*smacks lips* AYO HOL' UP

*smacks lips* AYO HOL' UP

Ahahaha! No.

Sup Forums absolutely destroyed!

Please leave this alone, Sup Forums. Just let them have it.

Wasn't rotten tomatoes banning people who gave negative reviews?



Yes. Anyone who sees this movie is a cuck, so of course everyone who sees it will like it




Muh tomatoes!

>Shadow and Act
sounds like some pretentious indy game

>Sup Forums absolutely destroyed!

Really? Same way terrorists lose if you cancel elections if they attack?

If you run a movie ranking voting website and ban people from voting you're literally admitting defeat

The legendary Australian shitposter strikes again

Movie of the Year :)

You trump tards just don't get it. The left is winning and you'll die under foot #gulagforwhitey #handsupdontshoot

>We'll ban you if you don't endorse our blatantly obvious Marxist propaganda.

RottenTomatoes, ladies and gentlemen.

>Sup Forums thinks user ratings matter

fire up the #BLAXIT campaign when this movie hits


Remember when Black Panther was just another minor super hero in the marvel universe?


Kek this, maybe it'll inspire nigs to go back


I also don't get this website. Who are the "critics" and how do I become one.


I'll bet one week of tumblr only use that the super nigger movie will fail. Not massively like Ghostbusters, but just enough that there won't be a sequel.

Wakanda is the best depiction of a successful ethnostatre with secure borders and a cohesive culture.

Lol Rotten kikes in rotten tomatoes took the bait and ruined their credibility forever with this HAHAHAHAHAHA

A film is only as good as its director, so I'm inclined to believe at least most of these reviews are genuine since Coogler knows how to make a movie. Most people don't factor in the talent behind the scenes when it comes to assembly line Marvel product, which will have lots of people second guessing anyone who hypes it up as the best Marvel movie after being told on social media for months that if you don't like it, you're automatically a racist. Everybody is a racist to some degree, but nobody likes being told they're a racist. It doesn't matter if the movie is any good anymore - there's a toxic agenda behind it that will turn people off from going to see it.

>Literally perfect score
Yeah, that isn't suspicious at all. Even the greatest of movies have their detractors.
The real question is what's the big motivator. Is it because reviewers are afraid of being called racist or because they're being paid off?
Literally the exact same stunt that got pulled with the Ghostbusters reboot and The Last Jedi.

>Its going to be a repeat of Star Wars TLJ on Sup Forums

they had none to begin with I'm sorry a site that is frequented by the common average westerner is bound to be full of liberal bs. Not surprised at all to find this probably very average movie get a 100%, surpassing in their mind the greatest classics of the last 50 years


>only 47 reviews

you are like little baby

The reviews are genuine alright.

Genuinely afraid of PC backlash if they so much as give one downboat to this glorious KANGZ production.


>Literally perfect score

Like Stalin said, No man, no problem!

No negative reviewers, no negative reviews!




That's pre-release reviews, meaning its basically only people in the media right now. It's not the first time it happens (Amy Shumer's Trainwreck was 100% pre-release, but dropped to 86), and the aggregate SHOULD go down provided RT stays on the level post-wide-release. That will be the true test.

But in the meantime, we also need to be on the lookout for people who previously and consistently gave Marvel movies poor scores. If their opinion suddenly changes, then it's more evidence of bullshtting

Wonder Woman was cancerous. The only people who liked it are alt-lite egalitarians who used it to say "SEE UNLIKE THE LEFT WE ARE NOT SEXIST" or beta male feminists.

It's funny to see how much alt-liters and liberals agree on.

I guarantee all of you that any "critic" who gives this a negative review will be killed or fired

If you look past the ham-fisted shit (the boat sex scene, and how cheesy it was) it was passable for a superhero flick. Nothing stellar, and certainly not deserving of the adulation it received, but it was not the worst cape movie to come out of last year (fuck GotG2)

I don't get it. What a tomatometer?
Can someone translate from Numale to English?

Dicksgusting. Reminds me of their biased feminazi Ghostbusters reviews.

We should do positive reviews with subtle redpills.

We have to rely on /ourguy/ Armond White.

8.6/10 is the average rating based on what the reviewers score it as (i.e. 4/5 or B). The 100% represents how many reviews are favorable, and if it's over 60%, it's considered "fresh" and gets a tomato.

tell me about wakandas/Rwandas space program and do they steal cars?

>average rating 8.5
Really makes me think

So the average is a score of 8.6 out of 10 stars for all 57 reviews so far. It gets a 100% on the rotten tomatoes score because to get a fresh/good score all you have to do is get a 6/10 or higher rating from a critic, so a bunch of critics could think it's barely better then average but so long as no one thinks it's a 5 or worst it'll get a 100% rating. I bet the viewers rating will be much different.


We can still meme this hard enough. Already some people are falling for it and refusing to go. Some bugmen are even saying that they "don't want to rob blacks of the experience by buying a seat" and have promised to wait for the DVD. The result is the same though. Niggers and SJWs don't pay to see movies, and definitely not repeatedly. We can still win this guys.


