Polanski's Rape Victim "Wanted It", Says Tarantino

What a fucking scumbag. I suppose you assholes think that this is "cool". And this on top of nearly killing Uma Thurman, choking her and spitting in her face!

I was the biggest QT fan but I'll never see him films again. Fuck Quentin and fuck YOU for supporting this sick anti-cop, anti-white, pro-(((them))) ASSHOLE!


>Howard Stern: Wait a minute. If you have sex with a 13-year-old girl and you’re a grown man, you know that that’s wrong.
>Robin Quivers: …giving her booze and pills...
>Tarantino: Look, she was down with this.

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This guy HAS to be a Jew. Also, he married an Israeli cunt.

If only Polanski was home when Based Charlie sent his followers over.

>Also, he married an Israeli cunt.

He never married anyone

>Hollywood director is ok with fucking 13 year olds
Seriously, how is this news. Everyone knew that this shit happened in Hollywood even before Weinstein.

Ok you’re right, but he was engaged to this Sephardi goblin:

She's got nice feet I guess.

mein kampf explains all of this.

Are we supposed to be for or against him? I don't know any more.

no he's not that's why he tries extra hard to impress and fit in with them

little shabbos goy faggot tarantino


bump. howard stern interview.

>choking her and spitting in her face!
tell me more user

Italians are all destined to be foot fetish fags like him.

Look at the shape of Italy.

>And this on top of nearly killing Uma Thurman
The spoiled bitch was so lazy she didn't want to do her scene of driving a fucking car not even fast and got pissy wanting a stunt actor for no reason. Driving a fucking car 40mph doesn't need a stunt double then she fucking crashed it like retard probably on purpose to blame the car

He makes amusing movies but there is no excuse in this world for trying to justify child rape.

i would do the same thing to Uma, shes a dumb whore

She would be nothing without Tarantino.

they will find a gene mutation that causes this and then it will be
>woe is me I can't help it, goy

Probably. We have statutory rape laws for a reason, though. Children want lots of things they shouldn't get, like yummy Tide Pods, and babies with no idea how to actually raise them.

she's a dumb 'oven dodger'

why do you assume we defend this creep?

disturbing pic, since it seems (from his movies) that hes a bit of a foot fetishist

I like some of his movies, but there's something obviously wrong with Tarantino in the upstairs department, sexual gratification division.

I prefer Rodriguez anyway

i mean, I believe he shouldnt be at the mercy of the obsessive hate mob that wants to literally kill people.
I also believe statutory rape is an umbrella term to push crime further up the age gate.

This guy was always heavy on degeneracy.

that's not a grown-up's leg

I love QT's


>a bit

He even played a pedo in From Dusk Till Dawn...fantasizing about Juliette Lewis' underage character. He's also closely associated with Weinstein and usually makes a point to include demented torture scenes in his movies. He a fucking sicko, and it's time people quit making excuses for him.


We must Gas these satanic pedo scum with high grade Diesel..

While listening to JONESwave

>Look, she was down with this.

Well I mean if she was down with it...

LOL it doesn't matter if the child wants something, they are a child. Pathetic excuse of a child abuser.

well,, if tarantinos movies are that fucked up.
can't imagine what he does to those children in hes basement

Baba should cameo in the next Tarantino film

>Polanski drugs a 13 year old girl
>proceeds to fuck her
>Tarantino: "She was down with this"

Tarantino has been going off the deep end since Kill Bill. Obsessed with blood and gore and insanely so. The Hateful Eight is what happened when I got my GI Joes together as a kid and they all killed each other. That's all Tarantino was doing in that one. Killing off all his cowboy action figures in the most gruesome ways possible.
And now he's doing a Manson movie, to showcase the murders and violence because he's just that off the chain.
I've kind of despised that retard for awhile. He's famous for borrowing plots and directing styles from older films. And then gorrifying the fuck out of it for shock value.

there is nothing wrong with teens having sex with adults.

>Geimer testified that Polanski provided champagne that they shared as well as part of a quaalude,[19] and despite her protests, he performed oral, vaginal, and anal sex acts upon her,[20][21] each time after being told 'no' and being asked to stop.[12][22][23][24]

>Although Geimer has insisted that the sex was non-consensual, Polanski has disputed this.[25][26]

In addition to be drugged by Polanski, she also repeatedly told him to stop

according to alex jones tarantino tried to kill his then unborn child.

> there is nothing wrong with teens having sex with adults.
Sure there is. Teens are considered children in most places in the world today. And the law says it's very wrong.
Morally it's wrong because it's seen as an adult taking advantage of a very hormonely horny and inexperienced child. That's why we call them predators. They prey on the vulnerable and those that haven't grown to attain any kind of wisdom yet. The predator often doing their thinking for them. That's a parents job. Not a pedo's.

>according to alex jones
Digits don't lie. Usually this phrase is used to preface uncomfortable truths, yet turths none the less.

You expected anything less from a fucking Jew who makes films about murdering whites? Okay.

What happened?

They killed Tate to save the poor child in her from being raised in an elite sex ring.

Tate would share her bed with Polanski and children.

That pic . . . my God, that pic. Pedophiles need to be hunted down and burned.

this son of a bitch fucked top quality turkish pussy for 2 years. her name is didem erol, look ber up

Charles Manson and his 'family' killed polanskis wife

He is correct

>clear red mark around the bunion
>big red mark on the big toe
>varicose veins on the heel
That leg belongs to someone who wears a lot of high heels. My guess is a petite chicana or jungle asian.

