Stop fucking calling us leafs, we are fucking Canadians. Get used to it...

Stop fucking calling us leafs, we are fucking Canadians. Get used to it, we run this shit show and if anything happens to us we're taking you all with us.


Other urls found in this thread:


Thanks, just bought 100K


Leaf faggot

stfu leaf
canadian come from Quebec


>canadian from quebec


>Stop fucking calling us leafs, we are fucking Canadians.

Fuck you, nigger. We're LEAFS!!!



Canadian here, I also Canada a fucking leaf

they could've put anything on their flag

but they chose a leaf HAHAHAHA

a fucking leaf HAHAHA


If anyone missed it

>real canadian

Ohn ohn ohn n'est pas poutinenuts

fuck off leaf!

Ban this asshole! How is this shit Sup Forums realted.

You got damn leaf!

ill tell ya, we never should have gotten rid of the red ensign.

Most Canadians on this board deserve it desu. Fuckings leafs.

Your day will come sonn.

Absolutely disgusting.

Fuck no faggot I’m proud to be a leaf! Just think of it as apart of our Canadian identity here on Sup Forums eh

maple syrup nigger, get yo life.

>Thinking you run anything
You're probably a Chinese 18-year-old who got told the world revolves around you.

Get out of my country, flaggot.


Okay, fine.

We'll start using "syrup niggers" instead.

but you are leaves

this is how you get spared from the rake.
admit you are a faggot and move on op.

Ok colgate

Double rake reserved for you poojeet

The only thing I think is unfair is that we only call you a Leaf and not dumb fucks or something. And that Brits seem to post just as much stupid shit as you do but nobody says anything.

Get raked.

Oh boohoo leaf me alone.

yes leaf

A fucking leaf

I'll just leave this here

rake off leaf

get me some syrup

Leaf, Canadian, whatever...........

Your still all FEMALES, even the MEN!

Sure you do.


Go brush your teeth with an arabians cock, little man

Faggot and a mutt

wut you gonna do?
tell yo pri-minister?

Don't be a degenerate
It would be fair to call you a special snowleaf cause you're all fucking leaves and canada is way too cold for normal brain function. That might explain your apparent lack of intelligence.

shut up, leaf.

Nobody calls you leafs. The plural is leaves.

Fucking illiterate leaf.

What in the motherfucking fuck is this



This is Sister Who, the bane of all Leaves.

>Nobody calls you leafs. The plural is leaves.
>Fucking illiterate leaf.
>Not getting Canadian culture


Close that cocksucker, leaf. We are leafs and will always be leaves.

8D Humana Humana

Don't post that shit here

Fuckin leaf


>The Leaf becomes self aware
OP is a faggot SAGE


The day of the rake soon

I can only get so erect user. please...*UMF.

>a faggot leaf

Trudeau Corrects Woman: Say 'Peoplekind' Instead of 'Mankind' It's ...
8 hours ago - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau interrupted a woman asking him a question, at an event he held last week, telling her not to use the term 'mankind' but that she should use the 'more inclusive' term 'peoplekind.' During the question and answer session at MacEwan University, the young woman ...

Trudeau Corrects Woman: Say 'Peoplekind' Instead of 'Mankind' It's ...
8 hours ago - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau interrupted a woman asking him a question, at an event he held last week, telling her not to use the term 'mankind' but that she should use the 'more inclusive' term 'peoplekind.' During the question and answer session at MacEwan University, the young woman ...

Trudeau Corrects Woman: Say 'Peoplekind' Instead of 'Mankind' It's ...
8 hours ago - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau interrupted a woman asking him a question, at an event he held last week, telling her not to use the term 'mankind' but that she should use the 'more inclusive' term 'peoplekind.' During the question and answer session at MacEwan University, the young woman ...

Trudeau Corrects Woman: Say 'Peoplekind' Instead of 'Mankind' It's ...
8 hours ago - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau interrupted a woman asking him a question, at an event he held last week, telling her not to use the term 'mankind' but that she should use the 'more inclusive' term 'peoplekind.' During the question and answer session at MacEwan University, the young woman ...

fuck off leaf

leaves is the plural of leaf, not leafs
such a dumb meme

Are you forgetting April 1st?

NOTHING more to say!

Day of the grill will come for you burger

People Kind, People Kind, HOW PATHETIC!

People Kind, People Kind, HOW PATHETIC!

People Kind, People Kind, HOW PATHETIC!

People Kind, People Kind, HOW PATHETIC!

A. Fucking. Leaf.

Yes. This is what anglos called us, because they were still calling themselves "british". Then, they took it, because they have literally 0 creativity, so we changed our name too because we don't want to be associated with retards like you.


No you're a fucking anglo and you have no rights to these lands you insular monkeys with the squarish face


faggots ITT
I was and always will consider myself a Leaf


Leafs Btfo by leaf .. breaking news ... stfu leaf


fuk u leaf


Maple Soyrups



Maple syrup made by anglo is a myth.
Top grade maple syrup comes from Quebec.
They have nothing. Not even poutine. Basically snow niggers with nothing else than snow and petrol

What do you think I am, a leaf?

What gets me most about this is the fact that the word is clearly humankind

Keep quiet hoser.