How do we solve the ugly problem?
How do we solve the ugly problem?
Move out of Britain.
Just don‘t breed with them?
Not just us. Look this fine white american.
Mandatory k-12 fit program
There isn't much that can be done about it, ugly people reproduce with ugly people. We can pretend the problem doesn't exist with massive amounts of cosmetic surgery like Korea, but I would think a good diet an exercise can at least raise a lot of people's levels of attractiveness.
Denying obesity acceptance is a start.
by nuking the uk
I can't even argue this. Fuck, our women are ugly. What are Canadian women like?
Pale as fuck for a yank
Lose weight
oh shit son
Might as well go transexual at this point, there's no other chance
You know, we could live in a society where all girls are pretty. We have the technology right now today. But (((they))) don't want us to use genetic science for eugenics because (((they))) know it means the power paradigm is changed.
Wise words
with alcohol like we usually do
>How do we solve the ugly problem?
By not wagging a useless war against National Socialists Germany.
Stop provoking people to fuck their cousins? I mean sure allah says its okay but these webbed feet really work wonders in the water!
tell that to niggers
There are 2 main issues:
>Most ugly people are just not trying to look good. This includes getting in shape, restyling you hair, dressing differently, a bit of makeup, clearing up your skin, etc.
>Those few that are actually biologically ugly need to acknowledge their situation and stop trying to get laid. Ugly people tend to breed with other uglies since thats all they can get, so it makes it even worse.
A fascist order that weeds out the inferiors and enforces standards of taking care of yourself would be a good solution.
>lose weight
>wear contacts
>better haircut
Only a tiny fraction of people are truly and irreparably ugly.
Not bad. Some real babes out in the countryside, but the city girls either look like dogs, don't speak english, are pretentious as fuck, or all three. The hottest girls I've ever met were all farmer's daughters.
She's probably a very good material. Basically she will never say "no", you can do whatever you want with that, she will never complain, too happy she has someone who touches her.
Real answer? We have to reduce the human population.
Maybe us chads need to start taking one for the team and go impregnate a bunch of uggos to improve the gene pool