That’s a child’s leg


Nothing ipso facto wrong with fucking 13 year olds, but that image seems to represent an actual perversion.

His overt violence has infested almost all modern movies and I hate it now because of how predictable it is.
It's not shocking anymore, it just feels like a way of desensitizing the masses to violent behavior.

Stop being a pussy.

Grow up, insecure child.

>And this on top of nearly killing Uma Thurman, choking her and spitting in her face!

>Look at the shape of Italy.

Does that make everyone in Florida a cocksucker?

Sup Forums sits in a weird position of hating beta rapist men but also hating women so who knows

>implying he's wrong
Women love powerful men, it doesnt matter how or if its "wrong", and they only regret it if everyone else calls them out on it

I hate these fuckers but consensual sex is not rape. Not in real world terms

>doesn’t want to burn people alive on frivolous charges of pedophilia
>is a leaf

let me put my finger in your butt children.

Mr. McFeely, no...

Mmmm yea


Tarantinos always been a deranged faggot. If you couldn't see that in his movies, you're lost.

>And this on top of nearly killing Uma Thurman, choking her and spitting in her face!
this is a lie


13 is more them old enough to decide if she is horny and wants dick. time people grow up.

fuck off ahmed.

i fully support having the governments out of our sex life.13 is a good lay

Some big points left unsaid from "media person"

>there are certain people in Hollywood who want to banish Tarantino. Judd Apatow is a big one. He was also a big one in stirring interest again against Bill Cosby, as was Howard Stern. But Apatow hates Tarantino, has for years. He said nothing when James Franco, whom Apatow discovered, was busted texting a 16-year-old in NYC. He's dove this several times. The Tarantino hit is exactly that, coordinated.

>the Jews would prefer to take down arguably the biggest American gentile director alive, in order to save some face with the dark Weinstein scandal and all the primarily Jewish figures who've been ruined, Dustin Hoffman, Singer, Ratner, Franken, Lauer. But there's more to this Sup Forums. Weinstein is suspected of murdering an actress and former girlfriend of Tarantino, Misty Upham, who was cut from Django Unchained, and allegedly drunkenly gangraped by Weinstein associates at an awards ceremony, in a restroom. Upham began to talk many years ago about this. Her murder is unsolved and Upham's father has alleged it was Weinstein.

>the implication is huge Sup Forums: if Weinstein ordered Upham's murder, who would he use? Well, who did he hire to harass, extort, and spy on many other gentile actresses including Rose McGowan who blew the lid off this to The New Yorker? The Israeli Mossad-staffed security firm called Black Cube.

Here is a murder of a gentile actress with direct ties to Tarantino and Weinstein, that likely involves Israeli Mossad. They have killed inside the United States when high powered Jews are threatened, just as they frequently spy here. So many Jews are desperate to spread the scandal to Tarantino. The fact Tarantino's next movie is partly about Polanski, and portrays him positively, is another sore point among Jews, who don't want to dig up this old scandal, and would rather Polanski and Woody Allen be out to pasture. The Polanski scandal could also torch Jack Nicholson, since the rape occurred at his home.

up tight american love there servitude.

>coming from the leaf
doesn't your country arrest people for calling trannies by their actual gender? i shouldn't even call you a leaf because you're obviously from sandland.

Reminder that the Mother of God was a teenager and God didn't ask her permission first.

I stopped watching his (((films))) ages ago.


Pretty sure Tarantino is beeing blackmailed by some Hollywood kikes.
Look at his early films, they are a-political splattet / trash horror movies.
Then at some point he and his films turned full shabbos goy tier.
Some ((producer)) probably found whatevet is hidden in his basement.


>Uma Thurman, choking her and spitting in her face!

Nah. Hes just a sad cuck. By his own admission he grew up listening to niggers run trains on his mom in the next room. That kind of abandonment by his father, the humiliation and dis-empowerment caused by his mother, would easily lead to arrested development, insecurity, self-loathing, and thus someone who identifies children as sex objects and possibly even sees their abuse as a form of revenge for his own suffering.

Is there actually anyone here that supports that piece of shit faggot?
Magnificent eight was probably the most degenerate film I've ever seen

sounds like you need a safe space.cry somewhere else, like reddit

I'll never watch this sick fuckers films again. In fact, I gave up watching movies and TV and video games in 2016.
Wake the fuck up you fuckos. Go fishing. Snare a rabbit. Pick berries. Do something with your lives.
Varg is right.

and now i literally hate everyone in Hollywood

i thought the killers knew he was peado

Charlie was one of the first people to know about pedowood who wasn't apart of it.
He wanted to kill the perverts because he felt it was right. Look what they did to him. Locked him in a god damn cage.
He wouldn't play their game.

she probably did

Kikes, all thier virtue signaling caused thier whole game to come crashing down and eat itself.

I get what he's saying kinda, there is a difference between rape and a teen having consensual sex with an adult

I bet her pussy tastes like strawberries

I agree with what you said, but I bet he's being blackmailed on top of it all. The nose cabal needs to have as much leverage as possible.

When can we fucking slaughter these fucks? Anons up for a good old stake burning?

leaf slaughtering? dont make us laugh