

i like her in a non-namefag way
now, let's continue the thread

Which is going to be best YOU SAY RUN moment of this cour? place your bets my mates

Why are you doing that? Why?

>Why would you WANT that?
Because it's cute.

Hopefully there won't be one, and we'll get a varied, interesting soundtrack instead.

Why wouldn't you want that? VN sounds great, I want Tsu to take me home to meet her family.

We need more real nigga hours edits.

beating the shit out of stain? or is it going to have a non so heroic soundtrack?

Is that her alt costume?

Do black people still use that meme? I stopped following them after college.

kendou showing up and BTFOing all of class a with her mighty hands

Tsu is okay, but Momo is where it's at. Plus, she has the best quirk. Best girl, best quirk

We'll stream new episode:

Just a heads up but avatarfagging is against the rules. If you haven't already been reported, you will be.

There are simpler ways to find out what anime to watch than following black people.

So I can record it and send it to his friends and family showing them how much of a whore he is, completely humiliating him. Or in short mind breaking him.

Is it bad that I have never heard of that? I looked it up and it seems like things possessing and surrounding a person. If that is the case no because then I couldn't see his humiliation and despair. Plus a major part of his appeal is his shyness and adorable face.

>All Might

I meant after college I didn't have to pretend to tolerate or like them anymore. Back when I had to network I didn't have a choice and they really are a different species. White people stupid can't hope to match nigger stupid.

so why use this instead of the normal streams?

Deku Rising Project when?

Deku really is a good contender for a harem anime.
He's already shown his potential to adapt to spaghetti.

>so why use this instead of the normal streams?
Not normal? orly?

Never I hope. Haremfags are the worst.

that manga is pure shit but i binged it like in a night and i loved it

consider this

Friendly reminder that Iida ate Grapes' ass


The music in that game was so much better than it had any right to be.

>Haremfags are the worst.
Harems are never supposed to be "good" they're just supposed to be fun and sexy.