Elon Musk how is he so smart? Why are liberals the best?

>all industries revolutionised by him singlehandedly, all succesfull and better than before he entered
>he doesn't even care about money, puts his income into the next project
>beautiful wife and kids

Also quote from Elon:
"I'm somewhere in the middle, socially liberal and fiscally conservative"

Fucking KING liberals are the best!

Other urls found in this thread:


He is litreally the most importan man on earth right now, considering what he did for humanity and will be teached in history books like Albert Einstein. Guys you are witnessing a living legend, a guy who will be remember well in the history books.

certainly qualifies as best African ever. that's pretty boss I don't care who you are.

Who keeps giving him money, is what I want to know.

Not if the gibs dry up first. Take your gay man crush gushing elsewhere

you need to take your Tesla gibs meme and stick it in a falcon heavy with a private billion dollar payload and shoot it up your ass muh energy efficient car company... faggot

people that need fucking satellites launched so you can download trap porn more efficiently

He is literally as red pilled as a man can get, fucking 10/10 alpha male, he is truly the greatest man on earth right now. (after my father)

>socially liberal
red flag

guy is overhyped anyway

Who said he's a liberal, faggot? He is /ourguy/





Suck my balls nigger, the white man will master space, and Elon Muski is making the first steps in that direction

Are you mid stroke? Tf are you even trying to say

i don't think he's liberal

He isnt liberal, he wants nation states destroyed s they can be replaced by corporations.

Isn't he dating a money hungry succubus

He's an "independent" at best. He donates to Democrats and Republicans. Whatever furthers his personal goals.

I see nothing wrong with that

This is actually true

Being white helps

He just knows who to hire. After Paypal took off he's simply been an entrepreneur looking for the next big thing to put money in for the long term, and isn't content to only put it into existing industries. Its not like he personally designed anything he's involved in, he just likes developing industries over saturated ones and has become a face for that kind of thing.

I keep my eye open for companies that plan to do shit in space, as well as anyone working with nanotubes or exotic materials. I think both of those will be "the next thing" so I want to invest early.

shill thread.

You forgot about x.com, neuralink, openAI and hyperloop one

jej no

even more, fucking great man, he did so much, we can't be thankful enough.

>considering what he did for humanity
which is?

>internet bank without living the house
>cheaper rockets and also reusable that can fly us to other planets so more resources
>ai that will bring workfree life


lmao nice try rabbi

>"Have you guys played the original Deus Ex ? .... I love that game. The story telling was killer!"

Elons words.

>being liberal
>starting a business

funny guy

>people that need fucking satellites launched so you can download trap porn more efficiently

Do we really use sattelites for internet that much?

none of those things have happened yet except maybe the bank thing, but I've been able to do online banking for the last decade or longer.

Him and Amber Heard are a based libertarian power couple, sorry OP.