Potential here.


It's interesting to note that I've found at least 4 different publications that are considered "not Tomatometer-approved" unless the review comes from a specific reviewer.
>business insider
>we live entertainment
>extra beurre
>news one
Extra Beurre has only 5 reviews to its name, and News One has only one

Wonder woman the movie actually had way less man hating in it than wonder woman the comic.
It was At least nice to see ww1 in a movie instead of more cliched ww2 stuff.

I wonder how many movie reviewers are afraid of giving it a low score. The first bad reviewer will be eaten alive an twitter, and black marked by Disney.

I wonder if Black Panther will be another Ghostbusters fiasco,If you don't like it its because you're racissss.

who cares

>movie isn't even out yet
That's a lot of shilling.

>not egging them on with hidden redpills to suggest a black exodus to make another liberia



Easy too. All the talking points are in.

Regardless of whether the film is good or not, the amount of Fucking films and shows on that site that get”100 percent” beggars belief.
Nothing is “100” , that’s what film criticism is for you cunts.

Interesting, do you think are they cherrypicking from those?
Or perhaps the ones the ones who would give it a bad grade didn't submit anything because they are afraid they'll lose their job to HR.

gibs nobel prize


That's as subtle as hitting someone with a baseball bat.

How about instead of "Black Panther Is Alt-Right"

We say Black Panther is the new symbol of Alt-Right.

Hey remember when black society destroyed civilizations and whites had to rebuild from scratch? Oh of course not, because muh slavery

It's a simple mechanism. They exclude reviews they think are prejudice. They assume prejudice in negative reviews. All negative reviews violate their tos and get deleted.

>if you rig the election and it gets canceled that means you're a terrorist
Is goy IQ a myth?

It's generic capeshit stuff, yeah. I have no idea why people thought it was so good, especially since the Batman movies are pretty good. (Christopher Nolan is a pretty good director, he made Dunkirk)

Here's the problem with that: the only reviews they have now are all from critics for publication. No professional critics are going to be so like-minded on a single movie, so the question is who is being silenced or hidden in favor of nobodys from publicationnobodyreads.com ?



Why even be a film critic when everything is capeshit?

is this a joke or what?

Last Jedi was like 91% positive. Reviews are bought and paid for. Maybe Black Panther is good, maybe it's really good. It's still a fucking superhero movie. Take out all the identity politics WE WUZ KANGZ bullshit and it's a movie about a dude running around in spandex like Spiderman or Superman. No superhero movie is above 90%

Idk. Do they breakdown their scores or is that hidden?

We didn't give a shit about it to begin with. Since when do we coordinate from a fucking Facebook page? Obvious studio false flag is obvious.

As the credits rolled when I watched it the whole awdience started to clap, and soon most of us where dancing to the music. I (like some others) was too overcome with emotion to do anything but cry. This movie is better than Starwars, maybe even better than any movie every made. This movie is truly earth changing

They show snippets of the reviews and link to the published review itself. But without looking at a comprehensive list of their approved publications, I can't say who is being denied. But there is certainly bullshittery involved when "Black Nerd Girls" or however it's spelled is an approved publication

I get what you're saying. This probably will discredit the website. And therefore they will lose money.
But now, companies no longer work on the basis of money alone.
They now also work on ideology, Sup Forums is a great example. This website has some of its popularity because of Sup Forums ideology.
I think they are mistaken to hear the vocal minority, however.

these reviews are terrible

>But now, companies no longer work on the basis of money alone.
They now also work on ideology,

This is why things like Sup Forums ideology exists

If Hollywood ever truly I 100% believe we would be seeing government funded cuck films churned out at the same rate and shown to audiences for free.

truly died 100%*

What the actual fuck am I reading?

Holy fuck. I think I threw up a little in my mouth. What a stupid fucking cunt. That gets me so fucking mad. I have never been a violent person before, but shit like this makes me want to find them and beat the shit out of them. What a stupid bitch.

Heres some BP for her. But she probably doesn't read comics & didn't even know Storm was married to him

Pure fucking Trash. I hope this hooker gets to go to Africa. She can see how they love white people

>blocks negative scores
>has artificially inflated stellar rating
Rotten Tomatoes credibility is destroyed, and using Sup Forums as an excuse. Nobody cares about this Affirmative Action garbage movie.


Wow that’s exactly why Black Panther does what he does wow so deep Time Magazine wow


>Gaston Chambers
checked and fucking kek

Be a jew or Soygoy slave

God, they really think this is a perfect movie. Will it stand the test of time?

I mean is she actually retarded? She might have more of a point if the entire fucking basis of the movie wasn't based on fictional supertechnology and mysticism. That's like saying Muslim countries wouldn't have to decapitate gays if they could fly to Jupiter in an hour

bro i dont get it

I bet a majority of them didn't even watch it.